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Everything posted by Valoru

  1. Congrats and welcome everyone!
  2. Congrats and welcome to the community!
  3. Welcome to the community, friends!
  4. Welcome, everyone!
  5. I voted Shran because, well, Blue. And that actor plays a lovely, nasty badguy. I would have chosen Q or maybe even Lore, but I'll stick to Shran.
  6. Congrats all - welcome to the fleet!
  7. Valoru likes piloting small, nimble ships, so a Saber or Defiant would be nice. Although his body is a martial machine, he would prefer a bit more versatility in the Saber. Or, can we just get him a Rhode Island retrofitted with pew pew instead of sciency stuffs?
  8. Welcome @Pholin!
  9. Welcome to the community, friends!
  10. For some reason, I don't mind the Klingon changes all that much. It's a bit strange to me why they would do it, but it is not as jarring to me. I am a bit more concerned about "technology" changes (ENT's ship looking better than TOS, "space snowglobe station" in the Kelvin timeline, etc). Yeah our movie-making tech gets better, but sometimes it goes a bit far. Some can argue plot reasons (snowglobe is because of Nero!) but in general it's gotten a bit silly and takes away from the movie a bit for me. Ok, so bit of a tangent. I could use the same argument above for Klingons, but other than the big shift from TOS -> TNG the changes have not been enough for me to be bothered.
  11. Wow, a big bunch. Welcome to the community folks!
  12. Glad to be back, thanks all, and thanks to Sevo/Skyfire and the others who helped in the Academy!
  13. I voted "Other/Other" as I am not a fan of crossovers. I don't really have anything against them, I just don't care for them and choose not to put my imagination there. No rage, just apathy.
  14. Welcome to the community, friend!
  15. I need more input before I can vote, actually. As I grow in my own leadership journey professionally and in faith, I realize that a true leader is a delegator, an instiller of trust, a servant. Picard has always been my favorite captain and character in Trek as he has an excellent presence (thanks to P-Stew) and is decisive and fervent for what the Federation stands for. But is he a great leader? Does he serve his crew? Does he lead them to their own success? Perhaps that is not as applicable in a military setting, but I am not so sure he is the poster image for "leadership". So do any of the other captains inspire and instill and empower better than Picard? I would argue Kirk is probably similar in style, just rougher around the edges, but I know very little in this area about the other three captains.
  16. Tea, Oolong, Hot.
  17. Wow, excellent find. Can't wait to see more reviews!
  18. Congratulations, Mish/Quinn! And glad to be here!
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