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Everything posted by Toni

  1. It's quiet because of all the gears turning in our heads. Don't you hear them, Admiral? LOL It is an interesting concept, and there are a good many different ways to approach it. Deciding which way is the hard part. *thumps head*
  2. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on November 5, 2007, and ended on November 10, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Toni Turner FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Hugh Barnes CLASS MEMBERS: - Sarion Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  3. Way to go Jhen, nicely done. I really enjoyed your story. Yours too, Jack. Congratulations to you both. Your crew mate, Kassa congratulates you too. *lol* I also would like to thank the judges and Admiral Wolf for taking time to let us have this competition.
  4. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on October 29, 2007, and ended on November 04, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt Commander Takashi Chen FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Julia Harden CLASS MEMBERS: - Krell Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  5. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on October 16, 2007, and ended on October 21, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Takashi Chen FIRST OFFICER: LtCmdr. Toni Turner CLASS MEMBERS: - Cole Turner Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  6. Sugar, Spice, Grit and Steel By Toni Turner The Woman Slight impressions of footprints in the snow were the defining compass marking Amitola's morning path to the meadow, where she mused the nature of life, and cherished her surroundings. She had a sprightliness about her, an expressive child-like energy that complimented her willowy frame. Her fragile features, surrounded by beautiful ringlets, were filled with the timeless grace of an immortal. And when she spoke, a medley of soothing sounds, reassuring and gently calming, flooded forth. Each day brought a new adventure to her kindly soul, and one she met eagerly with a smile. She was a woman so pleasant, that even nature found her pleasing, and strew its best bounty before her feet during all seasons. She could sit among the wild flowers, find pleasure in the delicate butterfly, and savor the gentleness of the breeze. The pond that caressed her skin as she bathed, reflected her face with favor, and the birds' serenade was of the lovely maiden, whose name meant rainbow. From the top of the knoll, Amitola surveyed all that was good and wonderful from the valley below to the heights of the far mountains. She breathed in the smell of the grasses peeping through the snow, and tasted the warmth of the sunbeams that brushed across her face. Lifting her chin, she closed her eyes and basked in happiness, unaware of the distant quaked of thunder that threatened to disturb her solitude. The Man He walked deliberately across the snow, strong and unfaltering in his intent. The planet would be his, and he was reconciled, having conquered the mighty mountain, that the meadow to would fall within his grip. His eyes, keen as those of an Eagle, spied the slight impressions, and mused what matter of creature would have such a soft touch. He had navigated across the galactic barrier's to come to this place, but these imprints were unexpected, and indicated a humanoid a size much smaller than himself. The intriguing trail beckoned his curiosity, and when he reached the meadow’s edge, he studied the creature from the shadows of the statues that encircled it, and when he had devised a plan to entrap her, he approached. The Seduction Amitola had no fear of him, and silently welcomed him to the meadow as she had done so many times with other strange creatures. He seemed suspicious of her wordless expressions, but she calmed him, caressing his cheek with the lovely rose so he would come to know its velvety petals, and held a Butter Cup beneath her chin to show him the warmth of its buttery glow. She summoned the birds to serenade him, and splashed him with the soothing waters of the pond. His eyes drank in the pastel hues that glistened softly across her features and caressed her angelic vision. He knew he could never tame the purity of her spirit, but he could not resist her beauty, and wanted to possess her to experience the sweetness of her love. Reaching out to take her in his arms, she turned shyly away, not wanting the creature to gaze upon her face any longer. "Look at me," he demanded. "I want to see the pleasure in your eyes." Her eyes narrowed, she had hoped that he would not be like the others. Disappointed, she whipped around, giving him a cold steely stare, a brazen act of defiance. She screeched, "If you want me, truly want me, then you must see me as I am." With a movement, swift and sure, she jerked the mask from her face. He froze in horror. The Conclusion Slight impressions of footprints in the snow were the defining compass marking Amitola's morning path to where she had placed her newest statue to stand as a silent sentinel to the meadow. Her beautiful ringlets of serpents slithered and hissed around her face as she stood before it, gazing at the cold stone creature. She whispered into the breeze, "He wanted sweetness and spice of my youth, but in his lust, he found my grit and steel. "
  7. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on October 1, 2007, and ended on October 8, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Toni Turner FIRST OFFICER: Lt Commander Takashi Chen CLASS MEMBERS: - K'nera, House of Noj - Andrus Jaxx Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  8. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on September 19, 2007, and ended on September 24, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Vincenzo D'Onofrio FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Toni Turner CLASS MEMBERS: - Kani Shea Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  9. I've already congratulated you, Danzia, in private and on the Challenger OOC list, but I wanted to add congratulations here too. I wholeheartedly agree with the choice the judges made. Way to go, Danzia. Nice job.
  10. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on August 27, 2007, and ended on September 1, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Toni Turner FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Sidney Riley CLASS MEMBERS: - Chris Hoffman - Shane Falco - Emon Ren Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  11. But is the Writer's Cafe for competition?
  12. Well, for better or worse, I finally came up with something ... I adapted a sim I wrote last week. i've been racking my brain, and it was there all the time, staring me in the face. *lol*
  13. The Little Monkey By Toni Turner ::The 5-year-old sat up in the big bed, bobbing her head up and down and sideways to peer into the next room at her father, where he sat on the sofa reading from his padd. He had not had much time for her lately, and he had put her to bed early saying he had to study the latest data on the ship's refit. Although she didn't want to go to bed, she knew better than to protest, because Daddy had important work to do in engineering.:: Ashlyn: oO I not sleepy. I play princess. Oo ::Shaking the pillow out of its case, she stood up in the middle of the bed, tucking it around her pajama top to make a dress. Stacking the pillows, she sat down on top of the makeshift throne, and folded her hands regally. ::Not having anything to do but sit on the throne, she put her elbow on her knee and buried her chin into her hand, looking around the room for something else she could use for her regal wear. Spying something, she crawled to the edge of the bed, then scooted off backwards, her short legs dangling a bit as she slid to the floor and over to some long, silky scarfs her Daddy had hanging from a rack. Stretching to pull several down, she hung some over her shoulders and arms, twirling around to see them flow in the breeze. She grinned, thinking how beautiful they looked, then pulled the rest down knotting them on her dress.:: ::Still not satisfied, she crept passed the door into the bathroom to see what she could find. Standing on tiptoes, she looked up on the sink counter, seeing some pretty shaped bottles with colored water inside. Trying to reach them, her small finger tips brushed the side of one, pushing it back out of reach. She stuck her bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout, then looked around for a way to climb up.:: ::Finding no way to climb onto the counter, she ran back to the bed, trying to reach the pillows. When she could not, she pulled on the covers to drag them off, bedding and all. Making two trips to carry them, she stacked them up on the floor and climbed up high enough to get one of the bottles.:: ::Opening it, she whiffed the air, smiling 'cause it smelled like Daddy. Splashing the water all over her, the excess dripped onto the pillows.:: Ashlyn: oO I smell pretty now. Oo ::Back to the bedroom she opened her father's closet, looking for more stuff. Finding a pair of his shiny boots with sparkling buckles, she slid her legs into them. And even though she had to scoot her feet to walk, she didn't care 'cause she looked pretty.:: Ashlyn: oO He gonna be proud of me. Oo ::Reaching up to get the tail of one of his pretty jackets, she pulled with all her might to get it, but brought down every shirt and coat, making a big pile on the floor. Choosing the white one with fancy buttons and braid, she draped it over her head to make a flowing crown.:: ::All dressed up now, she clunked her way to the door, and peered again at her father, then marched in, her voice filled with glee.:: Ashlyn: I a princess, Daddy! ::Her father looked up, then did a double take, trying to hide his laughter.:: James: ::getting up, capturing her in his arms.:: You sure are, you little monkey. oO My dress whites never looked so good. Oo ::She giggled, then looked up at him with her big brown eyes.:: Ashlyn: I love you, Daddy. James: ::Hugging her close, realizing the most important thing in his life:: I love you too, Princess.
  14. The writer's would choose any topic they wanted to write about. No particular theme to the challenge once a year, but I suppose the stories should be based on Star Trek.
  15. Toni


    This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on August 08, 2007, and ended on August 13, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Ben Walker FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Cmdr. Vincenzo D'Onofrio CLASS MEMBERS: -Jack M. Shepard Congratulations to you, Mr. Shepard, and welcome to the UFOP SB118 fleet!
  16. I emailed Tel-ar, and asked him to try to make the account again. Hopefully, he will be successful.
  17. I'm pretty sure I understood the challenge, I just haven't had time to think of a creative way to present it. Guess we all get writer's block from time to time, but I'm still thinking about it.
  18. Admiral, I just posted a story by Tal Tel-ar of the USS Triumphant. He sent it to me, saying that he had opened an accound on the forums a week or so ago, but has not been able to access it. Hope it was okay for me to post it for him. ~Toni
  19. WHO NEEDS A VACATION By Tal Tel-ar USS Triumphant “Care for another drink?” asked Tom Vestman. “No. That’s OK. Thanks anyway. I would rather spend my time getting some answers to my questions.” replied Adam Malman. “Well you do sign my checks. What is it you want to know.” Asked Tom as he sat down opposite the new owner of Intergalactic Holograms Inc. “I’ve been reviewing all the reports and corporate data and I want to know why….why a tech named George Binns is the highest paid employee…by a large margin?” He asked as he glanced through his notes. Tom smiled as he ordered his thoughts. “George is one of the best holo technicians in the business. Maybe even the best. Thanks to him we hold 8 patents on new advancements for holo technology. His specialty is programming extremely detailed characters for use in various entertainment programs.” “Hmmmm.” Murmered Adam as he looked over his notes. “And all these expenses listed under his name and workstation?” “Ohh. Those. A couple years ago we were the victims of industrial theft. George had 4 of his holo characters stolen. As I’m sure you can tell from the sales figures they are each worth a small fortune.” “That’s why I bought this company.” “Yes well. In order to try and eliminate the possibility of any future thefts George designed and we built a new work area for him. It’s a totally enclosed holodeck and workstation. He’s the only one with access and he works their alone.” Adam glanced at his notes again before speaking. “I’d like to see this work area and Mr. Binns. Now!” Tom cleared his throat. “Ah. Yes Sir. Just let me call down and warn George that we’re coming down.” Tom said as he got up. “Warn him.!” Exclaimed Adam. “Well yes sir. If I don’t call down we won’t get in.” he said as he toggled a button on his desk. “Explain!” demanded Adam. Tom lifted one hand to hold off any more questions as he spoke into the intercom, “George. I’ll be right down with the new owner to inspect your latest project.” Then he turned back to Adam and said, “Well sir. George keeps his lab sealed at all times. It’s also the only part of the plant that doesn’t have any security cameras. George values his privacy and likes to be left alone. Anyway no one can get in with out him letting them in.” he explained. “Ok..kay Sir. ” came a reply over the intercom system. “I’ll have it ready when you get here.” “This way sir,” said Tom as he lead his new boss towards the exit and the lift down to the lower work areas. ********************* George glanced around and knew he was not ready. He was never ready for one of these impromptu inspections. Now where were those memory crystals, he wondered as he shuffled books, papers, pads and other high tech doohickeys around the various work surfaces and computer data interface terminals that made the lab space seem even more futuristic than it was. Bbbeeeeppppp!!! Sounded the entry chime. George quickly moved over and activated the release. The door slid open quickly and smoothly to allow the two men in expensive suits to wander in. George turned quickly to see Mr. Vestman and a stranger, someone he had never met before. “Oh…Hel..lo sir.” “Well George. How are you today.” Asked Tom Vestman. “I’m ok. I think I finally fixed that problem with the iridescent translucent skin tones for the Risian jellyfish.” “That’s good George. I’m glad to hear it. By the way this is Mr. Malman, the new owner. I’m giving him a tour of the place.” George managed to give a sickly smile and small nod before turning back to his mess, still searching. “So George. Want to show us what you’ve been working on.” George turned, knocked some stuff off the counter near where he stood and quickly dropped to pick it up. “Ju..s.st a mom..m..en..t.” He stood up and tried to look efficient as he stepped over to the side and activated the holo system. Suddenly their in front of them stood a tall majestic human with thin cruel looking features. He wore a strange style of antiquated gold and green armor with 2 huge white curved horns on his helmet and a thin pony tail of pale blonde hair hanging down his back. His clean shaved face with stunning blue eyes seemed to stare right through them. Looking over he could see they were impressed. With more confidence than he normally had with people he spoke. “This is project 18749623851. One of 4 different looks I have programmed for the ancient mythological norse god Loki. I’m still working on giving him a voice. Just can’t seem to get the right sense of menace mixed with power and deviltry yet.” “Here are the others.” He said as he activated the other 3 programs one by one. Now there were 4 different versions of the same character standing side by side over near the back wall. “Very realistic,” praised Mr. Malman as he moved closer to inspect the 4 different holo characters. “I’m amazed with your attention to detail. They almost seem alive.” “Tha..nnks, sir. That’s prob..aly due to..to the sub rou..tines to mimic human..” said George, who was interrupted by his boss. “Yes. That’s Ok George. I’ll take it from there.” Piped in Tom Vestman. “He makes the best holo’s in the business.” In fact this entire work area here is inside a holodeck of his own design and construction. It’s the only holodeck of it’s kind anywhere in the universe.” “Really. I don’t understand. Why?” asked Adam Malman. “Well George claims that most holo technology in use is too primitive for him. That and he can’t stand having his privacy invaded. In fact he has his own transporter and food replicator system here in the lab.” “To primitive?” Adam exclaimed in suprise. “I though holo technology was one of the most advanced and technologically superior fields of science.” “Not for our George. He makes the best and we try to keep him happy.” Said Tom. “I can understand why,” replied Mr. Malman. “But why does he need a transporter.” “Well George locks up his lab from inside. He uses the transporter to exit the building. It’s not your normal average transporter. It’s keyed to operate only for George. In fact the buffers have been keyed specifically so as to only be able to transport George. Just another example of the security measures we take to keep his creations safe.” Tom turned away from his new boss and back to George, “So what about those other projects?” “Of course sir. This is project 18799653854 and 18799653855. The twin female Orion dancers.” Stated George as he activated the program in the center of the room. George looked over to see the 2 men staring, stunned as the 2 young sexy green skinned ladies gyrated, twisted and convorted before them. “Now these programs have over 3,000 different possible costumes built in so far.” He said as he activated the first costume to cover the 2 nude dancers. Quickly they changed from one to another every 5 seconds or so. “Uhhh…that’s enough George. I think we’ve shown Mr. Malman more than enough for one day. I expect your weekly report by 5 pm George.” Tom said as he turned and started to leave. “Yes very….invigerating…startling good work.” Said Mr. Malman as he turned to leave. “I understand now why this company has a reputation of producing the best holo programs in the business. “ As soon as the two of them had left George secured and locked the doors. He never liked it when people entered his work area. He preferred to be left alone. He always had. Even before he had finished building his special work area and completed the project. George glanced at the clock. Most of the people would be leaving soon. As good a time as any he thought to shut down for the day. “Computer do routine check of program Alpha, Delta, Delta, 1.” Suddenly his image flickered for a second, then the computer spoke. “Program updated, slight change to subroutine BGX942Y, slight change to………..
  20. I've drawn a blank on this one too, Jay, and I've tried every "trickster" in the book, but I came up with zilch so far... however, I'm still thinking about it.
  21. Just my opinions: Generally, the themes are excellent, but as with any theme, some spark more ideas and creativity more than others. It is my understanding that part of the judging is based on who incooperates the theme most effectively, so I don't see how we could not have them, although I would like to see at least one a year be a Writer's Choice. Bi-Monthly seems the best to me, as it gives everyone a chance to see the Challenge announcement, and time to write the manuscript with ease.
  22. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other. DATES: The class began on July 24, 2007, and ended on July 30, 2007. LIST: sb118-academy4 COMMANDING OFFICER: LtCmdr. Toni Turner FIRST OFFICER: Lt. David Cody CLASS MEMBERS: -Chloe Bjelland Congratulations, and welcome to our fleet!
  23. Well, Russ, it's nearly been two years since this class graduated, and of the five in the class, I only see two of us have remained on the SB118 roster... both Lt. Commanders... Takashi Chen on the USS Ursa Major, and me on the USS Challenger. Congratulations Takashi for withstanding the test of time too. It was good to see you again Russ, when you came back for that short while, but then I know how RL can be sometime. My best to you always, Toni
  24. adding the arrow..
  25. Opened for Lt.Jg. Danzia
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