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Ens. T Brei

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Ens. T Brei last won the day on December 14 2014

Ens. T Brei had the most liked content!

About Ens. T Brei

  • Birthday September 12

Personal information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Writing, simming, Audio Dramas: Star Trek Grissom Audio, Star Trek Ranger, Star Trek Valkyrie and Novo Babylonia. Star Trek Fan Films: Project Potemkin, Star Trek Reliant. Cosplay, Costuming for charity. http://www.trekspace.org/profile/RendaCarr
    I have been writing for RPGs since we called them Round Robins and mailed them around via the Postal Service. I really enjoy a good solid Character who has the experience and qualifications to handle her MOS, without having to constantly bother the other Officers in the department.

    I like a my characters to be able to meet a challenge and help resolve problems be it Patient Care, or a Waitress , Hostess, Club owner, I do not like to play 'Greenhorns' played a many of a green horn in my day.

    I do love diverse roles, nothing like a great Reporter in a Metropolis, or a Bar Owner who is a Shape Shifter.

    Real Life can have a lot of stresses! I RPG to have fun.

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    StarBase 118 Operations
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Ens. T Brei's Achievements

Roleplaying Groupie

Roleplaying Groupie (14/28)



  1. Scored 100 percent on ASVAB Battery Tests!

  2. Star Trek Renegades are a great group of people. So are the Farragut folks.
  3. Adding pertinent information to Character Biography.

  4. >Ma etek natyan — teretuhr lau etek shetau weh-lo'uk do tum t'on<. we have differences. may together become greater than the sum of both us.>

  5. Top of the World.

  6. Congratulations to you all, Welcome to the Fleet!
  7. Court Martial Captain Raj Blueheart? Absolute Elephant Dung, and the Romulans know that. "SMEH"

  8. Waiting for Spring to arrive, finds cold weather disagreeable. ;)

  9. Footbal, and taking down decorations!

  10. Awesome, Congratulations to all the Winners! Ren
  11. Jimmy Doohan once cared enough to keep tabs on a very skinny- very ill girl that he described as "The Fragile One" holding up her hand....... During a Question and Answer secession. And George. Those two are wonderful people, They are and were. They actually cared enough to get to know you not just sign a photo take 100 bucks and move you on....
  12. Congratulations Grads! Welcome to the fleet.
  13. That's okay, we won't be shunned they need us to much And I fully intend to have fun and soon will have some more Star Trek Fan Film news, Doctor Maura Drake, CMO USS Potemkin is about to boldly go to a new assignment. I am so excited, details in a few... Renda aka T'Brei "That's Drake, Ensign. Remember it, fear the name if you ever fail to keep your physical appointment." ~ Maura Drake, CMO Potemkin.... A Fan Film...
  14. I love B-5! I am in a costuming/charity group Klingon A. Group but I don't have K character yet. So, they ask me to join as my Ambassador Delenn Char. My ship chapter in KAG is Whitestar Nine.
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