Alana Devar
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Everything posted by Alana Devar
((Here… But not really… )) ::Even though my parents never married, I knew that they loved me and each other. I wanted for basically nothing, only the desire to see each more, but I understood at a very young age that a person's duty bound them to things. Despite that, I knew that their bond with me was stronger, their duty as my parents, and it never had to be vocally stated. It simply was.:: ::I was sheltered to an extent as a child. We would spend almost every Christmas in a cabin in the Rockies, removed from Starfleet and duty, huddled in our winter coats, watching the snow, and sitting by an old-time fireplace singing and exchanging gifts over hot chocolate and dishes from recipes that originated from across the sea of stars. We enjoyed getting away from it all and spending time as a family.:: ::In one cherished memory, I remember standing, the crispy tundra underneath my boots, catching snowflakes with my tongue as my dad lifted me to his shoulders, his blue eyes smiling tenderly, happily. To bring me closer to the deep purples and blues that tinted the sky, he said. I would stretch my arms and pretend that I could touch the peaks of the mountains, that I was just as tall. My mom would watch, her smile wide, covered in what seemed to be ten layers of shirts, pants and an oversized parka. She never handled the cold well.:: ::Cold.:: ::This place was cold and I trembled.:: ::So was death, the idea of it. I thought the three of us were unstoppable, empowered by my mother's and my grandfather's tales of the El-Aurians. I thought we could live forever. That time in this moment would simply remain the same, constant, never changing.:: ::I trembled.:: ::I could still hear the beeping of machines. The vision of my paling father resting in the hospital bed he would later pass away in. His hand holding mine as he struggled to breath. His eyes always remained the same. Smiling, tenderly at me with happiness, even as his body deteriorated. I was young, unaffected by death, and then it hit me like a bullet.:: ::And I trembled, crying, cold.:: ::Death was cold.:: ::Cold.:: ((Present: Bilire IV, Reaper's Unreality)) ::Just like this room…:: ::Aribelle felt her mind slipping and she struggled to fight the surge of memories that flooded her as she patted down the concrete walls, her body cold, drenched from water and in pain.:: Tagren: Where am I? What is this place? Dodhun: It is your worst nightmare. Tagren: My… worst nightmare? ::It did not register. She mulled over it in her brain, which was still fuzzy, in a haze. She shivered, teeth chattering. She thought to press her communicator, her fingers in pain from the cold, but was greeted by nothing. Instantly, she closed her eyes and rode out all the emotions she was feeling in that moment. Slowly, memories started to come back to her. Of the water, rushing into the hospital, of it overpowering her, the turbulent waters taking her over.:: ::She should have died.:: ::Maybe she did.:: ::Cold, she trembled.:: ::Is she was dead, would she be able to feel this much pain? This much cold? Still feel wet? Still feel fear? She could not think…:: Tagren: oO Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me… Oo ::With a sense of purpose, Tagren straightened herself up, still shaking.:: Tagren: Let me out of here! ::No answer.:: Tagren: Hello? ::No answer. The ominous presence had faded, but that did not leave Aribelle any less terrified. There was something so wrong, unreal about this whole thing. Breathing and coughing up more water, Aribelle twisted around and tried to walk, to the other side of the cell, the light flickering in and out above her. Just as she stretched her arms to touch the other wall, she lost her footing and fell forward onto the floor, the side of her face cracking onto the concrete. As she faded into unconsciousness, blood pooled slowly around her head, soaking into her already wet fiery colored hair.:: TBC Dr. Aribelle "Ari" Tagren Ensign, Medical Officer USS Tiger-A
Where's the best Star Trek fan art?
Alana Devar replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in Trek Discussion
I did fan art of specific UFOP characters back during my Independence days that you welcome to use. I think there may be some lingering on the wiki somewhere of Anassasi and Rocar, perhaps others. -
(( Commander Brunsig's Stationside Quarters )) ::Methodical. Organised. Cuff links right side in. Cuff links left side in. Pull formal jacket on and tug at sleeves. ::Look in mirror. Straighten formal jacket. Frown. Pick up comb and straighten down two tufts of hair that keep threatening to make you look like the devil. While you're at it, check hair for grey. ::Turn around, and let the music take you. Barak-Kadan, the veritable Don Giovanni of Klingon Opera. After a minute, speak.:: Brunsig: Computer, music off. ::The music abruptly stops. One more look in the mirror, then turn and leave.:: (( Lieutenant Commander Reynolds' Personal Quarters )) ::Rushed. Disorganised. Earring right side in. No idea where left one is. Dash around office looking for it while assistant tries to finish tying back of dress. Finally find it underneath coffee table. Earring left side in. ::Look in the mirror. Fuss with dress. Frown. Consider rearranging hair, but catch sight of Tsao's poker face and decide more than life's worth to ruin her handiwork. Fuss with dress again. ::Turn around and let Tsao inspect appearance. Earn an approving nod. Feel like a lamb to the slaughter.:: Reynolds: I guess I'm ready to go. ::Pick up clutch bag. One more look in the mirror, sigh, then turn and leave.:: (( The Promenade )) ::Proceed without hurry. No need to hurry as there's plenty of time. See a few of the station staff. Geeva. Reed. Ramirez. Scowl at him. Nod at the others. ::In your mind, hum the last tune of Barak-Kadan. Then realise, with annoyance, that you were humming it out aloud, and that Ensign looked at you oddly. How will you do in a diplomatic situation if you can't even keep you mind on walking quietly, [...]it? ::You pass a bar. Why not, you think. You've got at least fifteen minutes before you're supposed to be at the doors of the opera. ::Enter the bar, and hold up a finger, indicating a shot of whiskey synthahol. Not, by any means your drink of choice, but you're on duty after all.:: (( Elsewhere on the Promenade )) ::Proceed in a barely concealed fluster. Try not to trip over stupidly long outfit. See a few of the station staff. Geeva. Ventu. Webb. Avoid Webb. Faint smile at the others. ::In your mind, go over the plan for the evening. Then realise, with embarrassment, that you were mumbling to yourself and just earned a very odd look from a passing Bolian. How are you going to be a decent spy if you can't even think quietly? ::You pass a bar. Can't hurt, you think. Maybe you can trick your brain into gaining some Dutch Courage from the synthahol. ::Enter the bar, and hold up a finger, indicating a shot of whiskey synthahol. Something's better than nothing, and you're hoping for the placebo effect, after all.:: (( In the Bar )) ::You take a sip and look around you. Thousands of people on a massive station and why do they all have to be in your face? Frown at a crewman looking at you. He looks away quickly. ::Drain the glass, and ask for another. Klingon opera you can stand. Dealing with people, you can't.:: (( Elsewhere in the bar )) ::Knock back synthehol. Wrinkle nose. None of the flavour, none of fun. You wonder why you bothered in the first place.:: Reynolds: Another, please. ::You remember some quote about insanity being the repetition of the same action while expecting a different result.:: (( In the Bar )) ::You drain the last of the fluid and grimace. They can put a space ship hundreds and thousands of times the speed of light, but they can't yet make a passable whiskey synathol. ::You stand, and move out.:: (( Elsewhere in the Bar )) ::Polish off another. Decide you really should get going. Sigh. Slide off barstool and nearly trip over hem of dress. Decide to murder Tsao later on in the evening.:: ::Pause outside bar for a moment. You debate the best place to meet with Ramirez before heading inside.:: ((Outside the bar.)) ::As you leave, you bump into someone. You turn to scowl to see it's... ((Outside the bar)) ...Walter? Even as you take a step away, you can't help but think... ((Outside the bar)) ...that she looks lovely tonight, her hair swept back and... ((Outside the bar)) ...he really does look *good* in a suit.:: ((Outside the bar)) Brunsig: Commander Reynolds. Reynolds: Sir. ((Outside the bar)) ::Just for a second as you depart, you look over your shoulder. Then mind back on the job.:: ((Outside the bar)) ::A few steps down the corridor and you steal a glance over your shoulder. A small smile, a shake of the head, and a mental reminder to yourself that you really have more important things to be thinking about tonight.:: -- Commander Walter Brunsig Executive Officer, Starbase 118 Fleet Operations Commanding Officer, USS Hargraves. & Lieutenant Commander Quinn Reynolds Chief Intelligence Officer Starbase 118 Ops
(( Holo Ballroom, 1928 hours )) :: Michael walked away from Santa Clause and his companion and headed towards the centre of the room. He noticed what looked to be Tinkerbell. Her blue eyes shone through her ice green mask brightly. :: Ice Prince: ::extending his hand and speaking in an Italian accent:: Vuoi ballare con me? (Would you like to dance?) Snow Tink: I'd love to! :: She reached out and grabbed Michael's hand quickly as she turned around to glance at a woman wearing a white dress with hints of purple, blue, silver and crystal shimmering accents translucent wings. The handsome Sicilian walked behind Snow Tink, holding her hand behind her. When they reached the centre of the room, he raised hand above her head allowing her to spin on her toes elegantly until they faced one another. They stood in the middle of the hall, soft lighting shining on them. He held her close, his hands on the small of her back, as he led the slow dance. :: Ice Prince: ::whispers to her:: So Tinkerbell, how is Neverland? Snow Tink: Much more promising now that you have arrived. :: She smiled up at him. Wow, those eyes! He was tall and well built. And smelled like... mmm .. like a man. She sighed appreciatively.:: Ice Prince: My kingdom is grand. I shall send a convoy if you ever wish to visit. I shall construct a house made of ice just for you. Snow Tink: :: She giggled.:: You are too cute. :: They chatted as they danced and the more they talked, the more she liked him. He was easy going, charming as all get out and by far one of the most handsome man she's seen since she arrived on the Eagle. His manners were impeccable, his sense of humour; irresistible and that smile, down-right seductive. The fact that he thought she was attractive was not lost on her yet he never made her feel like an object. She never felt uncomfortable with his flirtations because somehow, despite not being a telepath or empathy, she just knew that he'd always be a gentleman..:: :: Michael opened up his arms, spinning the snow pixie away from him. He held on to her hand as he gentle brought her spinning back to him on her toes, their dance moves were impressive and soon gathered an audience.:: Snow Tink: You're a great dancer. Most men hate dancing and seriously lose out because of it, I can tell you. So, handsome stranger, what brings you to the ball? Ice Prince: Well, my Kingdom requires a Queen. Since I'm next in line for the throne, I'm seeing if there is a suitable woman to help me rule the wintry worlds! Snow Tink: Really? Is that all? :: She laughed. The bells on her costume jingly as she did so.:: Ice Prince: ::amused at the jingling bells:: oO Isn't she charming! Oo Yes, that is all, nothing major, haha. Snow Tink: So, tell me, do you have a happy thought? Ice Prince: My thoughts are always happy. Right now, I'm thinking how much fun it would be build a snowman and perhaps s have a snowball fight with you. ::twirls Snow Tink:: Snow Tink: That is a very happy thought! :: She laughed again, sending her many bells a jingling. She was having a great time. Now all she had to do was figure out who was this mysterious Ice Prince.:: :: The slow song ended and the pair separated from one another. :: Ice Prince: ::He holds her hand, brings it to his lips and kisses it:: It was a pleasure to have this dance with you m'lady. ::He moves in closer and whispers in her ear:: I wonder why your pulse was so high? ::He was holding onto her hand, feeling her pulse on her radial artery. He smiled at her seductively as he stepped back.:: Snow Tink: Because, I am dancing with a handsome prince, of course. :: The Ice Prince winks and then bows to the blonde haired woman and dramatically turns away, his long white robe swirling behind him as he does. He did not want to give his identity away. He wanted to remain a mystery as long as possible in this ingeniously crafted event. Hopefully until midnight. :: A Joint Sim brought to you by; Ice Prince; Simmed by ACTO Michael Valentino USS Eagle. & Yeoman Julie Ekespees (Snow Tink) As simmed by Counselor Emmalyne A. Scott USS Eagle.
Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet! Remo, I seem to remember you from before. Glad to see you made your way back! Missed ya!
(( Holodeck One )) :: She waited just outside of holo-deck one for the doctor to arrive. She had said she wanted it done and over with which had disappointed Emmalyne a bit. After all, she used to be a counselor; you would think she would be more willing. Oh well, perhaps there was a reason she left counseling. Why did everyone wish to avoid evaluations and counselors, she wondered. Sometimes she felt like a pariah. She grinned and tossed her head a bit saucily. No matter, she loved her job and was able to help a lot of people as well as maintain the mental health of even more that then never had problems so, all in all, a good thing. She caught sight of the doctor approaching.:: ::Emirry approached the holodeck. She never liked seeing counselors... which was strange, because she loved being a counselor and how she could help people with counseling methods. She sighed to herself. Em had stopped trying to figure out why she disliked counseling appointments and had started figuring out how to avoid them. No dice this time though...:: Scott: Doctor MacGowan, I hope the hour was not inconvenient for you. You did say as soon as possible. :: Her smile was kind, but also merry.:: MacGowan: ::Em smiled.:: It's no problem. ::She might have disliked having to be here, but Scott was only doing her job. No reason to take it out on her.:: I've come prepared as well. Scott: You have your program, excellent; will you tell me a bit about it before we proceed? MacGowan: ::Emirry paused. How to do that...:: It's based on an ancient concept that each of us have our own inner temple, normally reached through meditation. This program is my baby. I worked on it for two years to get everything just right and full of detail. It's a recreation of my personal inner temple. Scott: I can hardly wait, shall we? :: The experience would be interesting she was sure. The doctor had been a counselor, which always made them either more apt to go to extremes; either by trying to evaluate themselves for you, or clamming up and not giving you anything with which to work. Emmalyne could already sense the wall around the doctor.:: MacGowan: I suppose we shall. ::Emirry tapped a few commands and loaded the program. When the computer chirped to signal that it was ready, the two women entered.:: ::The doors closed behind them and they were enveloped in the program. It was almost surreal. The two stood in the center of a small dance studio. It was full of natural light and a cool breeze, though there were no windows to be seen. One wall of the studio was mirror covered and then other was where the balance bar was. These things however, seemed to not affect the pattern of evenly space doors and passageways.:: MacGowan: This room, the center for me personally is where I've always felt most calm, level-headed, and collected. The dance studio. ::She paused.:: Each door is a portal into a different part of a person. When the inner temple is reached in meditation, it's said the doors lead to things like your spirit animal or past life memories. ::She looked around at her own creation.:: MacGowan: Things are a little different here. Would you like the tour? Scott: Most definitely, I am very intrigued. I have always found dance to be a great form of exercise and expression myself. :: She smiled. She was familiar with and held the concept to be valid, though she had never really attempted to create her own inner temple in such a manner. She had a few different programs to reflect different moods. MacGowen, had really taken and run with it and she was impressed.:: MacGowan: ::Emirry walked over to the first "door". It was actually strings of beads covering a doorway, the strings were unaffected by the breeze. Emirry lightly pulled the beads aside.:: This is my dream beach. ::The space beyond the door was beautiful. The sand was white and the sea was bright blue.:: I love the water, and beaches have always been my favorite places. I go there to relax. Scott: You can hardly find a better place to relax than a beautiful beach on a warm sunny day. :: The scent of the salt air was a nice touch.:: MacGowan: ::The next door was made our of dark thick wood.:: This leads to my home in Washington. I go there when all I want to do is retreat. Scott: Your safe place. :: As such Emmalyne did not ask to get a peek inside.:: MacGowan: ::Emirry moved on quickly. She moved to the next door. It was set into the mirrored wall. This door was very different; it was cold and made of harsh metal. it was a very imposing piece.:: Inside there... the computer basically loads a very intense training program I have. I do a form of martial arts that is hardly artistic. But it is very useful. That and the program helps me blow off steam and center. Scott: :: Nodding her understanding.:: MacGowan: ::The next doorway was on the other side of the mirrored wall. This doorway was blocked only by a red velvet curtain.:: That is the stage. ::She paused.:: I've never felt happier then when I was performing. Scott: Your happy place. :: She smiled.:: And what do you perform on that stage? MacGowan: Music mainly. But I dabbled in acting. Scott: Another thing we have in common it seems. I very much enjoy singing and acting, though usually it was just for play for family and friends. However the queen happened to be at one of our sex performances and requested a court appearance. Since that time she has requested me on several occasions and you cannot very well refuse the queen on something like that, you see. MacGowen ::Emirry smiled.:: I would imagine not. ::Emirry moved to yet another door. It was made out of bamboo.:: Inside there is a lush forest with a large tree stump sat in a small clearing. It's the perfect spot for meditation. ::There was one last doorway. In front of it hung the blackest of black curtains. From underneath the curtain a faint fog could be seen...:: MacGowan: Welcome to my world counselor. Scott: It is most impressive. Each room has some specific representation, yet can be utilized in more than the one way. :: She noticed that MacGowen did not say anything about the black draped door way.:: Have you completed then, or is it still a work in progress? MacGowen: It's complete. For now. Should something within me change, this program would have to reflect that. I try and keep it up to date. Scott: :: Nodding again.:: I am glad. I would have been concerned if you said it was complete. MacGowen: ::Emirry fought back a grin.:: And why would that be? Scott: Now, who is evaluating who here, Dcotor? :: She grinned with a knowing look.:: You know as well as I do that if you had said it was complete, it would indicate the possibility of some issues such as inflexibility, an unwillingness to deal with change and possibly a stagnation of personal growth. MacGowen: ::Funny how she hit on something Em had been feeling for awhile without even realizing it. Emirry was not inflexible. It just seemed like the things around her and stopped developing, despite her best efforts.:: A diagnosis I would have come to myself, well done. ::She smiled lightheartedly.:: Scott: Thank you. :: a gracious nod on her head along with a heart-felt smile.:: It is always most difficult to evaluate and counselor, is it not? ::Not waiting for an answer, as they both knew it was, she looked at the last unmentioned door.:: You did not say what was behind the black curtain. Is it an as yet unexplored area or, more likely, your darker side? MacGowen: Niether, counselor. Scott: :: There was no prodding, she simply waited for her to go on.:: ::Emirry didn't look at the door, or the counselor. Emirry always thought that good counselors should be met with honesty, so here went nothing.:: MacGowan: That houses events that occurred in my life. Events I choose not to revisit unless necessary. Scott: I take it from your tone that these are painful events. MacGowan: ::She sighed and crossed her arms.:: Have you read my complete file, Ms.Scott? Scott: To be honest, no. I usually do not read the full file until after the first evaluation as I do not wish to cloud my perceptions with the conclusions of others. I prefer to come to my own conclusions and then compare them to the file afterward. MacGowan: In it, is a previous evaluation that holds a line of particular note. There are events that have occurred in my life that will never see the inside of a counselor's office. Events that rarely ever graze the ears of anyone. Call it what you will, unproductive, unhealthy, I've heard it before. I stand by my choice. ::Emirry truly hoped she had not come off as brash or rude, it had not been her intention. But the events stored in that place were hers and hers alone.:: Scott: :: There was no immediate response as Emmalyne took a moment to carefully structure her next words.:: Doctor, I am not sure what others would have you do but I am not about to press you to visit events in your life that you are not willing to visit. That is not my purpose.. :; a slight pause :: at this time. Also, it seems to me that you have dealt with these events in some form. :: nods to the curtain.:: I do not think it any more healthy to dwell on then to ignore the past, good, bad or indifferent. If, however, you ever find you need to talk about what is in there, then I shall certainly be here for you. MacGowen: ::Emirry fell silent. Truth be told she hadn't dealt with them. At all. Never even touched them. That was the purpose of the room, to lock them away somewhere they wouldn't have to be dealt with...:: Scott: You are surprised I am not eager to learn all your deep dark secrets? :: She smiled with a kind honesty.:: I will admit I am curious, but, I am not heartless, nor ruthlessly pursuing to publish some paper at your expense. My instinct is to render aid. That aid will be useless unless it is wanted. The only time I might insist is in an extreme case where you became much changed and I feared for you. I firmly believe, that as long as one is not being detrimental to either oneself or those around you, that one should deal with things as they feel they are able. MacGowan: ::Emirry looked at her, almost studying the younger woman. Perhaps Em had finally become good at hiding these things. :: Well I appreciate that. Scott: Trust me, I observe all the time and if I note a problem, I will pursue it in order to help the one who needs help, not because I am nosey. I really would rather no one had horrible things happen to them that caused them such great pain. I would wish for a perfectly wonderful life for everyone, but, that is not reality. Reality deals many blows and my desire as a counselor is to help those who are hit hard and stumble to rise and walk tall again. :: Her passion for her work was obvious in her and the reason why she chose her path was good and true and she figured the doctor knew what she meant. She wished more than anything to ease suffering, not increase it, not take advantage of it and certainly not profit from some else's pain. The righteous conviction of her words sparkled in her amethyst eyes.:: MacGowan: ::Emirry nodded.:: I see where you're coming from. ::Emirry thought for a moment, had she ever really stood and walked tall after those two marked events?:: :: They stood quiet for a moment and then she tilted her head and posed a question.:: Scott: I understand that you actually missed much of the last mission due to an illness. Are you completely recovered now? MacGowan: Yes, thankfully. Scott: That is good. You enjoy your work, yes? MacGowan: oO For the most part. Oo Absolutely. Scott: And is there anything on your mind that you do wish to discuss? MacGowan: No. ::It was time to lighten the mood. She could see the woman was uncomfortable. There would come a time when she had to deal with whatever haunted her, but that time was not yet here.:: Scott: Will you play something for me? I would love to hear you. MacGowan: ::Emirry gave a small smile.:: Sure. ::She stepped through the red velvet curtain and held it open for the counselor to follow. The stage was bare, but very large. The lights were on so the audience portion of the theatre was barely visible. Off on the far side of the stage stood a piano that seemed a little old. Emirry didn't walk towards it though. Instead she pulled up to stools for them to sit on and opened the guitar case leaning on a near by wall. It was a simple acoustic, hardly anything compared to Em's actually instrument. But, she preferred it that way.:: MacGowan: ::She sat on one of the stools and positioned the guitar.:: Have a seat. ::She smiled.:: ::When the two were sitting comfortably (or as comfortable as one could be on the little seats) Emirry began to play. Her fingers moved swiftly and gracefully over the lower-toned strings producing an intricate rich melody. Her eyes closed as the sound filled the acoustically wonderful room. It was clear to see the emotion that went into each note and each variance of the melody. Em loved playing and didn't do it nearly often enough.:: MacGowan: ::The melody came to an end and Em looked up.:: I'm no virtuoso, but I do what I can. Scott: You play very well, Doctor MacGowen. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of hearing you play. MacGowan: ::She stood and put the guitar back in its proper place. Without turning to look back at Scott, Em spoke quietly.:: I don't want you to have the wrong idea. For some reason, I feel I can't be dishonest with you. Those few events in my life that I choose to keep locked in that room, I haven't dealt with them. Despite the fact that it's been years... ::She sighed and turned around.:: MacGowan: Well, if that's all I should be getting back to sickbay. Scott: I think we have done all we can here. Before you go, however, I would like to say this - I said you have dealt with it in some form, not that I felt you had come to terms with it completely. So far you have managed quite well, despite whatever it is that you have hidden behind the black curtain. At some point, when you feel you are able, you will have to face it in order to conquer it so that it does not conquer you. Do not let it taint or control the rest of your life. And I hope when you do need to face it, you will have someone you trust right there beside you. :: She checks the time and her brows raise with surprise.:: Scott: And I hate to evaluate and run, but I have a meeting with the Captain in a few minutes. Please excuse me. :: She headed for the door then stopped and turned to MacGowen.:: Scott: I am here if you do need me. :: She reiterated before slipping out of the holo-deck.:: Counselor Emmalyne A. Scott USS Eagle And Doctor Emirry Rayn MacGowen USS Eagle
((Starboard Umbilical, DS-285)) ::Tyr watched as Toni said goodbye to the crew. He stood quietly, unassumingly, off to the side, obscured behind one of the bulkheads and with his head lowered. His long hair obscured his eyes, which were focused on the floor. He knew that the news he'd broken to her...perhaps that was the best word to use-broken...had shaken her to her core. Still, bravely, she had the strength to say goodbye to those she had served with, and to his surprise, the strength to speak with him as well. When she approached him, he looked her squarely in the eye, attempting to gauge her emotions.:: ::Toni's eyes fell gently on Tyr as the others left. And after an awkward moment, she spoke quietly:: TURNER: You have to be proud of them. They are a great crew. WALTAS: I have always been and will always be proud of them. They're my family. They're going to be missing a member now, though. You've become part of us. TURNER: Yes, they made my time here very enjoyable, as did you. WALTAS: I just wish it could have ended on a better note, Toni. I think... ::He paused as another form, walking slowly and stiffly with pain, made her way through the now-quiet group of crew. She was dressed in her Starfleet uniform but a very noticeable sling was on her arm and a bandage protruded from the top of her loosened collar. Daisha kept her dark eyes fixed on her father and Toni, her face attempting to hide the pain. She noticed a few heads turn as she made her way to her father.:: DAISHA: I wanted to say goodbye, Doctor. And thank you. ::Toni was so touched that she had come to see her off, she couldn't help but want to hug her. Carefully she wrapped one arm around her good shoulder. She was definitely Tyr's daughter. Her caring was exactly like his.:: TURNER: No need to thank me, I didn't do anything. It was a pleasure getting to know you. ::letting her go:: You take care of yourself so you can heal properly. DAISHA::Smiling:: I'm sure we'll meet again. TURNER: We will... ::whispering:: Take care of your Dad. Now go get some rest. ::Turning slowly, Daisha made her way out of the Constitution and to the nearest turbolift.:: OOC: Anyone's welcome to chat with Daisha. ::Tyr watched her go, his chest swelling with pride at the effort his daughter had made to say goodbye to a shipmate. He could tell with a single look that she was still in a great deal of pain, and made a mental note to check on her as soon as he was on-station. Finally, his eyes fell on the Fearless, berthed at the station. He was reminded of one of the old earth movies where the two friends, who were more than friends but weren't, were saying goodbye and the taxi had just pulled up.:: TURNER: Escort me to the Fearless? WALTAS::Reaching for her bag, he shouldered it:: I'd be happy to. ::They walked in silence for a few moments, Tyr's eyes straight ahead, searching for words that would somehow reassure her or at least soothe what he was certain was abject pain.:: :: With every step closer to the Fearless, Toni felt the tears building. Tears for having to say goodbye to the Discovery Crew, tears for her loss, and tears for what she was going home to face.:: WALTAS: You know our thoughts and prayers go with you, Toni. TURNER: ::Quietly:: Yes, I know. And I hope you know mine will always be with you and your crew too. I'll never forget any of you. WALTAS::Sighing, his eyes grew distant, recalling his own pain in relationships past:: If there's one thing I've learned it's never say never. Things have a way of working themselves out when you least expect them to. TURNER: Yes, with time I'll find a way to go on without Heath. I have to look after Vee and ... quite honestly, I don't know what to do or where I'll end up taking her. I know I have to make a life for her. She deserves that. WALTAS: Well, if it helps, you'll always have a home on Discovery..::Pausing, he met her eyes:: And you will always have a friend in me. ::Spontaneously, she hugged him. Not in passion, but genuine love and affection for the dear friend she had come to care so much about.:: TURNER: And you have one in me too. Take care, Tyr. :: Hurrying to go before he saw her tears, she took her bag onto the Fearless. But she took with her a lot more than that. Friendships she would cherish for the rest of her life, and the memory of a love that could have been. =========================== Captain Tyr Waltas Commanding Officer USS Discovery -and- Lt. Commander Toni Turner Acting CMO USS Constitution
Glad to have you back!
This is a well written sim; the emotion can be felt while reading it. Great piece of work!
All I can say is WOW. Incredible sim!
((Risa)) ::It was there last night on Risa. Emirry had had a wonderful, fulfilling trip. She had shopped with Arista, danced with Jayda, and gone down to the shore with Ashley. Nothing could make for a better vacation. Well, almost nothing...:: ::On this cool night, Em could be found in her hotel room, lounging on the balcony. It was nice, but a little boring. She wanted to go do something tonight. It felt anticlimactic to just lay there. No matter how beautiful the Risan evening was.:: ::Going back into the main part of her room, she slipped off her sun dress and put on her new monokini she had bought here. She put on a light slip, it was black and made of a sheer fabric that floated a bit in the breeze. Looking into the mirror she loosing did the tie around her waist. Em was almost happy with how she looked. The bathing suit was cute and the slip she wore over it gave the look a little intrigue.:: ::Em slipped into a pair of strappy sandals and headed out of her room. On her way, she took down her hair. It fell in waves over her shoulders and was for the most part untamed. Emirry wasn't totally sure what she wanted to do yet, but she figured she could take a walk until she figured it out.:: ::The night was perfect. The air was cool and the breeze was light. The stars shone brightly in the sky. Emirry sighed contently as she walked through the grounds of the hotel. She could be content doing this tonight, just walking and watching. But it was when she thought that, that an even better idea presented itself.:: ::Not far off lay Daydan, quietly dozing on a lounge chair, totally undisturbed. A small, mischievous grin came to Emirry's lips. She walked over, careful not to make a lot of noise. Gently, she sat on the small bit of lounge chair she could.:: ::She leaned over, bits of her long hair failing forward, and kissed him. It was a simple, tender kiss, but when she felt him stir Em raised the intensity a bit. She ran her hand over his chest, and let the kiss linger on.:: ::Finally, she pulled away, but just enough for her to slide down a bit and rest her head on his chest. The warmth that resinated from him was comforting, and intoxicating. She got a little more comfortable there against him and with only the light of the night sky, not to mention Em's hair covering most her face, she wondered if he had realized who she was...:: MacGowan: ::She didn't bother speaking.:: oO It's dangerous to lay out in the open on Risa like this... You never know who might come along. Oo Lt.Cmdr. Emirry Rayn MacGowan Chief Medical Officer USS Eagle
I agree. Great sim!
Graduating Class of 238506.16
Alana Devar replied to FltCapt. Sidney Riley's topic in Graduation Hall
Welcome to the Fleet! -
Welcome to the Fleet!
((The Eagles Nest - USS Eagle (Starbase 118) )) ::After Captain Taboo had given his speech he approached Victoria and Lah'rel after speaking to some of the crew on the way, when he reached them he simply smiled warmly nodding to his Ex First Officer... :: Taboo: How are you feeling Victoria, you look much better than the last time I saw you... Yladro: :: Quickly Poking her tounge out..:: It was touch and go there for a while, Doctor MacGowan said they lost me for a while back there... Keely: Again... It's a miracle this girl is still alive after what she's been through Captain... ::Daydan nodded to them both clearly sensing the deep bond of love and affection between them..:: Taboo: Well don't take any chances this time okay, I think what you are doing is the right decision for you both, and for your unborn baby... ::Smiles..:: ::Lah'rel took Victoria's left hand as she stroked her still flat abdomen tenderly..:: Keely: She is going to be spending the next eight months resting and getting all the attention she needs, I give you my word in that sir.. ::Victoria's interlaced fingers gripped Lah'rels tightly..:: Victoria: If you think I am going to be spending the next eight months wrapped up in cotton wool Mr Keely you have got another thing coming.... I am carrying our baby. Not a bomb.... Taboo: Well that told you... ::Daydan smiled looking directly at Lah'rel..:: Keely: She is going to be resting sir, I give you my word, we'll be back before you know it... ::Victoria gripped Lah'rel's muscular arm tightly, hugging him close..:: Taboo: If you really want to make me happy, forget about starfleet, go and raise a beautiful family together and be happy... :: He sighed smiling to them with a mixture of admiration and envy in his eyes..:: ::Victoria stepped forward slightly, a tear forming in the corner of her eye, her bushy hair glowing around her like a halo... She tip toed to give Taboo a kiss on the cheek and bowed her head blushing heavily.. :: Victoria: Thank you for everything sir, I mean it, I am so sorry I let you down, it just wasn't to be... Taboo: Not necessary to apologise Victoria, you are doing exactly what I hoped you would do someday... Both of you... Go to Bajor and have your baby, then go back to California and run your uncles Vineyard like you always dreamt you would, just remember to forward a few bottles for your old friend would you... ? ::Victoria's eyes began to stream, she wiped her tears away with her forearm hiding her face behind her hair..:: Keely: Well I've never seen her do that before... ::He chuckled to her..:: Good luck Captain, we'll keep in touch... ::Lah'rel held out his hand to him..:: Taboo:: ::Shaking his hand firmly..:: You do that Lah'rel, just you take good care of our girl okay... ::Lah'rel nodded and stroked Victoria's tiny abdomen..:: Keely: Girls sir, I have two now.. ::He bent down and kissed Victoria on the lips softly..:: ::With a final smile and heartfelt eye contact Lah'hrel and Victoria exited the lounge slipping away as quietly as they could, they didn't want a fuss, the hope was that someday soon they would be back, with the same faces and the same smiles still here to greet them on their return..:: ((Corridor)) :: Victoria held Lah'rel's arm.. She was still a little uneasy on her feet, but with Lah'rel nearby she felt safe and confident, and with Victoria close by his side nothing else mattered, she was the very centre of his universe...:: Keely: I know who he reminds me of now.. Yladro: Who? Keely: Taboo, I know who he reminds me of... Yladro: Who does he remind you of? Keely: Merlin.. King Arther's Mystic magician.... Yladro: He reminds me of... :: Lah'rel looked at her..:: Keely: Of who... ::Victoria smiled..:: Yladro: Nothing, it doesn't matter, c'mon Lah.. Lets go home.. -TBC- LtCmdr Keely Lah'rel Mission Specialist Ex/USS Eagle
((Promenade - Starbase 118)) :: Daydan touched his cheek softly, the gentle loving kiss that Emirry had put on him only minutes ago still felt like she was still there, the warmth of her breath, the tenderness of her kiss... He looked up sensing a cold presence approaching him, he could sense SFI a mile away, they had an in human sense of being, it was as if they just didn't care.... Taboo pretended not to notice him approaching and continued to watch some children in the park below chase Finches through the trees...:: Ravenswood: Well well well, if it isn't the do gooder.. Why has someone not snuffed out your light yet Mr Taboo? :: His name was spoken by the man with a distinctive venom in his voice... Daydan turned a little of the way to face him lifting one foot up onto the first rail of the guard looking down several floors onto the lavish gardens below... :: Ravenswood: Why don't we just have you illuminated Taboo, number three wouldn't bat an eye lid at the order, but someone high up has a very important use for you or else you would have been long dead.. :: Daydan leaned menacingly towards him.., tapping his temple.. :: Taboo: That's because you sickos want to know what I have locked up here.... Ravenswood: Nothing a phaser blast wouldn't uncover!! ::Daydan shook his head..:: Taboo:: This is so far over your head you don't even have accesses do you, you are just a pawn no different from the rest of us..... Ravenswood: What do you mean, I do as I please, I take orders from the very top, no one else... Taboo: Go home Joseph.. ::Daydan shook his head, but the Admiral was so incensed by Taboo's response that he lunged for him, luckily Daydan was expecting an assault and caught the mans entire fist in his hand pushing it effortlessly to one side... Ravenswood: Your a dead man Taboo, do you hear me? ::Joseph flexed his fingers..:: Taboo: we are all dead, or rather asleep, until we either wake ourselves up or someone wakes us up.... Ravenswood: Your nuts.. Taboo:: Shaking his head again..:: And you need to use that grey matter between your ears allot more than you do.... Ravenswood: If you say so, ::He looked Taboo in the eyes and then back towards the turbo lift he had previously ridden to get to this floor..:: Where is my operative? Taboo: What operative.. Ravenswood: You know what operative, Yladro, the girl? Taboo: She's MIA.. Ravenswood: The rings she is, I'd have seen it in the crew manifest... Taboo: Check again.. Ravenswood: She was cute, I think she liked me.. ::Daydan scoffed to him..:: Taboo: You are joking... Ravenswood: I'll find her, she's probably with that louvre nose right? Taboo: He's taken a LOA, to settle their affairs.. Ravenswood: Oh I'll settle here affairs alright, apparently she liked it a little rough... :: Laughing to himself..:: ::Daydan nodded to himself..:: Taboo: Leave my people alone or else.. Ravenswood: Or else whaa!!!! :: Before Ravenswood could finish the line he punched him hard in the stomach, Joseph fell against him for a moment fighting for his breath..:: Taboo: Leave my people alone... :: Daydan turned away letting Joseph slump against the hand rail... Entering the turbo lift nearby Daydan was glad to see the back of the man, he shuddered at the thought.. :: Taboo: oO Good luck Victoria.. I will miss you, and you you old war dog... Oo ::Daydan chocked back hard to prevent himself from shedding a tear, better to remove yourself from the emotions he kept telling himself, but how does a true Betazoid do that? :: ::He tugged down on his tunic, cleared his thoughts as best he could and headed quickly back to the Hangar bay where the Eagle was waiting for him... :: -TBC- Captain Daydan Taboo Commanding Officer USS Eagle NCC 74659 & Admiral Joseph Ravenswood SB118 Configuration Project Manager/ (SFI Undercover) Simmed by Taboo
Welcome to the fleet; we're happy to have you!! Congratulations!!
There is an amazing amount of talent here and it is good to see that we can appreciate each other’s work. Controversy aside of who nominated what, truth be told, if I was nominated or I nominated myself, I would be more inclined to vote honestly to the piece that I felt most deserving. And, since I am overcritical of myself, I would more than likely vote for someone else (I can guarantee you I would). I believe this is a great way to showcase what talent we have here and every ship deserves recognition. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to read posts from other ships and this gives me a chance to see pieces of UFOP at its greatest.
*selects her choice* Done!!
I really enjoyed reading this piece. Full of emotion.
((Deck 9- Black Tower - Starbase 118 )) ::The crew were on the base having a well deserved rest, Daydan however was still working, in fact he hadn't stopped since they had left the base almost two weeks ago, the trip to the Trinity sector was not an accident, neither was the run in with the space pirates from Cart'hen III.. Or the Orion syndicate..:: ::Black Tower was heavily involved in the politics in the area, that was obvious to Daydan, Starfleet intelligence seemed to have an agenda all of their own and that frightened the Betazoid... He appeared on the ninth floor, not in the uniform of one of starfleets finest, but as a member of the Guild of Readers, thick heavy robes hiding his athletic frame, his hazel eyes looking straight ahead but his empathic and telepathic presence radiated around him ...:: ::Walking up the long corridor to the turbo lift Daydan sensed other eyes upon him, but there was no one else around, at least not in a physical sense.. He could feel eyes trying to pierce into his very soul, but his barriers were far to strong and each probing assault was harmlessly deflected off without resistance... :: ::Before Daydan reached the turbo lift at the far end of the corridor it opened, when he stepped inside the door closed behind him with a his and then nothing, there was a long pause of almost half a minute until the lift began to climb up the last few floors to his destination at the most unseen part of the station.:: ((Room 101 - Section 13 - Deck 3)) ::The doors of the lift opened and Daydan was able to see right into the office of one of Starfleet Intelligence most senior operatives, the administrator... The chair where he sat was turned around so the Daydan couldn't see his face, he was facing away from his desk looking out of a window that rose high above him, the only part of the station that was visible from this location were the enormous antenna, reaching out in to space...:: The Administrator: Finally ::The voice was strange, hard to tell what race age sex or back ground, there was no enthusiasm or joy in it's tone, Daydan frowned contemplating a probe on the originators mind..:: Taboo: We had no agreement to meet, not that I was aware of... Administrator: You think you are here by chance Taboo of the guild? You are not, we take nothing by chance, we know every move you will make even before you do... ::Daydan said nothing and simply stood still for a moment, he pulled back the hood of his robe and stepped forwards a few places so that he was only a meter or two away from the Administrators desk...:: The Administrator: You have a mission do you not? Taboo: Correct, Trinity Sector peace keeping force, we.... ::Before he finished talking the Administrator butted in abruptly...:: The Administrator: Funded by Black Tower.. Taboo: ::Raising an eye brow..:: And Starfleet? Administrator: Negative, Black Tower.. The Trinity Sector is important to us... ::Daydan waited for the chair to turn around but it did not.. The Betazoids mind was swimming with questions...:: Taboo: You said "us". Administrator: Starfleet has interests, yes, Black Tower has the security of the Federation to consider, and the purity.... ::The voice trailed into silence, Daydan sensed a real emotion of hatred that felt more cold and bitter than any other emotion he had ever felt before..:: Taboo: oO Sceptre? Oo ::Taboo's eyes narrowed, he would have gone head to head with this figure before him but for the first time things were beginning to make sense, he felt alone, more alone than ever, who could he trust now... Starfleet had little or no knowledge of what was really going on here, either that or they chose to ignore it.. Now it seemed that Starfleet Intelligence were involved up to their necks, and not only starfleet intelligence but Sceptre too, the Elitist Readers of Starfleet set on the total domination of all species... The hairs on the back of his neck [...]led as a chill ran down his spine causing him to shudder slightly..:: :: Daydan looked up to see a pair of hands grip the arm rests of the chair, who ever it was they were suited in a black uniform of some kind with gold braid on the sleeves, the Caucasian skin was unmistakable, but the hands were not muscular but not exactly feminine either. How hard would it be he thought to himself to simply reach over the desk and spin that chair around so he could see who it was he was talking to...:: The Administrator: You will go back to Cart'hen III to complete your mission... Taboo: Why, they are no threat, just pirates... :: The tone of the voice suddenly elevated..:: The Administrator: DO NOT QUESTION... :: There was a sharp and decisive assault on Daydans mind, sharp and decisive but one that he easily deflected to one side, the hands on the arms of the chair gripped tightly, and then moments later the grip frustratingly declined... Daydan could sense the hate still, but also a slight feeling of fear... Daydans hands fell to his front waiting for a new response..:: The Administrator: You have your orders... ::Daydan waited for a padd or a data crystal to be handed to him with his orders and actions clearly defined, but there were none... He turned on his heels and began to walk but then stopped... He pulled the hood up over his head almost hiding his face, while his eyes were in shadow his mouth cheeks and soft lips were in clear view... :: :: He breathed in deeply thinking about the dire cities on Cart'hen III and all of those people oblivious of how joyous life could be... His next question was meant to definitively make up his mind once and for all, not that he ever suspected that it would change, when ever Sceptre were involved it meant only one thing, people would suffer and many would die..:: Taboo: ::From beneath his hood..:: People may get hurt, innocent people... The Administrator: No one is innocent, Ignorance is Guilt... ::Daydan clenched his fists and grit his teeth, he let out the breath long and shallow, at the end of the breath he continued to the door and entered the turbo lift that had been waiting for him the entire time.. He turned about to face the desk and the chair from the far end of the large office.:: Taboo: oO All life is precious.. What right do you have to judge.. Oo :: The doors closed with a hiss, Daydan put his hand to his face as if to wash it clean, the higher he rose up the chain the more he hated what he found, corruption, greed, jealousy, gluttony.. To the most humble life was precious, was it only the poor that really understood how wealthy they truly were... Maybe not knowing the truth was it's own gift.. :: ::With a sudden cry of anger the Betazoid hybrid struck out punching the turbo lift wall as hard as he could.. the cushion padded walls gave only slightly causing his knuckles to redden and tiny veins bursting open close to the skins surface...:: ((Deck 176)) ::Daydan strolled out of the turbo lift, his robes flowing behind him as he walked quickly between the busy population of Starbase 118.. :: Taboo: oO I need a drink.. Oo ::He stopped at a coffee bar and approached the bar pulling back his hood, leaning on the bar and putting his foot up on the foot rail he sighed as he looked at the waiter...:: Taboo: Water, cold, 5 oc.. And a slice of lemon.. ::The waiter nodded and poured a glass of cold water onto a slice of lemon, he lifted it to his lips and drank it down, slowly at first and then quickly finishing off the second half... :: Taboo: Thanks, ::He placed the empty glass down onto the bar and wiped his arm across his mouth..:: pheew!! I needed that.. Waiter: Have that one on me sir... ::Smiles..:: ::Daydan bowed to the man and smiled..:: Taboo: oO Someone has to stand up to them. Sometimes maybe it is better to be ignorant of the truth.. Oo Thank you, I owe you one... ::Before the barman could ask him to wipe down a few tables he was on his feet again trying to clear his mind and ejoy what the station had to offer...:: The Administrator Administrator Black Tower Starbase 118 & Captain Taboo CO/USS Eagle NCC 74659
((Starfleet Headwaters, Earth: Six Years Ago)) ::Sitting by a window, with her long legs curled under her and into the seat of the couch, was a bruised and battered Arista Devar. She gazed to the world with bright green eyes and wet waves of hair hanging loosely around her face. The sun bled warm light through, casting shadows across the room.:: Counselor: How did that make you feel? ::There was a brief silence before the patient replied with a raspy voice.:: Devar: How do you think it make me felt? I mean come on… ::She paused, mild anger tinting her words as she wiped a few tears away.:: Devar: What kind of question is that? ::Arista turned her head and glared at the Federation officer. There was just something about the cool demeanor, matching the almost heartless questions that unnerved the Betazoid woman.:: Counselor: These kind of questions are not easy, Cadet, but they are designed to provoke acknowledgement and promote the healing process. ::Blinking, Arista looked back to the landscape outdoors and tried to hide her emotion.:: Counselor: What you faced, well… I can only imagine what you must feel. But, if you wish to be continually accepted into your enrollment at the Academy you must prove to us you can withstand the obstacles the life of an Officer will endure. This is not only a liability to the Federation, but to your comrades and yourself. ::Arista wiped away a few wandering pieces of gold hair from tickling her cheek. It was hard facing the fact that the life she had lived a few months ago was now just a memory. She was rescued by the man (Adam) that loved her, who stayed back to ensure her safety and retrieve the single most important thing between them. Now, both were gone with no hope of salvation. `Hope' faded when there was no open trans-dimensional rift to the universe that was hers. `Hope' of saving them simmered away everyday, but in her dedication to those that saved her from that drifting, damaged shuttle… Arista hoped that, within Starfleet, she might find a way in saving those that saved her.:: ::She whispered.:: Devar: I… understand. ::There was a pause.:: Devar: I felt lonely, Counselor. ::She cleared her throat.:: Devar: Lonely, confused and scared when I awoke from that shuttle you found me in. When the man that lifted me from the floor told me I was the only one that survived… ((Present – SB 118 Promenade)) "…I was terrified. Alone. Fearful of what things may come and sad when I was aware of what I lost." ::It took a little effort to keep up with her brother's brisk walk about the station. They chatted about life, his worries and what she was doing on the Eagle. It was nice catching up with him but she knew it would soon close.:: Galwyn: Well, I hate to run but I have Cargo Freighter that will be departing back to Betazed in 0200. ::With her arms folded, she looked up to him with a small smirk.:: Arista: Don't work too hard lugging things around, little bro. Lift with your legs and not your back. ::He rolled his eyes but she just continued.:: Devar: And, remember what I told you. Live life. We all have some kind of monkey on our shoulders but its how we deal with them that matters. Galwyn: Yeah, yeah Ms. Philosopher… ::She slapped him hard on the shoulder and he faked a wince of pain.:: Arista: You get out of here then, Mr. Wisecrack, and be rest assured I'll be keeping tabs on you. ::She pointed her finger at him and Gal just chuckled.:: Galwyn: I have no doubt. ::After a hug, they both went their separate ways having enjoyed the time that was spent together. With this past mission, Arista needed a boost of positive juice to keep her going. If she was ever going to find Adam and Evangeline again, she needed to stick by the advice she paid her brother: Live positively.:: TBC Lt. Arista Devar ACMO, USS Eagle