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Dany Rose

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Everything posted by Dany Rose

  1. Congratulations! Welcome to the fleet
  2. Yay! Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!!
  3. Welcome to the fleet both of you
  4. I enjoyed the movie. It had its issues, but the acting was good, it was neat to look at, and it was Star Trek. The problems I had were mostly two things (and maybe someone can explain how they make sense if they do and I'm being silly): 1) Kahn transported from Earth to Qo'noS-- that was my understanding anyway. If this was possible, why have ships? Harrison used Scotty's transwarp beaming which is for transporting an object/person between adjacent ships or planets. Wouldn't that be Earth to Mars? Qo'noS is not adjacent (as a planet) to Earth. It might be in a solar system adjacent to ours but I think that's stretching it. 2) The length of time it took the Enterprise to warp from Earth to Kronos. Or Kronos to Earth. Or Earth to Vulcan in the first movie thinking about it. In my opinion it would have added dramatic tension to have it actually take the two days its supposed to, but becuase this Star Trek is all action movie that is apparently "boring." I just think back to all those episodes where it took the Enterprise days to get to a place to save the day and having Kirk/Picard/Captain-of-Choice pacing and with the music and maybe a narration via a captain's log... nail biting to be sure. I liked the first movie better. But I too really like the Carol Marcus character-- she surprised me. Overall it was still fun and Star Trek and that makes me happy despite the flaws.
  5. Congrats all of you and welcome to the fleet!
  6. Welcome to the fleet, congratulations on graduating!!
  7. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet!
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