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About JVannini

  • Birthday 03/21/1974

Personal information

  • Location
    Floating in Space
  • Interests

Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    Andaris Task Force
  • Current Post
    Science Officer

JVannini's Achievements

StarBase 118 Groupie

StarBase 118 Groupie (19/28)



  1. I would have voted for Trip, but he did not last as long as O'Brien.
  2. Hows it going:)

    Bad news Tyr and Rode destroyed Ace

  3. Welcome to the best Fleet in the Trek PBeM universe!
  4. Hello, old friend! :)

  5. Hello, Tracey! Thanks for your warm welcome and for adding me in your friends list! :)

  6. Thank you, guys! It is good to be back!
  7. Is my character still a viable one? Should I start with a fresh new one?

    I am willing to come back and start simming, at least with a couple of sims weekly... slow but steady...

    What do you think, sir?

  8. Things are going well, although we miss our Engineer :(

  9. Things are going well, although we miss our Engineer :(

  10. Hello Sir!

    How's everything aboard the ship?


  11. Thank you, Sidney! 37 rounds around the Sun... and still revolving! :P

    Sadly, still I am in LOA. I am practically in the roll of second in command for the IT department so... my obligations have rised... but I still have my eye on SB118 (and Discovery) :) My Trekkie-heart is with you, guys! :)

    Hopefully I may return in few months :)

  12. Happy Birthday Vannini! :) Are you still on long term LOA?

  13. Welcome Ensign Tavis! Looking forward for the chance to sim with you again!
  14. Welcome aboard Ensigns!
  15. I think this SIM shows a very important part of the Character's life as a child. The struggle of a young man with his father's beliefs and his heritage is very realistic. Me, being a RL dad, know this is quite true.
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