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Sera zh' Aella

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Everything posted by Sera zh' Aella

  1. Welcome to the fleet!
  2. Sorry fans, for me its Janeway. She was too inconsistent as a character and appeared to be at odds with Chakotay at pivotal times, relieving him of duty on multiple occasions when they disagreed. Perhaps some of that was due to his inexperience as an XO too, but it's certainly not a team I would want to serve under.
  3. Welcome to the fleet! 😃
  4. I really liked the idea that Eerie is a natural with kids. Can we have Eerie running the Gorkon's child daycare centre?
  5. I like a lot of Tarantino films, but my instinctive reaction to him doing a Star Trek film is to grimace at the pairing. There is some small hope, as he seems to be a big fan of Star Trek but I honestly can't see him adjusting his style too much. He did two episodes of CSI about ten years ago and from what I understand they were good but very much in his style. I'll hope for the best but prepare for the worse.
  6. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  7. Congratulations everyone and welcome to the fleet!
  8. Congratulations and Welcome to the fleet!
  9. Alucard Vess Facts
  10. Congratulations and Welcome!
  11. Congratulation and Welcome to the fleet!
  12. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  13. The Commander has since been on a diet and now he weighs a svelte 590lbs
  14. Congratulation and welcome to the fleet!
  15. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  16. Sounds like a fun time
  17. Congratulation and welcome to the fleet!
  18. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  19. Congratulations and Welcome to the fleet!
  20. Congratulations Everyone and welcome to the Fleet!
  21. Congratulations and Welcome to the fleet!
  22. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
  23. Congratulations both and welcome to the fleet!
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