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About Tyrlon

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  • Interests
    Besides Star Trek and Writing? Tabletop RPGs. Most Sci-fi/Fantasy and historical fiction. Kendo. Bass Drum. Food (Nom nom). Mainly being an escapist these days.

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    Not a member of UFOP: SB 118

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Salt this, buddy!

Salt this, buddy! (6/28)



  1. I'll be buying this from Modiphius when it comes out. Wish I had kept the old LUG books (The TNG Player's Guide and Way of D'era especially), as they were some of the best written at the time. Decipher was alright. Unfortunately, I just wonder how many people in my own area will or actually know about this. Seattle sucks for non-official/living campaign games, or anything besides D&D to Pathfinder and World of Darkness stuff. Actually they seem to prefer Card (Magic bleh) and Board/War games. Reckon conventional RPGs from before the internet may go the way of the dodo eventually. Might be nice, but things like Roll20 are still with their own flaws. There's still some draw for face-to-face interaction eh?
  2. May not be the proper Universe, but I'll take it. I know this is similar in some scope to what some of us were hoping for with the original concept of STO, even if in 2D. But bugger all if the kit for this isn't dear to the wallet. Can't afford that, let alone a decent computer. I just hope it's more then a combat simulator? (Doubtful since exploration takes more time and stuff to programme.)
  3. Sorry for necro-ing a few months old poll, but at least it's this year. Well, Riker gave it an actual go. So maybe him?
  4. May not be keen on JJ Trek myself, but I do love the actors from any and all series and movies. (Even ENT.) As you all have stated, Urban's McCoy is so spot-on and wonderful throughout each film. Pegg's my geek hero and I'm glad he helped write Beyond, but his Scotty has just been...whiny? Or is that just me. And not in the good Taysider way. On a different note I'm sad to know Yelchin is gone. Would have liked to seen him do more in the role. My two credits. I'll go hide again. Interesting poll.
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