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Daniel Cain

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Daniel Cain last won the day on October 20 2019

Daniel Cain had the most liked content!

About Daniel Cain

  • Birthday 06/26/1986

Personal information

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  • Player's Pronouns
    He / Him
  • Interests
    Video games, reading, my kids.

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Constitution
  • Current Post
    Security Officer

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Daniel Cain's Achievements

Posting Fiend

Posting Fiend (10/28)



  1. Thanks everyone! Great to be back. Looking forward to the madness!
  2. Cain as the Lizard Man..... Wait? Are we straying into Warhammer territory here??
  3. DS9 is my favourite for this very reason. I believe that this series above all the others focused on the every day aspect of life in Starfleet and the relationships in it were better played and written. Like others have said, Julian and Garak were the best representations of that, with Julian and Miles close behind in my opinion.
  4. There's a little bit of psycho I confess....

  5. Toni Lupo. Good engineer in and out of Character Thank you!
  6. Did that work for you? all I see is a black cross with the file name next to it
  7. Sorry don't know whats wrong, cant get the image to display in the post so I just put the URL in.
  8. http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php/File:DanielCainGraphics_Contest.png
  9. How do you get the image in the post? I have done one in MS Paint, and cannot fathom how to do it.
  10. can it be a 2 people effort or does it have to be solo. The reason I ask is that I have a really good idea and can see it in my mind, however my graphic skills are somewhat lacking, and that's me been modest!
  11. Does it have to be about our Characters or can it be about anyone from Star trek?
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