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Everything posted by Toni

  1. Congratulations, Jhen. Great story... Way to go!
  2. ((Shuttle Bay)) ::Kassa stowed her gear, and took her seat in the shuttle, sitting quietly while Commander Barnes and the rest of the crew prepared to leave for Bajor. With the transfer off the ship pending, she was doing a lot of soul searching, and that required bringing memories of things passed to the forefront of her mind.:: Memory.... ((Home on Trill)) Kassa: ::smiles at her older brother:: When we grow up, we could join Starfleet together. Cullen: You can, but I'm not. I'm going to stay on Trill and let my Symbiont help me get rich. Kassa: Is riches all you think about? Cullen: No, I think about how I will take care of my Symbiont. You can't do that an be in Starfleet too. Kassa: ::frowns:: Can too. Cullen: Can not! Kassa: ::socking him in the eye:: CAN TOO! Culling: ::whining:: I'm telling Mother on you. Kassa: Crybaby! End of memory... Kassa: :: laughing to herself:: oO Cullen was such a wimp. Oo Another Memory... ((Turbolift Outside Engineering - U.S.S. Triumphant)) Voice: We need a doctor, fast. Voice: =/\= Ensign Quay is in the Turbolift Outside Engineering. We think her Symbiont may of been injured. Please hurry.=/\= ::Sniper looked down at Kassa's cold body, he knelt down beside her.:: Voice: Sniper stay with her until help arrives. Talk to her try and keep Kassa from going too deeply into a coma. ::The blackness was cold and harsh, and even though Kassa fought the urge to give in to it, she seemed to be drifting further into its bottomless chasm.:: ::Somewhere in the darkness she could hear murmurings. Someone seemed to be calling to her, summoning her back to the light, but still she floated aimlessly. . . helplessly. . . hopelessly into the shadows of despair.:: ::Suddenly, she felt the tenderness of someone stroking her hair. Comforted by the strength of knowing she was not alone, she struggled to stave the prison that confined her. A man’s voice, somehow familiar, beckoned her more urgently. She wanted to cry out to him, but her lips remained muted. Every muscle in her body seemed powerless to move and disjointed from her existence. Hopelessness consumed her, plunging her deeper into the desolation of the abyss.:: Kassa: oO Is this death? Is this how it feels to die? ... The loneliness is unbearable. I don't want to die . . . not now. . . I have only begun to live. Oo ::She struggled for sanity, not allowing herself the luxury of giving up.:: ::The arms enfolded her, lifting her, giving her a glimmer of hope. She clung to the promise of tomorrow that carried her. She battled the frailness that surrounded her with the strength from the arms that held her so tightly.:: Kassa: ::pleading silently in the near suspension of life.:: oO Don’t let me go. Please don’t let me die. Hold me. I’m ... afraid. Oo ::Wrapped in the warmth of the arms, her body shuttered and quaked from the penetrating coldness, that threatened the meager reserves that sustained her. The heart that had always beat so vigorously with her zest for life, was now sluggish, and incapable of producing the energy she needed to fight. Her brain, on the verge of shutting down, told her to give up the useless fight, that death was inevitable, but the arms holding her sent a different signal, and one she could not, and would not, deny as long as her courage continued.:: ::Through the slits of her eyes Kassa saw Nurse Ar'i standing next to her, then the darkness of the abyss returned. She fought to stop the swirls of her descent, but she circled out of control somersaulting into the depths.:: ::Her inner voice cried, ... “Help me!”. . . but the words boomeranged, slicing into her, seemingly unheard and unheeded. She was alone, meandering in desolation - lost in the seclusion of uncertainty. To fight it any longer was futile . . . the darkness became comforting. She surrendered to the inevitable.:: ::A lightening bolt cut its way through her chest, and a fragile moment of hope returned, then subsided, leaving her more dispirited than before, feeling herself cease as she gave into the powers of despair. . .but in the midst of the bleakness, a hook pierced her heart, lifting her ever so slightly . . . “Let me go, I can fight no longer.” The ascension elapsed, and she dangled just above oblivion.:: ::Not drifting up, nor down, nor feeling pain nor pleasure, Kassa somehow knew her life was dependant on someone else. In an attempt to reach out, she extended an arm into darkness, and her fingers gently came to rest on someone’s hand. Instantly, the hand jerked away, and she could hear a panicked shouting in the distance. She strained to hear, but the only word she could decipher was “Airy.” She tried to make sense of it, but when she could not, she suspected it was the cruelty of the dark world around her. . . Yet. . . she had felt a hand.:: ::As suddenly as the hand had jerked away, her body wrench in spasmodic contortions. She tried to gain control, but she was powerless against the pulsating pain. She felt the wetness of her own perspiration dripping onto her lips from her forehead. The salty taste burnt as a raging fire onto her palate, choking each breath she sucked into her lungs. Her only consolation was the awareness that someone was trying to help her stopped the fevered movements.:: ::Amid the turmoil of erratic twisting, the hellish darkness threatened to take Kassa into the far recesses of its deepest and most remote location, losing her in a winding Maze of Forever. She was too weak to gain mental or physical control, and longed for the end to come swiftly.:: ::From the darkness came a cold and distant voice. . ."I have the situation in hand". . . and she perceived the words as a promise to halt her misery with death. She paused, awaiting oblivion.:: Voice: Hi Kassa. Kassa: Sniper, is that you? Voice: Yes, Kassa. Take my hand. ::Kassa's hand lifted, and she could feel the warmth of Sniper's touch and she felt safe again..:: Kassa: ::smiles:: Sniper, please don't leave me. Voice: Marry me, Kassa. End of memory... ::Tears dripped from Kassa's eyes, falling to her cheeks. Although she had loved Sniper, fate had made it impossible to stay married to him. And her in ability to deal with his loss had started the the unraveling of her career.:: Boles-Barnes: Kassa, are you all right? Kassa: ::looking up at Ashley, forcing a smile:: Yes, I was just daydreaming. Where is Commander Barnes? Boles-Barnes: He's at the helm. ::Getting up, Kassa made her way up front to tell the Commander that she was transferring off the Challenger. :: TBC Lt. Jg. Kassa Quay Assistant Chief Tactical Officer USS Challenger
  3. But coffee keeps me awake and it was so early I didn't see going to bed when I'd have to get up in two hours.
  4. Oh, then I was up by myself talking to people who were already halfway through the morning. oO I've got to get stronger coffee. Oo
  5. *lmao* And look who is up at 4:09 AM reading posts and probably siming too. (Me included)
  6. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other.DATES: The class began on April 14, 2008, and ended on April 17, 2008.LIST: sb118-academy4COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt.. Commander Toni TurnerFIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Hugh BarnesCLASS MEMBERS:- C'elest Moranta- Kael Mason ThomasCongratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  7. I think that everyone has their own way of doing things according to what "feels" right to them. The same holds true with writing styles. There is not wrong or right way when it comes to expressing ourselves clearly, except for using good grammar and sentence structure.
  8. I just want to say that I'm glad you entered one of yours Thelev. As far as not making it a habit, you should. As Admiral Wolf pointed out, it's not against the rules. I submit mine with others for one simple reason. Any one familiar with the Challenger knows that it is hard to find a sim, (good or bad) that either Toni or one of the PNPC's I play are not in, but I don't see that that is grounds to condemn the others siming with me, simply because I happened to submit it.
  9. ((Diplomatic Suite)) ::Purrcilla whirled around when the Captain of the Challenger entered the suite, and from the way she was blinking she thought the poor captain had some type of affliction.:: T'Pen: I trust you haven't been waiting too long? ::Sizing up the strange looking woman, Purrcilla stood up and put her paws on her hips.:: Purrcilla: No, not too long. Although I'm not use to waiting at all, but Viceroy Whiskers tells me we can't expect you to know of our ways. But to the point, I have to know what is going on down on the planet. T'Pen: Rest assure, Milady, we have the situation well in hand. ::Looking back at Gree:: I believe you know Captain Gree of your Feline exploratory fleet? Purrcilla: ::narrowing her eyes at Gree.:: Unfortunately, I do know of him and he is not of MY exploratory fleet as we don't have one as of yet. Although I'm told there are plans for one. T'Pen: ::Going around the table to sit opposite the Feline:: It appears that there is more going on on your planet than first meets the eye, Milady. Purrcilla: Undoubtedly ::Moving stealthily back to the table, she hopped into the chair. sitting on her back feet.:: T'Pen: Fleet ships carrying war heads? Secret blinds that even your own people and the Avian people don't know about. Rebellion on the rise in every sector. And you want to join the Federation? This isn't the way to open talks. Purrcilla: I never ordered any of it. Perhaps Gree can enlighten you on how that came about. You seem to be taking his word for everything without even consulting me. Is this the way the Federation works? If so, perhaps I should reconsider joining it and look to some other organized faction among the planets. I'm told yours is not the only one among the stars. T'Pen: You would be foolish to join one of the others, Milady. And Gree's voice is one of thousands that I'd willingly listen to. That's part of the reason why you're here, on my ship, Neutral Ground, to hammer a peace accord between two peoples. So your united planet can enter the Federation together, rather than split apart. Purrcilla: Oh, and is that why Anderson sought out the rebels before he had to be summoned to come talk to the Feline leadership? And now you take counsel with Gree, a opportunist and vindictive cur. You haven't even bothered to introduce yourself to me or Viceroy Whiskers. We came in peace with the hope that our people would be treated fairly, but I see that is not possible, and the fact that the Avian leader is not represented here either hasn't escaped my notice. Perhaps you should clean your own litter before casting aspersions on the Feline leadership. T'Pen: ::Blinking thoughtfully, then narrowing her eyes:: Clever. Perhaps I didn't announce myself. I'm Captain T'Pen of the Federation Starship CHALLENGER. Your counterpart in the Avian leadership will be here very soon - She's been detained. And Captain Gree's council is as valuable as your own, Milady and that of the Avians. Perhaps I should also have Ower-Orld join us as well. He seems to have a say in what happens on your planet. We could have a nice little shindig. Purrcilla: :: standing, she moved toward the door, summoning Whiskers to follow, then looked back at T'Pen.:: And perhaps you could have this "shindig" without proper Feline input. T'Pen: ::Stalling for time:: You claim that you know nothing of your own Feline Trading Fleet? ::Purrcilla stopped at the door and turned to face T'Pen straight on, a low growl growing within her throat.:: Purrcilla: Captain T'Pen, do not put words into my mouth. I said I ordered none of it, not that I didn't know about it. Only I have privy to the technology for a proper fleet. The Trading Fleet consist of substandard ships made by opportunistic rebels like the one you have brought to this table. T'Pen: Captain Gree, where did your ship launch from? Gree: It was launched from the Avian space port. T'Pen: Who sponsored your flight? Gree:: Swallowing slightly: It was a joint project sponsored by the Avian Grentrix and the Feline Theo Purrcilla: ::glaring at Gree:: You're lying! Theo would not do that. No true Feline would be in league with the likes of Grentrix. T'Pen: ::Looking at Purrcilla and [...]ing an eyebrow:: Fascinating. Ket: =/\=Bridge to Captain T'Pen. We've got a problem up here=/\= T'Pen:=/\=What is it, Lt?=/\= Ket:=/\=The security team has found a rather large....=/\= ::There was a large explosion that rocked the CHALLENGER. The Red Alert Klaxon sounded. Ket was out of his element.:: ::Whiskers grabbed hold of Purrcilla to steady her against the turbulence.:: Ket:=-/\=The Feline Ship has exploded!=/\= ::The turbulence stopped, and Purrcilla pushed Whiskers away, her eyes trained on Gree, making a spitting sound.:: Purrcilla: What treachery have you reeked on your own ship? ::Gree rushed to the window and stared out in horror: I ...I.. Why the ....Why would I destroy my only means of a living you stupid spoiled kitten. ::Walking forward Gree wanted only to slap this stupid girl down for her shear stupidity. :: ::Whiskers stepped between Gree and Purrcilla, stopping Gree, and taking a protective stance. His sharpened claws glistened, ready to launch against Gree. :: Gree:: Laughing :: And what do you intend to do Whiskers, your so old I could blow you over. Whiskers: ::growling, showing his fangs:: I'm here to protect Milady. Stand down! Gree: Oh please Whiskers, if I wanted to hurt her I could have done it on the surface, why do it here. No, you old fool, I'm as much a victim here as any of you.:: Turning to T'Pen:: Captain I now believe that the missiles that where fired on you where done so that you would destroy my ship. Thus creating dissension between the Feline leadership and your federation. ::Turning back towards Purrcilla:: Tell your kitten to stand down before he gets hurt. ::Concerned for Whiskers' safety Purrcilla mewed:: Purrcilla: It's okay, Whiskers, I'll be fine. Whiskers: ::Not diverting his eyes from Gree:: I'm sure Milady, but I don't trust this traitor. ::Gree sheathed his claws and swiped Whiskers across the head, knocking him backwards.:: Now kitten sit down and behave. To be honest milady, Captain. I'm not Gree a simple freighter captain, but Colonel Gree Feline intelligence service. Whiskers: He's lying! ::What Purrcilla had suspected seemed to be coming to light now. Her father had relied heavily on the Intelligence Service, but had not had time before his death to tell her who she should contact.:: Purrcilla: Wait Whiskers, let's hear him out. Gree: If Whiskers has his usual sense of busybodies then he should have a chip reader in his cloak pocket. If he could run it over my neck down the left pawed side. Whiskers: I don't have to, Gree. I know who you are. Gree: Well ? Whiskers: ::turning to Purrcilla, quietly:: He is who he claims to be. Gree: Happy now kitten? No, don't bother with an answer. Purrcilla, your father before you and his father before him relied on the service to assist them in keeping the felines in check, for a long while the two powers have lived in relative harmony. Our job is to try and keep that peace. Purrcilla: ::licking her paw:: I know. My father spoke highly of the work that the service did for the Felines... but that is immaterial now. We must expose Grentrix to Prothoa Withaaa, or stand to lose Kalca to the rebels. ::Purrcilla stood ridged, glancing toward the Starfleet Captain, wondering it she would be able to help the Feline and Avian people, but she was too proud to ask.:: TBC Captain T'Pen NPC Gree - SIMed by LtCmdr Hugh Barnes NPC Purrcilla Mia-ow, Feline Leader & NPC Viceroy Whiskers, Purrcilla's Counsel Simed by LtCmdr Toni Turner USS Challenger
  10. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other.DATES: The class began on March 31, 2008, and ended on April 8, 2008.LIST: sb118-academy2COMMANDING OFFICER: Lieutenant Quinn ReynoldsFIRST OFFICER: Commander Cura StoneCLASS MEMBERS:-SudraCongratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
  11. You have the arrow on the second one, and that tells the judges that it's finished.
  12. *lmao* Yeah the exception to the rule, which is not set in stone either. *lol* That story is a good example of the way my stories evolve. (A.K.A. The inner workings of a warp mind. ) It started out as a story about my grandmother, but I had changed it and made a short fictional love story. When I read the criteria of that particular challenge, it immediately popped in my head. So I re-adapted it and thus the Medusa story. Just a little side note: Amitola is a Indian name meaning Rainbow.
  13. I don't choose the final name's for the characters until the story is completed. This gives me the option of writing "Ann" but if she turns out to be a Brandy, then I can change it easily. It's like the Klingon story I wrote last year that won. The story started out as to be about Terrans, but the Klingon characters evovle in the writing. I don't set anything in stone.
  14. I was in a writing mood with the challenge was posted on the March 5, and got mine out by the 13th, but then I shoot from the hip and never do outlines. I choose a basic title, and then let the words take the story where it wants to go. May sound crude to many, but then I don't have a formal education past high school and it was the way I taught myself to do it.
  15. You can do it. No doubt about it.
  16. Names like Toni Turner should not bother you. She is just a writer, and so are you. Besides, you don't look like a under dog. Your picture on your posts looks down right "catty." *lol* I can't wait to read your story.
  17. We're glad to have you with us on the Challenger, Ensign Zhaal.
  18. I wasn't sure which of the new buttons to use, but I used the one that indicated an arrow. If that is not the correct one for a completed manuscript, would someone let me know? Thanks in advance.
  19. Amber Stones by Toni Turner While Commander Jason Graves disliked being away from his ship, he had found he had no choice in the matter. For months he had been hallucinating, and the Head Counselor, had recommended, in no uncertain terms, that he take an extended leave of absence to get intensive therapy, or be removed from the duty roster permanently. So here he sat in his room, staring out the window at the amber stepping stones in the back garden of his home. “Amber stones, not unlike the golden trail in my visions. That path is so roughly blazed through my depths that it torments me, bringing me to my knees. What do the stones have in common, or do they have any connection at all? Why does the sight of them bedevil me?” He took a sip of coffee, then sent the cup crashing to the floor. He agonized bitterly, "Questions and more questions! Why are there no answers?” Raking his fingers through his hair, he felt the sweat that beaded on his forehead. "How do I admit to myself that I'm afraid? Wasn't I the one who faced battle with unwavering bravery and fought against the mounting odds and return victoriously? Why do I fear now?” The Universe - perceived infinite in all directions - had beckoned Jason to Starfleet. He had traveled at warp speed, and made discoveries that went far beyond mere speculation. He had explored the disparity of ideas and concepts from the tiniest molecule of antimatter to the grandest array of entire galaxies. He had unraveled mysteries that had vexed his forefathers. Yet now, he feared the unseen . . . the unmeasurable . . . the unimaginable. Time seemed eternal. It was as infinite as the Universe to him, but the only moment was now. And now was the time to find the cause of his affliction. He stood, and walked out into the garden, gazing at the amber stones. He was convinced that the answer lay along that golden path and he was destined to find it. A moment later, the birds stopped singing their songs as the heavens turned dark and forbidding. The warm breeze that kissed his cheek turned cold and a horrific wind began to swirl about him. Thunder rippled its vibrations through his ears and a clash of lightening splattered at his feet, then suddenly . . . silence. The hallucination began again as it had so many times before. He closed his eyes. He would see it to the end this time with no one to stop it. The amber stones twinkled like the stars in the heavens against a backdrop of endless space, then the whisper, "Come to me, Jason." He whipped around, "Where are you? Who are you?" "Come to me." "Answer me!" He pleaded. "Are you real or imagined?" "Come to me. I await you." A chill seized him. He convulsed and his knees buckled. He cried out, lifting his eyes and fists to the heavens, "Why are you doing this to me? Leave me alone! "Come to me." Infuriated, he asserted, "No, YOU come to me!" A long silence passed, then a soft whisper, "I cannot come to you. Come to me, Jason." Exasperated, he drew in a breath, but determined to see it to the end, he ventured nearer to the first stone. He had stepped on this stone before, and although a little shaky and unsure of himself, he balanced upon it feeling somehow stronger and at peace. It was a pleasant feeling but short lived when the whisper became more urgent. "Hurry, come to me." Hopping to the next stone as it began to rise, he bobbled, threatening to fall. Outstretching his arms to distribute his weight evenly, he found stability. Again the soft whisper summoned him, "Come to me, Jason." Frustrated, he yelled, "Can't you see that I'm trying? His answer echoed back to him. "Come to me . . . Come to me . . . Come to me." Spurred on by the whispering plea, he pushed off to the next stone, and the next and the next. He asked, "How much further do I have to go?" "Let nothing dissuade you. Come to me, Jason." Leaping to the next stone he loss his footing, but as he fell, he grabbed hold of the stone stopping his plummet to the depths of despair. With his arm muscles quivering, he pulled himself upward, the skin on his fingers bruised and bleeding from his grip. "I'm coming to you no matter what I have to do." The thunder rumbled again. Lightening flashed, and the unforgiving wind swirled around him, challenging his resolve as he skipped from one stone to the next. And just as he jumped to the last stone, thinking it would be as stable as the rest, it began to quake, then dissolved beneath him. He screamed as he spiraled into the abyss. "Noooooooooo!" Hours later the warmth of the sun kissed his cheek, awakening him to the sounds of the songbirds. He opened his eyes to the Universe, thankful to be alive. He sat up and glanced around, then shook his head, seeing that nothing had changed. He sobbed into his hands, "Will I never find the answer to why I have these hallucinations? Will it always be like this?" Hope of reconciling his life to the unknown vanished. Lifting himself from the ground, he wandered aimlessly, trying to come to grips with his fate, but he couldn't. His life as he knew it was over; his career, gone; his existence, nonessential. He was in an everyday Universe with space and time containing matter, galaxies, stars, planets and living beings, but he was a stranger with no purpose, no future, no past. It was bizarre to think the only thing he had to cling to were those amber stones, but he was drawn to them in spite of the mystery they presented to him. Returning to that pathway, he stood at the end where he had fallen, looking homeward. He shook his head, and rubbed his eyes, unable to believe his vision, thinking he had somehow gotten turned around in his wandering. Realizing he needed rest from his ordeal, he shrugged, and sadly began his walk home. Entering, he went straight to his room but stopped short at the door when he heard soft whispering from within . . . "Come to me. Jason. I cannot come to you. Let nothing dissuade you. Come to me, Jason." Steeling himself to what he would find, he slowly opened the door. At first he thought that in his absence someone had moved his furniture around, but then he realized that everything was as he had left it. Again he heard the soft whispering, but this time he realized it was mingled with sobs. He followed the sounds to the window and a lovely young woman sitting on the sill. As she gazed outside at the amber stones, she whispered with tears in her eyes. "Come to me, Jason. I miss you." His heart leaped as he moved closer, knowing the last stone had been the portal back from the Universe that existed side-by-side with his own. Taking her into his arms he whispered, "I'm here, Anna, back in the Universe where I belong."
  20. *lol* Ya doing good, Admiral.
  21. Thank you, Admiral.
  22. Four Seasons Hotel - San Francisco)) ::With so many from the Challenger looking for rooms, Toni had been lucky to find a place for her and Heath to stay the night. Exhausted from the ordeal of the mission, they both had fallen asleep no sooner than they had laid down.:: ::Toni had awakened early, knowing that in a few hours she faced a long reconstructive surgery on some of the damage done by the burns Talon had suffered. She had wanted to be able to tell the young woman that all would be exactly as it had been, but she could only promise to do her best, and hope that it would be well enough.:: ::As she laid snuggled close in Heath's arms, she went over every step she would take to rebuild the cartilage in Talon's nose. It was going to be difficult, but she felt she could sheer off enough from the back of her ears to be successful.:: ::Heath groaned in his sleep, making her keenly aware of him. Duty had put him in harm's way during the mission and she had hated to be the one to give the order putting him in that position, but her confidence in him made him the most logical choice to get the job done, and he had not, in the least, let her down.:: ::The question in her mind was had she let him down? The crew of the USS Thunder had been lost, save one, and they were men and women Heath had served with while assigned to the Thunder, many were his long time friends, and she questioned whether she could have acted to save them. She replayed the circumstances. If she could have saved them, she would have, but they were too far away to defend them from the enemy's fire and with transporter problems, they had been fortunate to lock on the few who had made it onto the Warbird's Bridge. It was a disastrous loss to the Fleet and a horrific personal loss to Heath, and not one he would soon get over.:: ::She held him close in her heart, wanting to take the pain away and bear it for him. She would do anything to spare him, if only she could, but she knew all she could do was be there with him to support and comfort him. :: ::As she gazed at him, tears dripped from her eyes . . . some from anguish that ripped into her emotions, and some caused by the only thing she knew was real and lasting . . . her love for him was absolute.:: ::She was so full of love for Heath, her mind stumbled over the words to express the affirmation from the depths of her soul. The echos of her emotions held the answers . . . many would love him, but she would always love him more. These were confessions straight from her heart and she couldn't deny any of them. This man would dwell infinitely within her, and that realization was pleasing to her as there would never be anyone who could touch the place in her existence where he reigned.:: :: Toni was still awake, but had her eyes closed when Heath had slipped out of bed. It was obvious that he was trying not to wake her, so using that as her guide. she had not followed him to the balcony. If he needed time alone to deal with the loss of his crew mates, she would give him that. She lay quietly watching him gaze out over the city, helpless to take his pain away. The balcony was perhaps the one place where the young Diplomat could see what was San Francisco without venturing from the hotel. It looked like any other city in any other place, apart from the whacking big bridge in the background that offset the design of the buildings. In the distance, there was Starfleet Academy, recognizable by the shuttle flying around above it, wobbly, driven by a student obviously. Or someone really past their piloting age.:: :: A sudden urge to pick up a guitar filtered into his brain. How long ago was it since he'd done that? A year, maybe more? He was useless. And he had to tell Dade yet. Hnaev, what a mind job... Heath rolled his hand over his face. Utterly useless. The sun was streaming down through the open French windows into their room, lighting up the one area of the carpet. Needed someone. Toni. Asleep on the bed.:: :: What was he so afraid of? It was all going to work out. He knew it would. It had to. There was a pain in his chest when he inhaled that wasn't there before. He'd cried. Oh, he'd cried. His friends, what he'd known as his family for the best part of five years now gone. The Thunder, eradicated. Rico... Heath looked up into the bright sunshine and felt the warmth. So many dead. So many.:: :: His mind was all over the place and in the same place at once. Was it going to be simple? Simple enough to get over, just to keep walking on by like he'd done it all his life. Keep walking, Heath; just keep clocking up those air miles on your shoes. He smiled. Rare nowadays. A new beginning of sorts. Wherever those lads and lasses were, they were flying with the birds and fitting the good fight in the good place.:: :: Turning around slowly, Heath walked back into the bedroom, feeling the slight breeze coming from the open windows. The figure of Toni's sprawled out on the bed, arms that'd been wrapped around him all night long and the mind that was so tired, but still kept going and going and going... He moved quietly to her and kissed her forehead, hearing her soft breath move past her slightly parted lips. Then slipped out of the door silently.:: ::Fresh tears dropped onto Toni's pillow. Heath was hurting and she could not take his pain away. Easing her legs out from under the covers, she slid them off the side of the bed and sat up. Miss Dalomar would be coming soon to pick Vee up for a day at the zoo, and she had to get her up and dressed, then get her own self ready to go to Starfleet Medical to do Talon's surgery. But still, Heath was foremost on her mind. Nothing could change that, and although they were so close in mind and spirit, she knew that until he found peace, that it would be like he was a million miles away.:: MC Heath West Diplomatic Corps USS Challangener and LtCmdr Toni Turner Chief of Operations USS Challenger
  23. Congratulations, Mr. Bockhorst well done. Yours was a beautifully written story.
  24. This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other.DATES: The class began on February 25, 2008, and ended on March 2, 2008.LIST: sb118-academy4COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander David CodyFIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Cura StoneCLASS MEMBERS:- Jake Wentworth- Ann ReaddyCongratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!
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