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James Torken

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About James Torken

  • Birthday 10/31/1957

Personal information

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  • Interests
    horticulture, hydroponics lab, geared toward nutritional balance for the crew.

    12 year History with (ECA) Earth Cargo Authority. Pilot with Galactic Cargo Services.
    Highly recommended for UFOP Academy.

    Temporary Additional Duty. (T.A.D.) USS Leyton an experimental temporal starship charged with policing and protecting the timeline.


Fleet information

  • Current Vessel
    USS Mercury
  • Current Post
    Science Officer

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692 profile views

James Torken's Achievements

Rank- Capt.; Fleet- Talkative

Rank- Capt.; Fleet- Talkative (8/28)



  1. its been awhile and I hope we all are going strong. They have simming tips and one says... "the best way to improve at simming is to sim often." ::Torken reached for the tall glass of ice tea the replicator produced. He was ready for some relaxation after that terrible session in the holodeck training senario:: How are you guys doing?
  2. I am SOOOoooo use to the smaller vessels like the ole freighter/shuttle STANIS. that was the freighter Dad and I used for Galactic Cargo Service. Part of the ECA, (Earth Cargo Authority) Now its swish swish...in the bigger Federation Star ships... left academy....on my way to Duronis II Embassy, I understand is a temporary lay over... the USS Ronin should be there shortly if not already and we shall make contact soon enough... James Torken Science In route to connect with USS Ronin as played by John Makowski
  3. fill reg's? I'm having too much fun. Try something new, this is where we can step out and learn... and have fun at it. FUN is the Prime directive here. :o)

  4. As a child, James would tag along as his Dad would make cargo deliveries, working as a pilot with Earth Cargo Authority. So now on Starbase 118, he is found on the Promenade headed for Subspace Café. Where Dad used to spend time there playing his cornet for the patrons, as Little James sat looking on.

    James got a latte and took a seat, he looked around watching and reminiscing of...

  5. got it from search. sent me to wiki

  6. is there a deck plan somewhere for starbase 118?

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