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Alleran Tan

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Everything posted by Alleran Tan

  1. Riley: Very good...::She raised her voice so she could be heard above the noise level of the room.:: Okay, who wants to be the first talent show contestant? :: Luna, almost bursting from the excitement of the moment, couldn't help herself and jumped up, almost dislodging her hat. :: Walker: I will! Ah…that is…I can. Riley: Ah, brave souls indeed...Please tell us your name and what you'll be doing for the record. ::The Terran/Deltan Captain grinned as she watched the crewmembers reaction.:: Walker: I'm Luna Walker, and I'll be doing an interpretation of an old time Terran flat holo. (Ie. Movie) :: Luna wondered what the Marine Captain was whispering, but drove it out of her mind. :: Riley: Okay, we're all ears...::She made a graceful motion with her hand.:: Please regale us with your wonderful talent. Walker: Thank you. :: Facing the audience, she whipped off her cloak and cap revealing fighting leathers and a long thin sword at her hip. Her normally pink hair had been dyed black and fell down past her shoulders. She waited until the audience stilled before throwing a piece of rope off stage, then pulling a man, covered in black leathers and wearing a black cloth mask gasping onto the stage. Clearly winded, he still pulled the sword at his hip out. :: ((OOC: for those who know Ben Walker, it is his voice and body)) Walker: No, catch your breath. The climb was hard. ManInBlack: Thank you again. :: As the man in black pulled off his boot, several pebbles fell out and his breathing evened. :: Walker: Pardon me, but are you Romulan Tal'Shiar? :: The man in black revealed rounded ears as he pulled back his mask slightly. Luna sighed:: ManInBlack: A strange question. Do you ask everyone? Walker: No. You see, when I was younger a Romulan Tal'Shiar killed my father. I tried to defend his honor, but I was young and I failed. But I trained from that day forward, so the next time, I will no fail. I will look him in the eye and I will say. `Ello, my name is Luna Walker, you killed my father…prepare to die. ManInBlack: So you've devoted your life to swordplay and revenge? Walker: Well initially, but it's been a long time, and I've not been able to find them. Plus engineering keeps falling apart. :: She kept her face in character despite the laughter she could hear from the audience:: :: The man stood up, pulling the sword out with his left hand. :: Walker: Are you ready? ManInBlack: Ready or not, you've been more than fair. Walker: You seem like a decent fellow, I hate to kill you. ManInBlack: You seem like a decent woman, I'd hate to die. :: At the words, the two swords clashed, ringing back and forth between the two. Initially they ranged across the stage, but soon they moved into the audience, jumping from the stage to the first row, as some audience members dodged out of their way. :: Walker: I see you are using the Ferengi offensive style. ManInBlack: It seemed to make the most sense considering the tavern terrain. Walker: Unless you know Klingon bar brawling. :: She flipped behind the man:: Which I do! :: Despite her jump, the Man in Black forced her back to the stage, his sword against hers. :: Walker: I admit it, you are better than I am. ManInBlack: Then why are you smiling. Walker: Because I know something you don't know. ManInBlack: And what's that? Walker: I'm Half Romulan! ::Shoving the human back with her superior strength, she quickly took more control of the battle, driving him back. In moments it was clear the advantage was hers. :: ManInBlack: You are much better than I, but I have a secret too. Walker: What, that you aren't left handed? ManInBlack: No, that I cheat! :: His right hand produced a phaser as blue light flashed toward Luna. Even weakened as it was for the show, she felt herself get dizzy and went with it, collapsing onto the stage. :: :: The lights dimmed for a moment while she cleared her head. Giving herself time to recover she spoke to the audience:: Walker: Luna, having been defeated by the Man in Black, went back to join her comrades. Comrades who, after much trouble, led her to the Romulan Tal'Shiar she was searching for. And there he is! :: She made a show of running off the stage, as moments after her departure a Romulan carrying a sword and wearing a doublet ran on. A devious look came onto his face and he pulled a dagger from his boot. As Luna entered the stage, he threw it, striking her in the belly. :: :: As the dagger entered, Luna realized something was wrong. The safeties were off! She'd not checked the calibration. Gritting her teeth, she stuck to the script. She knew the location she was hit was painful, but not immediately life threatening. She sunk to her knees:: Walker: I'm sorry Father, I failed you. Romulan: Is this the little brat I taught a lesson to all those years ago? You've spent your whole life chasing me, only to fail now? How delicious. :: Luna forced herself up, leaning heavily on a chair as she pulled the dagger out, green blood spilled from the wound as she held her stomach with her left hand. :: Romulan: You've got an overdeveloped sense of vengeance, someday it will be the death of you. :: He moved forward preparing to deliver the final thrust. :: :: He thrust, but found his sword shifted to Luna's right arm. She clenched her teeth as she felt the blade enter, but kept her concentration. The Romulan's sword thrust came again, and she was able to divert it to her left arm. The Romulan, visibly furious thrust in again only to meet her blade and be driven back. :: :: Luna stood, feeling the rage again that she'd pushed aside at her father's murder, the reason that she identified so strongly with this scene. :: Walker: `Ello, My name is Luna Walker, you keeled my father, prepare to die. :: As she said the words, she fell heavily against a table. The Romulan, seeing her weakness drove in, only to be driven back by another flurry from her sword. :: Walker: :: Louder:: `ello! My name is Luna Walker, You keeled my father, prepare to die! Romulan: Stop saying that! :: Having driven the Romulan back, she matched the thrusts he'd done to both of her arms. :: Walker: Promise me money, and power too, promise that. Romulan: All that I have and more. :: She slashed the sides of his face, enough to cause green blood to drip down the sides of his face:: Walker: Promise me everything I want. Romulan: Anything, I'll give you anything you want. Walker: I want my FATHER back you son of beech. ((OOC: And once more bad accents save the day!)) :: She thrust the sword deep into the Romulan, then watched as the dead agent slid to the floor. She held her stomach and staggered off stage before reappearing moments later. Standing next to her were the Man In Black, his mask off revealing Ben Walker, and a Romulan still bleeding.:: Walker: Th..thank you for your viewing of this interpret…tation. :: She tapped a button on her belt as the stage was revealed to go farther out than it had appeared, and the Romulan and Ben disappeared. :: And thanks to Twilight's Edge for allowing me to install some holo emitters. :: She bowed, painfully but keeping her composure, then left the stage. :: Ensign Luna Walker Engineering USS Independence
  2. *Lt. Commander Karynn Ehlanii - Triumphant Resolution* ((Twilight’s Edge, Deep Space 17)) ::The Haliian placed the decorated wooden case on the edge of the stage and opened it, gently pulling out the instrument inside. Quietly she sealed her lips around the mouthpiece and blew in, her air moving tonelessly and almost soundlessly through the instrument, her breath warming the wood up.:: ::As the three left the stage, Karynn climbed the steps herself, the long skirt of her dress shimmering and swishing as she moved. As she reached the top step and began crossing the stage, she picked up a music stand that was placed off to the side and carried it with her. Soon she was standing, looking out at the faces looking back from the dimly-lit crowd. She could feel her stomach jump ever so slightly. With a deep breath, she willed her nervous energy to settle and smiled gently at the Captain.:: Ehlanii: Well, I’m sure most people here know me by now, but for those who don’t, I’m Karynn Ehlanii. I’ll be playing a Haliian version of a flute, called a tiikon malu. The song I’ll be playing is one from my childhood. ::The bright stage lights shined fown, warming her bare arms and shoulder. The Haliian placed her PADD on the stand and positioned it. Placing her foot on the base, she pulled the platform up until it sat at the right height. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and began to play.:: ::The airy but rich mid-ranged notes began to fill the space as the Haliian folk song began. Her fingers moved slowly over the keyless flute's openings, the melody winding it's way around the register. Although she had the music in front of her, she kept her eyes closed. It was a tune she had known since childhood, and in her mind she could still hear her mother singing it.:: ::There was a slight pause as the opening section, the initial melodic statement ended. Opening her eyes to read the music, she pushed air across the mouthpiece causing the rich tones of the Haliian instrument to sound again. As she started again, the notes moved faster in a playful variation on the initial theme. From time to time a rapid run raced up the flute's register before returning back to the home melody. As one of these runs finished she added a brief trill, a small fanciful flourish ringing out to bring the variation to a close.:: ::After a momentary pause and breath, Karynn began the next section. This variation on the initial theme was in the minor key, the melody becoming haunting, plaintive, slower than the last. This part had always touched Karynn's heart, reminding her of several sad, even painful situations from her own life. But what she liked about it was the hope she could hear shining through the sorrow.:: ::The rich tones sang out, resounding through the space. Karynn added a slow vibrato to the longest notes, finally ending on a sustained tone that hung in the air, leaving the audience with a desire for resolution. After a pause, she provided that with the first note of the final variation.:: ::This last was slightly slower than the first, although the tempo had increased a bit. The notes sang out in triumphant victory, a striking contrast to what she had just played. The key had changed again, now back to the home of the initial melody, which in this variation was again occupying a more central, prominent place. The sustained notes were jubilant, preceded from time to time by grace notes, and connected by a string of stately powerful tones.:: ::As she finished the piece, the final pitch resounded, almost echoing even after she stopped playing before giving way to silence. As she lowered her flute, the applause began. She bowed slightly, and as the Haliian rose, she searched the faces of the croud, finally catching Ethan's eye. Her contented smile brightened ever so slightly before she moved to vacate the stage for the next act.:: Lt. Cmdr. Karynn Ehlanii Second Officer/CSO* USS-Independence-A*
  3. (( Aeroshuttle, USS Victory )) Kidora: Tressa? :: Tressa stirred... at least she thought she did... :: Kidora: Tressa? My little B it's time to wake now... :: Tressa opened her eyes slowly; but was greeted by darkness. She frowned and attempted to move a hand in front of her face to check her vision, but found she couldn't move. She tried to look down but couldn't. There was nothing. Only a sense of existing and fear; she was afraid. :: Tressa: :: Trying to look around :: Kid? :: The woman seemed to appear out of the darkness, materialising in front of her. The older Gideon woman looked at her with compassion in her speckled eyes, so very much like Tressa's. She reached out and cupped Tressa's face with one hand, looking at her comfortingly. :: :: Tressa didn't feel the touch... there was no sense of feeling, just knowing. She knew Kid was touching her, but couldn't feel it, only sense, only know. It was an unfamiliar feeling, an unfamiliar sense... :: Tressa: Kid, where are we? Kidora: A better question, my little B, is where are you? :: She let her hand drop. :: Tressa: :: Shaking her head :: I... I don't understand... I'm... I don't know... ::She tried to look around again... there was only darkness :: I'm... here? Kidora: What do you remember? Before here? :: Tressa frowned... before... the shuttle. The Areoshuttle, the warbird, the freighter, the Victory, Ensign Eisaran... the memories came flooding back. No sooner had her mind touched on the memory of the aeroshuttle than the darkness lifted, flitting away like it was blown away by an unfelt breeze. As the darkness fled the Areoshuttle [...]pit came into view. Tressa frowned; she was in the [...]pit, staring at the back of the seats, the viewscreen in front of them. :: Tressa: Kid.. I... I was here. :: As soon as she recalled that part of the memory, a copy of herself materialised in the seat she had been seated in. It was strange seeing herself from another view. :: We were... Ensign Eisaran... :: The second Ensign faded into view in the seat beside her other self. :: Kid... :: Her voice choked on the words.:: :: As she replayed the events in her mind the images around her played. The contact alarm, the warbird, the first shock, her desperate attempt to contact the Victory, the console explosion, the burning, her body crashing into the bulkhead; she couldn't look away from the events. The vibe around her seemed to change. She could feel the shuttle. As though she were back there again. :: :: Tressa's eyes misted, she was crying... and yet she wasn't. There was the sense of tears falling, of the sensation of crying, but she couldn't feel the tears; they just weren't there. :: Tressa: I'm... I'm unconscious... :: She tried to look to Kidora, but once again couldn't move. The woman appeared to move into her view anyway. :: ... Kid... You're not here. Are you? Kidora: :: Shaking her head :: I'm sorry my little B, but no. I'm a part of your subconscious. A projection by you. :: More sadness, mingle with fear, uncertainty... so many feelings... more tears. Kidora moved towards her and Tressa had the sensation of arms around her, warmth, comfort. :: Kidora: You know I would be here if I could. :: Tressa felt she was being held. Kidora was behind her, her arms around her. It was comforting... but at the same time... :: Tressa: :: Sadness ringing in her voice :: Your not really here. You're just my imagination... Kidora: :: A thoughtful tone in her voice :: No, I'm not really here... But the fact that that you brought me here, must mean something. Tressa: I don't know. You're in my head, you figure it out. Kidora: :: Smirking. :: Sulking won't help, my little B. How do you feel now? :: Tressa hadn't seen the smirking expression, but she knew. She knew Kid so well. :: Tressa: How do I feel? I- :: She paused :: I... feel scared, Kid. :: Her eyes fell on the crumpled form of her own body by the bulkhead. :: :: Tressa began to sob, her eyes closing as the sadness overwhelmed her, she blocked out the sight of her body, the Aeroshuttle [...]pit. The arms around her tightened as Kid's voice began to hum a gentle tune. It was familiar to her, but at the same time, Tressa didn't really know it. The sound soothed her, and soon the sound of Kid's humming was complemented with the sounds of instruments as a memory stirred. It was recent, new, the vibe, the atmosphere, around her changed as she slowly remembered where the song was from. :: :: Tressa opened her eyes slowly, Kid continued to hum, the music grew louder as the memory became stronger. The Aeroshuttle was gone now, replaced by Jaxx's quarters. She was eating dinner with him, the music... :: Tressa: Do you know this tune? Kidora: No. You know I hate classical stuff. :: She paused :: This music soothes you, this memory. Tressa: :: Her eyes on the Betazoid man seated at the table. :: I liked it; it has such a comforting, haunting melody. Kidora: And you have returned here, to this memory because you need that comfort. :: Tressa didn't say anything to that. It made sense, having the projection of Kid there helped her nerves, the memory of the dinner, the music... all so comforting. Kidora: He was there for you when I wasn't. When I couldn't be there. :: Again Tressa said nothing. She merely watched the Jaxx sitting at the table, watched as he looked at the Tressa sitting with him, and gave her that look of comfort, of reassurance, that no matter what, we get better. She remembered it so clearly, knew that just seconds before that she had admitted her fear for Chailess' safety on the Starbase, her pain at James' sudden departure... James. :: Tressa: :: Not taking her eyes off Jaxx. :: He's not here. Kidora: He left you. :: It was a simple statement. :: No warning, no mention, no note. Just left. Tressa: You know, if Jaxx hadn't done this I would have spent the night crying over James. :: Her lip curled :: How sad, pathetic... if I die... that's what my last night would have been. Kidora: But it wasn't. Tressa: No, it wasn't. because of Jaxx... :: Tressa almost smiled then. Her eyes still on the scene before her, it had changed now. Jaxx and Tressa were eating the large chocolate dessert he had arranged for her. :: Kidora: You like this moment. Tressa: It was a good dessert... :: Kidora laughed, and Tressa smiled... it was quickly cut short as she felt pressure on her chest, her breathe caught in her throat. Pain. It was real... This she felt. :: Tressa: :: Panic in her voice :: Kid? Wha- :: More pain, piercing pain, in her chest. She couldn't breathe... She strained, tried again, only to find herself gasping. The burning... in her hands, along her arms.. She could see Kid's face, full of panic, full of concern. :: Kidora: Something's happening outside! :: Panic, fear. What if it was the Romulans? Was the Victory ok? Was she ok?. She was choking, her body ravaged by pain. Tears sprung to her eyes again, a new thought arose... Was this what it was like to die? :: :: As the pain grew worse Kid's image in front of her began to fade. Tressa's eyes grew wide as the woman began to disspear. :: Tressa: Kid! No, no, no, no! Come back, don't go! Please! :: More pain, more tears. :: Tressa: Kid! :: She tried to reach for her, willed her to return, tried to conjure the image once again, to no avail. :: :: The pain began to envelop her, surround her, crush her. She could feel herself being dragged back into the darkness, more panic, more fear. The memory began to fade, the music was gone. Tressa felt tears as her eyes fell on the Jaxx seated at the table, her eyes pleading, begging the image not to disappear, not to leave her alone. Her breathe was short choking, the burning, the pain, it was too much... She couldn't take it any more... As she succumbed to the pain in her mind and through her body, her eyes drifted close, her hope left her... as she descended into the darkness once more she screamed for Jaxx. :: ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- :: Voices. There were voices piercing the dark. She could hear a woman... she didn't recognise her. There was pain, but it seemed so far, so disjointed from her... her breathing, was hard, difficult, but better. Confusion... she was so confused... She wanted to talk, wanted to ask were she was, but it all seemed so far away. Was any of this real, or another illusion conjured by her mind? :: ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- :: On the biobed in Sickbay Tressa's breathing settled into a steady, shallow pattern after the hypospray. There was no movement from the young Gideon as the team of surgery nurses began to prepare her for the coming operation... :: Ensign Tressa Science Officer USS Victory
  4. According to Commander Turner's post, you were the only one that graduated. Then again... sometimes when there's insufficient demand someone steps up to ghost write for your cadets.
  5. Woo hoo! Congratulations on passing your Cadet cruise and welcome to the fleet! Looking forward to simming with you, if I get the chance!
  6. Hey all- I was extremely humbled to take out runner up, again, for this round's writing competition. Honestly, I feel that others were more deserving, so I am very honoured. The moment I read Quinn's submission I knew we had our winner- it was an amazing read and I wholeheartedly agree with the judges. Very well done!
  7. That's okay. Thank you anyway, Captain!
  8. I have a question- I have a sim on the next round's runoff but I've noticed a few tiny grammar mistakes and one repeated word. Is there provision for fixing a couple of small issues with a sim before it goes to runoff, or is it too late?
  9. Very creative! It's a tight race. Lots of good stories. Glad I'm not a judge...
  10. Final copy: "As the ancient Virtues discovered, we are children equally of the earth and the sky." ***** These words are the beginning of the story of creation amongst the Trill who dwell on the southern continent. Although modern Trill were a peaceful and charismatic race it was not always so... in the beginning when the planet was young, there were four Trill sisters; Passion, Patience, Courage and Humility. These have been referred to as the Primal Virtues. Passion had a body made of fire, flickering and glowing with every desire under the sun. She was impulsive and reckless; she would be the first to rush off into an unexplored area of Trill Prime, although she usually came running back to the other three when some dangerous monster or other hazard was found. More often than not, Passion was the cause of all manner of trouble. Patience was the oldest of the four and had a body of water. No matter what problems the four sisters found themselves in, Passion would be the last to lose her temper or become bored; she was focused and methodical and she was a planner and thinker, although she could be lazy, haunty and arrogant. Courage was the bravest of the four sisters, her body made of iron. Nothing could ever shake her; she would often be right behind Passion in exploring the brand new world they had been given, although unlike her chaotic sister she only ever moved forward and never ran away. Courage was brave, certainly, but she grew easily distracted and bored. Humility was the youngest and most timid of the Virtues and her whole body was made of air. Humility typically stayed at home when the other three went out to explore their brand new world, doing simple chores and keeping her thoughts to herself. Although she had never harmed a living soul and was kind and gentle, she occasionally allowed herself to feel very self-righteous. The four lived in harmony for eons. They hunted, explored, fished and fowled without concern- they were differences, yes, but they were always solved peacefully. Even when the whole planet was explored, the sisters passed the time spinning tales of the fantastic lands around the far-away stars. Then the fifth Virtue arrived. ***** His name was Joy, a man. Joy was handsome and tall- his shoulders broad, arms strong and toned. At first the four sisters were curious- something new, exciting and different... but they slowly grew jealous over the centuries. Joy was energetic like Passion, cautious like Patience, indomitable like Courage and kind like Humility. He seemed perfect... far better than each of the sisters individually. Passion, as was her nature, made the first strike. She seduced Joy under the brilliant Trill moon. She came to him, using all her wiles; Joy was overcome. Passion kissed him on the forehead, her flames searing a dark spot onto his perfect skin. Crying in pain Joy tried to escape, but Passion's fire burned him; with each kiss a dark, scorched spot was branded into his form, thousands of them running from his head to his toes. The three other sisters were horrified at what Passion had done, but none more than Patience. The water-Trill cut her finger, draining her essence out- the droplets became miniature versions of herself, swearing their lives to her cause. Her army marched across the continents in search of Passion. But Passion saw what her sister had done and created an army of her own. She breathed out her elemental energy, each flicker of flame becoming a loyal fire-Trill. The flame soldiers marched against the aquatic constructs, but it was a stalemate. The fire-Trills evaporated the water-Trills, but the water-Trills quenched their enemies flames in return. Passion sought an alliance with Courage. Passion offered her use of her flame- now Courage was able to mold her metal into whatever form she wanted. Together, Passion and Courage merged to form Loyalty, which is what happens when passion and courage collide. Their soldiers were made of steel and seemed invincible; the steel-Trills could not be quenched by Patience's water-Trills. With the tide of battle turned against her, Patience sought out Humility. Humility, with her heart of air, was not certain what she could offer Patience- but Patience had a plan. Patience and Humility combined their essences, forming Honour. Their solders were the cloud-Trills... able to float over the battlefields avoiding the heavy steel-Trills of Loyalty, raining down upon them and, slowly, eroding their forms. Now it was Loyalty who was on the back foot, but the two alliances were not to last. Patience grew lazy with her string of endless victories, while Humility could no longer stand to watch the destruction sweeping across Trill. Loyalty and Honour split, the four returning to their primal elements. The battles continued, with each four Primal Virtue struggling against the other. After much deliberation, Patience eventually threw her lot in with Courage; the two became Sacrifice. The water-Trills and iron-Trills melted together to produce the blood-Trills, fearless creatures who could heal even horrific injuries. They were planners, schemers and utterly fearless. They began to overrun the mere air-Trills of Humility, hiding underground during the day and attacking them at night while they slept. On the brink of defeat, Humility allied herself with her arch-enemy, Passion. The roaring flame of the fire-Trill and the calm, serene breeze of the air-Trill created Justice; a righteous, solemn bringer of wrath that had the raw power of Passion but the calming piety of Humility. The two formed the sun-Trills, burning high in the sky and dispensing flaming death from above. The battles raged on and on, both sides even once again. Eventually Passion grew angry with Humility's cowardice, while Courage bored with Patience. The four elements split yet again, the whole planet for a second time falling into four-way conflict. The wars raged on; the conflict was seemingly endless... ***** The scorched, dying form of Joy saw what had happened and despaired. The five of them were supposed to work together, not brawl amongst themselves! With his last ounce of strength he called all four sisters to a great meeting place, a vast circle of stones in the southern hemisphere. With his dying grasp he asked them what they were all fighting for; each had their own answers, telling centuries-old tales of betrayal and loss, but Joy did not listen to any of them. "We are children equally of the earth and the sky," he told them, his voice barely a whisper. "Quarrel not, you are sisters... and I am your brother. We are separate parts of one being- join together... " The four Trill sisters were humbled by Joy's words and touched hands. The four Prime Virtues came together, forming a whole new kind of Trill- Passion and Patience were the brain of the new creatures, while Passion and Courage formed the skin. Passion and Humility were the lungs, Patience and Courage were the blood; Patience and Humility formed the organs and internal workings of the creature, while Courage and Humility formed the bones, tendons and ligaments. Instantly the creature was complete. "But what of you, Joy?" asked the flesh-Trill, her face saddened. "I am too weak to join with thee," he admitted, his body so weak and frail. "But it is my wish that thee, flesh-Trill, bear the marks of what Passion did to us!" With a final groan, the burns on his body flew off and found purchase on the flesh-Trill. She shrieked in agony as the spots attached themselves, forever branding the species with a reminder of the consequences of unbridled passions. The effort was too much for Joy. Finally dying, his body collapsed into ten-thousand worms which burrowing themselves underground and hid in the dark, sludgy pools under the surface of the planet. The worms were ugly and helpless, a reflection of their father's dying moments. Every flesh-Trill to this day bears the marks of Joy all over their bodies. Passions are considered a weakness of the young- the memory of Passion's betrayal is still fresh in their minds. And the fifth Trill, well. When a flesh-Trill finds one of those... they are complete. They have come full circle- they are at peace. The southern-continent Trills do not exaggerate when they say finding a symbiont is like finding Joy.
  11. Cleaned up a bit: "As the ancient Virtues discovered, we are children equally of the earth and the sky." These words are the beginning of the story of creation amongst the Trill. Although modern Trill were a peaceful and charismatic race it was not always so. In the beginning when the planet was young, there were four Trill sisters; Passion, Patience, Courage and Humility. These have been referred to as the Primal Virtues. Passion had a body made of fire, flickering and glowing with every desire under the sun. She was impulsive and reckless; she would be the first to rush off into an unexplored area of Trill Prime, although she usually came running back to the other three when some dangerous monster or other hazard was found. More often than not, Passion was the cause of all manner of trouble. Patience was the oldest of the four and had a body of water. No matter what problems the four sisters found themselves in, Passion would be the last to lose her temper or become bored; she was focused and methodical, although she could be lazy. She was a planner and a thinker, but she could also be haunty and arrogant. Courage was the bravest of the four sisters, her body made of iron. Nothing could ever shake her; she would often be right behind Passion in exploring the brand new world they had been given, although unlike her chaotic sister she only ever moved forward and never ran away. Courage was brave, certainly, but she grew easily distracted and bored. Humility was the youngest and most timid of the Virtues and her whole body was made of air. Humility typically stayed at home when the other three went out to explore their brand new world, doing simple chores and keeping her thoughts to herself. Although she had never harmed a living soul and was kind and gentle, she occasionally allowed herself to feel very self-righteous. The four lived in harmony for eons. They hunted, explored, fished and fowled without concern- they were differences, yes, but they were always solved peacefully. Even when the whole planet was explored, the sisters passed the time spinning tales of the fantastic lands around the far-away stars. Then the fifth Virtue arrived. His name was Joy, a man. Joy was handsome and tall- his shoulders broad, arms strong and toned. At first the four sisters were curious- something new, exciting and different... but they slowly grew jealous over the centuries. Joy was energetic like Passion, cautious like Patience, indomitable like Courage and kind like Humility. He seemed perfect... far better than each of the sisters individually. Passion, as was her nature, made the first strike. She seduced Joy under the brilliant Trill moon. She came to him, using all her wiles; Joy was overcome. Passion kissed him on the forehead, her flames searing a dark spot onto his perfect skin. Crying in pain Joy tried to escape, but Passion's fire burned him; with each kiss a dark, scorched spot was branded into his form, thousands of them running from his head to his toes. The three other sisters were horrified at what Passion had done, but none more than Patience. The water-Trill cut her finger, draining her essence out- the droplets became miniature versions of herself, swearing their lives to her cause. Her army marched across the continents in search of Passion. But Passion saw what her sister had done and created an army of her own. She breathed out her elemental energy, each flicker of flame becoming a loyal fire-Trill. The flame soldiers marched against the aquatic constructs, but it was a stalemate. The fire-Trills evaporated the water-Trills, but the water-Trills quenched their enemies flames in return. Passion sought an alliance with Courage. Passion offered her use of her flame- now Courage was able to mold her metal into whatever form she wanted. Together, Passion and Courage merged to form Loyalty, which is what happens when passion and courage collide. Their soldiers were made of steel and seemed invincible; the steel-Trills could not be quenched by Patience's water-Trills. With the tide of battle turned against her, Patience sought out Humility. Humility, with her heart of air, was not certain what she could offer Patience- but Patience had a plan. Patience and Humility combined their essences, forming Honour. Their solders were the cloud-Trills... able to float over the battlefields avoiding the heavy steel-Trills of Loyalty, raining down upon them and, slowly, eroding their forms. Now it was Loyalty who was on the back foot, but the two alliances were not to last. Patience grew lazy with her string of endless victories, while Humility could no longer stand to watch the destruction sweeping across Trill. Loyalty and Honour split, the four returning to their primal elements. The battles continued, with each four Primal Virtue struggling against the other. After much deliberation, Patience eventually threw her lot in with Courage; the two became Sacrifice. The water-Trills and iron-Trills melted together to produce the blood-Trills, fearless creatures who could heal even horrific injuries. They were planners, schemers and utterly fearless. They began to overrun the mere air-Trills of Humility, hiding underground during the day and attacking them at night while they slept. On the brink of defeat, Humility allied herself with her arch-enemy, Passion. The roaring flame of the fire-Trill and the calm, serene breeze of the air-Trill created Justice; a righteous, solemn bringer of wrath that had the raw power of Passion but the calming piety of Humility. The two formed the sun-Trills, burning high in the sky and dispensing flaming death from above. The battles raged on and on, both sides even once again. Eventually Passion grew angry with Humility's cowardice, while Courage bored with Patience. The four elements split yet again, the whole planet for a second time falling into four-way conflict. The scorched, dying form of Joy saw what had happened and despaired. The five of them were supposed to work together, not brawl amongst themselves! With his last ounce of strength he called all four sisters to a great meeting place, a vast circle of stones in the southern hemisphere. With his dying grasp he asked them what they were all fighting for; each had their own answers, telling centuries-old tales of betrayal and loss, but Joy did not listen to any of them. "We are children equally of the earth and the sky," he told them, his voice barely a whisper. "Quarrel not, you are sisters... and I am your brother." The four Trill sisters were humbled by Joy's words and touched hands. The four Prime Virtues came together, forming a whole new kind of Trill- Passion and Patience were the brain of the new creatures, while Passion and Courage formed the skin. Passion and Humility were the lungs, Patience and Courage were the blood; Patience and Humility formed the organs and internal workings of the creature, while Courage and Humility formed the bones, tendons and ligaments. Instantly the creature was complete. "But what of you, Joy?" asked the flesh-Trill, her face saddened. "I am too weak to join with thee," he admitted, his body so weak and frail. "But it is my wish that thee, flesh-Trill, bear the marks of what Passion did to us!" With a final groan, the burns on his body flew off and found purchase on the flesh-Trill. She shrieked in agony as the spots attached themselves, forever branding the species with a reminder of the consequences of unbridled passions. The effort was too much for Joy. Finally dying, his body collapsed into ten-thousand worms which burrowing themselves underground and hid in the dark, sludgy pools under the surface of the planet. The worms were ugly and helpless, a reflection of their father's dying moments. Every flesh-Trill to this day bears the marks of Joy all over their bodies. Passions are considered a weakness of the young- the memory of Passion's betrayal is still fresh in their minds. And the fifth Trill, well. When a flesh-Trill finds one of those... they are complete. They have come full circle- they are at peace. Trills do not exaggerate when they say finding a symbiont is like finding Joy.
  12. Okay, I'm going to have to polish up the draft of my own submission because this was excellent.
  13. This is definitely a hard one. There are lots of very good sims out there... gah. I can't just choose one. I'll think about this some more...
  14. (( Sidney Riley's quarters, USS Independence-A )) Tan: Mind if I borrow your facilities? I haven't exactly made it to Captain yet... Riley: Yeah...sure. :: He grinned cheekily. :: Tan: A'right. ::Sidney sighed as Tan left the room. She buried her head in the pillows. The shadowy form moved from the door toward the bed where Sidney was situated. His face slowly became illuminated as he took a seat in a nearby chair.:: Clack: Apparently rank does have its privileges. ::he announced in a low disturbing voice:: Have you taught him to beg yet? ::looking down at Tan's personal belongings.:: ::Sidney knew the voice instantly. Her eyes went wide and her heart caught in her throat. It wasn't what it looked like! She took a deep breath and tears once again began to form in her eyes. She kept her gaze on Clack, she had nothing to hide. She'd done nothing wrong. She wasn't going to act like a child caught in the act of something she didn't do.:: ::The Terran/Deltan found herself wanting to explain, explain that Alleran Tan had refused to leave. Explain that he'd slept on the floor because she wouldn't eat. Her mind was going a thousand places at once, she couldn't think...Darius Clack was her best friend, what was he going to think of her?:: Riley: I don't know what you're talking about, ::The tears ran freely down her cheeks.:: You shouldn't assume things you know nothing about. This isn't what it looks like. ::She felt her stomach clench.:: Why did you enter without announcing yourself? Clack: I rang the alarm several times but no one answered. ::break:: I thought... maybe I should just come in. ::Sidney sat back against the pillows, she kept her gaze on the Klingon man. There was something ominous about his presence, the way he carried himself. Clack exuded a sense of strength and confidence which made her feel like she was no more than two feet tall. If she wasn't "crippled" as Alleran had put it, she would have been standing tall against the barrage of emotion in the room. She would have met him head on in a collision of wills, she would have told him where he could go and just what he could do when he got there. She would have defended her honor. But, that was Captain Sidney Riley...and what lie in the bed in the room at this moment, was not the same person she'd been only four days before.:: ::At this moment, she found herself worried about what Darius thought of her. She wasn't the kind of person who...who was like her sister. Darius Clack meant the world to Sidney Riley and knowing he thought she was...knowing that he...:: Riley: You have to believe me, I'm not like that. You of all people should know things aren't always what they seem. ::Clack lowered his head as if considering her comments deeply. All the time, his eyes flashed from yellow to red as he stared directly at Sidney.:: Clack: I was thinking earlier, ::rising to his feet:: I am glad that the Independence is old and big. A home cannot be made habitable in a day, and after all, how days go to make up a lifetime. The walls of my home are broken and the shadows are many. The wind breathes cold through its broken and decayed encirclement. ::He reached down and lit a cigar shielding the flame with his left hand. As he did, the light from the flame cast disturbing shadows across his face as if another one lay hidden just underneath the surface. One that was too disturbing to consider.:: Clack: So I ask you why am I here? ::Sidney watched as the smoke from Clack's cigar rose into the air. It danced with a life of its own around the outline of his face. Blinking, she thought about his question. Her first thought was if he was there, he was obviously there to see her. But then why would he have asked her such a question? She felt herself bristle slightly under the man's gaze.:: Riley: I don't know Darius, why are you here? Clack: ::smiling:: Answer a question with a question.. ::She tried to sit up and failed miserably. She collapsed against the pillows again, a deep frown crossing her face, suddenly she felt very tired.:: Riley: I can't think right now...what are you talking about? Clack: I could hear you from deep within the lower levels of engineering. ::break:: The blood nearly froze in my veins for the words that I heard. I don't believe you are really all that well. Riley: I can't! ::Her voice was raising.:: I can't! Don't you know? It's over Darius. Over! Zhou told me I'd never walk again! ::She looked at the Klingon her green eyes flashing. She was breathing heavily and quickly.:: Clack: Over? What do you mean over? ::looking confused:: Riley: You have no idea what I've been through! ::The light from the room seemed to dim briefly around his body for a few seconds.:: Clack: What you have been through? ::He rose to feet and stood directly over her.:: Clack: What you have been through? ::he repeated:: Are we to feel sorry about the poor circumstances that we now find ourselves? ::The Terran/Deltan frowned.:: Riley: I am not feeling sorry for myself. I am...::Pause.::...facing facts. Clack: I image that no one could have possessed a happier childhood than yourself. Come now, ::his voice dropped an octave:: didn't you have to fight for your position here? Or did it come natural to you? ::The Terran/Deltan took in a sharp breath, her eyes flashed.:: Riley: Happier childhood? ::She glared at the man.:: You shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about! ::She felt the anger beginning to grow in the pit of her stomach. Shannon had essentially told her the same thing. How dare he assume things about her! She lost everything in her childhood, including her father and her sister. Everything had been taken from her.:: I've fought for everything I have ever had...I have always taken what I wanted. ::She gripped the sides of the bed. Happier childhood...:: oO Yeah that's why I ran away twice...Oo Clack: Are you going to lie there like a coward or are you going to meet your challenge head on. Riley: I am not a coward! ::She felt herself trembling as she tried to slow the tears running down her cheeks. His comment cut straight to her heart.:: This is different... Clack: Perhaps I should finish the job for you. ::With one hand, Darius raised Sidney up from her lying position. He held her suspended against the wall high off the floor.:: ::The motion was so swift she found herself looking down at Darius Clack from where he held her against the wall before she knew what happened. Bright green eyes met his directly. Her eyes held no fear, there was a hint of anger and something else, something that was always hidden just beneath the surface when she looked at the Klingon man. Taking a deep breath, she glared at him.:: Clack: What will the others say such as Admiral Mar? ::break:: Captain Sidney Riley was found after coming in second place against the only adversary that she couldn't find the courage to meet head on? Riley: You put me down Darius Clack! ::She cleared her throat as the tears stopped falling from her eyes. Her gaze was intense.:: And Mar is not an Admiral.... ::The comment seemed to confuse Darius. He absorbed it like a boxer would a right hook.:: Clack: I can smell the fear in you. Your eyes and your words conflict. Riley: I am not afraid! How dare you insult my honor! Clack: Honor? What is honor? ::break:: Honor without action is meaningless. ::She tried to wiggle out of Darius' grip, but he was much stronger physically than she was. After a moment, she let her body go limp.:: Riley: I've never settled for second place! Not by choice! ::Her eyes went wide and she paused, her voice was angry and passionate.:: You *$&%^*#&^$#, you put me down Commander! Clack: You always have a choice. Riley: Who are you to dictate to me?! If you wanted to finish the job you would have done so already! You don't play games. Darius Clack, am I to believe you have changed? ::She looked down into Darius' eyes.:: Clack: Changed? Changed from what? Riley: And just who are you to question my personal life? Haven't you ever looked into the vast expanse of nothingness and wanted someone, something to share it with? ::She looked towards the far wall with her eyes.:: Perhaps... ::She paused and then looked directly at him, her expression one of seriousness.:: I am living a lie. Clack: When you look into the vast expanse of nothingness, don't you realize that it stares back at you? ::break:: You can't see the forest for the trees. ::Slowly a small knowing smile crossed her face.:: Riley: There is only one I've ever stood in second place for. ::Pause.:: At least I'll be in good company living that lie. Clack: Lies are like a vortex of perpetual wishes bundled up awaiting to destroy everything around itif you allow it. Riley: Now, you put me down Darius Clack, that's not a request! Clack: As you wish. ::Darius gently lowered Sidney down into her previous position.:: Clack: It seems that you search too hard for things. ::She blinked as he set her down and looked up at him with a somewhat confused expression.:: Riley: What do you mean? Clack: You search too hard to satisfy your personal intimacy. ::he turned to leave:: You can try too hard, you know. Riley: I do try ::Her green eyes sparkled as she looked at him but held a melancholy sense of apprehension.:: but still there are some lines which are difficult to cross. Clack: Remember when the Reapers invaded the Tiger? ::Sidney paused for a moment. That seemed like so long ago...so many things had happened since then.:: Riley: Yes. Clack: I don't know what happened to that Captain Sidney Riley, I hope she returns to us one day. ::Slowly he turned around to face her. Gently, he leaned down and kissed Sidney.:: ::A sense of almost surprise and confusion came over her all at once. Darius had never kissed her like that before. She closed her eyes. She felt like she could melt, like she was floating all at the same time. When she opened her eyes, they were full of fire and sparkled in the darkness with a sense of life.:: Clack: Everything is up to you now. ::break:: You are an intelligent woman. You will make the right decision. ::A bright genuine smile crossed her face, the fire still glowing in her eyes as she looked into the depths of his eyes.:: Riley: You will know my decision Darius. Clack: Good bye Captain. ::He turned and proceeded out the door, his form briefly melding with the shadows that hung in the dark corners of the poorly lit room. Shadows that hung like cobwebs filled with bad memories that one might collect in a lifetime.:: ----- LtCmdr. Darius Clack Chief Engineer USS Independence-A and Captain Sidney Riley Commanding Officer USS Independence-A
  15. Welcome to the fleet! Congratulations.
  16. The events in this SIM occurred on stardate 238709.17 during Operation Bright Star. ((USS Independence-A, Main Sickbay, Dorsal Module)) ::As battle casualties went, things were pretty routine so far, if such a thing could be said. With several of the Independence's medical officers sent to the other module sickbays, including Drs. Sasak, Mevra, and Wittburn, Chief Medical Officer Tenzin Zhou remained with Drs. Mike and Shelley in Main Sickbay. Together with the nursing staff, all seemed to be under control. Ensign Faryul Nishal called out to Zhou as he was looking over an injured crewman.:: Faryul: Tenzin, I'm getting reports of three more injured from the deck 5 repair team, at least one of which is critical. Seems a plasma conduit just blew. ::Zhou gave a look of disgust at the news from the Bajoran nurse. Deck 5, he thought. Just great...:: Zhou: Get teams ready on beds 7, 9, and 10. Nurse Shah? Shah: Yes, doctor? Zhou: Go with a couple of medics in case they need help getting here. Nishal can take care of your duties here while you're out. Faryul: ::gives a wry smile:: Thanks, doc. Zhou: ::shrugs:: You said you were bored. Faryul: Ah, I believe I said I just hated the waiting. Shah: ::ignoring the banter:: Yes, doctor. ::turns to several crewmen retrieving equipment:: Chesik, Pareso? You're with me. ::As Shah and the medics left, Zhou turned to Fiona Shelley.:: Zhou: Doctor Shelley? ::The strawberry-blonde human physician was busy tending to an engineer with minor burn injuries when she turned around.:: Shelley: Yes, Doctor. Zhou: We're about to receive at least one critical patient, possibly more to come. I'm going to have Dr. Mike take patients tagged green and yellow. I would like you and I to focus on patients tagged yellow and red. We'll have beds 7 and higher be reserved for yellow and red status patients. Any patients needing surgery should be sent to surgical suite 3 for now. It's fully prepped. Do you want the odd or even numbered biobeds? Shelley: I'll take odd. ::It fit well with how she was feeling. Though at least here, working in sickbay, running triage, treating patients... at least here she was comfortable. This is what she was trained for, and the medical side of her brain was able to overpower the side of her brain that couldn't stop thinking about what T'tala had said.:: Zhou: Great, let's hope we won't need too many of them. ::As Zhou spoke, the ship continued to rock from weapons fire. That was a major difference to what Shelley had been accustomed to, having spent the majority of her medical career on massive starbases or in terrestrial hospitals - having the floor moving under her feet. The Bajoran nurse turned back to her Trill/human CMO.:: Faryul: They don't let up, do they? Zhou: ::shakes head:: Indeed. ((later)) ::In just the span of minutes, sickbay resembled its state from a few weeks prior. Injured crewmen were filling the beds, staff scurried from patient to patient, and everywhere there was chatter.:: Zhou: Nishal, grab that vascular regenerator! ::Faryul was walking back from a locker with several medications when Zhou gave her the order. Lieutenant Mitul Shah and his team of medics had remained outside of sickbay tending to new incidents as they happened across the dorsal module after the earlier injured repair team was able to make it to sickbay on their own. As Faryul handed Zhou the tool, the ship rocked again, and the lights flickered. Fortunately, sickbay's emergency lighting was equivalent to its normal lighting scheme, but as Zhou began repairing the unfortunate crewman's gushing artery, the ship suddenly lurched back, knocking a few standing medical staff off their feet. Shelley stumbled backward, banging into a biobed - empty, luckily - before regaining her balance.:: Faryul: What was that?! Zhou: ::remaining focused on the patient's wound:: Probably some unfathomable weapon of horrific intentions we don't want to know about. Faryul: ::her eyes widen:: First the ship gets nearly shredded to bits. Now, we're being tossed around like a toy boat. ::shakes head:: One week's leave wasn't enough. When we get out of this mess, I'm going to- ::The nurse stopped talking just then as she and everyone else in sickbay noticed the sensation of feeling lighter. As Zhou worked on the artery, the blood flowing down the man's leg unexpectedly began floating out and into the air. And it wasn't coming back down. On the other side of sickbay, Shelley suddenly noticed the tip of her ponytail curl up around eye level.:: Shelley: Are we losing gravity?! Zhou: ::whispers:: Oh no... ::turns around and yells:: Everyone! Secure stations! ::It was too late for some as patients and staff alike began rising off the floor now that the gravity generators had failed. Tools on trays rose above the beds, bumping into each other and spinning away as if caught in a graceful dance. Grabbing hold of the near side of the biobed with her right hand, Shelley reached across her patient's chest with her left in an effort to hold the injured crewman in place. And then Zhou heard it. A familiar noise. A dreadful noise.:: Zhou: oO No, not again... Oo ::The ship's bulkheads began groaning as if they were about to be sheared apart. The straining duranium metal sounded like the whale songs one might hear at the New Cetacean Institute on Earth. Except Zhou knew all too well how quickly those low, mellow songs turned into the shrieking cries of Death.:: Faryul: ::floating above the biobed, she turns to Shelley:: Dr. Shelley, are you doing all right over there? Shelley: I'll manage, I think. You? Faryul: Oh, you know. We're just hanging around here- Zhou: ::sharply:: Nishal, please! Faryul: ::caught off-guard by Zhou's curtness:: Sorry, doc. Zhou: I need some bandages. This regenerator isn't going to do it. ::As Faryul extended her arm over the patient to hand Zhou the bandages, the two officers, as well as everyone and everything else for that matter, suddenly dropped back to the floor. The floating patient samples smashed into a mess on the deck carpeting, along with scanners, medical tricorders, hyposprays, and any other equipment not tied down.:: Faryul: ::rubbing her forehead, which hit the edge of the biobed:: Oww! You okay, doc? Doc? ::Zhou was staring at his hand covering the patient's wound, the remaining blood smearing across his palm and escaping between his fingers.:: Faryul: Doc! Zhou: I'm fine! ::waves regenerator again over the wound:: And now, Mr. Taylor is, too. ::The doctor looked up at his nurse and frowned when he saw her bruised forehead.:: Zhou: Are you okay, Nishal? Faryul: ::smiles as she wipes a few loose strands of hair out of her face:: Don't worry, doc; I'm pretty thickheaded as my dad would say... ::The doors to sickbay then opened, and Lieutenant Shah returned with a half dozen injured crewmen. Faryul quickly ran up to one of the more disheveled-looking arrivals.:: Shah: Doctor Zhou, we have two yellow tags here, non-critical but severe trauma. Zhou: ::nods and gestures to the other side of the room:: Beds 11 and 14 are open. Doctor Shelley, if you could- ::The ship suddenly heaved again as if it had been lassoed, throwing a few officers off balance. It wasn't the abrupt change in motion though that stopped Zhou mid-sentence. It was that awful croaking from the bulkheads. It drowned out everything else in his mind.:: Faryul: ::grabbing ahold of the injured crewman she was tending to with one arm and the open doorway with another:: Ugh! Shelley: I'll take 11, you can take 14. Zhou: ::staring at his blood-stained palms:: Doctor Shelley, if you could be so kind as to start on the treatments. I need a few minutes in private to wash up. ::Shah gave a puzzled glance at Shelley regarding Zhou's strange request. While cleanliness was always paramount in sickbay, a quick "rinse" in the sonic hand wash sink along the walls could take care of that. Shah turned to Zhou himself.:: Shah: Doctor? Zhou: ::walks to the CMO's office without looking back:: I know you're more than capable of handling the current patient load, Nurse Shah. Unless a critical patient arrives, please just take care of this for now. ::Faryul frowned at Shah, and though Shah was tempted to protest, Shelley gave him a nod to move on. She, however, followed the Independence's chief medical officer.:: ((CMO's Office, USS Independence-A)) ::Zhou walked into his office, but he didn't enter very far. He sidestepped to the right and leaned his back against the wall, keeping his left heel in the doorway. Unlike the main area of sickbay, the CMO's small office was bathed in near-complete darkness, with the only light spilling in from the open doorway. A few PADDs and culture samples littered the floor after the gravity had failed. Zhou looked down again at his bloody hands and shut his eyes tight. The hull continued to groan as before, except it seemed to be getting louder in Zhou's head. Unexpectedly, a woman's voice forced it to return into the background of Zhou's mind. Zhou actually welcomed the voice. Until he opened his eyes and saw whose it was.:: Shelley: Doctor Zhou- Zhou: Doctor, what are you doing here? There are still patients out there. ::The Trill/human realized the irony even before his sentence finished.:: Shelley: That's true. ::She looked around the CMO's office.:: Shelley: And I don't seem to see any patients in here... Zhou: ::softly:: No, you're right, I'm sorry. Shelley: Then why are you in here and not out there? ::Zhou thought for a moment. What he was about to say next could jeopardize his career. Maybe even Captain Riley would take back that new pip she had just given him. In a way, that didn't seem that bad, though. Just having that kind of thought, however, assured Zhou's more rational side that something was very wrong.:: Zhou: Doctor Shelley, I believe I am unfit to continue in my duties as chief medical officer. I cannot perform to the best of my abilities right now. ::The woman didn't respond immediately. She then moved her arm to the door's control panel to close them and give the two physicians more privacy. Zhou's eyes widened in horror, and he immediately called out, surprising Shelley.:: Zhou: No! Don't close the doors! Shelley: Keep your voice down. ::The last thing they needed was for the rest of the team to get wind of even a rumour that the CMO might be... what? Having a breakdown?:: Zhou: I'm sorry. Just, please. Don't touch the doors. Shelley: Why? ::They really did not have time for this...:: Zhou: It's... a long story, but basically, a few weeks ago when I first arrived on this ship, I witnessed the death of a fellow medical officer. ::shakes his head and corrects himself:: No, she wasn't even an officer; she was a bridge medic. Out of a party of injured, including myself, she and one other member of the team were the only healthy ones among us. ::He paused again at the irony.:: And she sacrificed her life to save mine and the others. ::Zhou paused and rubbed his eyes with his fingers, the dried blood flaking off onto his face.:: Zhou: There was a hull breach, and as a cascading decompression was approaching our team, she shut the doors to seal off a passageway. ::beat:: But there wasn't enough time for us both to get through, so she pushed me through the doorway, and slammed the doors shut on herself. ::Zhou opened his eyes as well as his hands, looking at his palms once more. Shelley continued to listen quietly as the man continued.:: Zhou: I've been having difficulty sleeping and concentrating since then... I've had flashbacks of trying to pry those doors back open with my bare hands until my fingers bleed, to try to change what happened. Shelley: I'm no engineer, but from what I understand, nothing short of a photon torpedo can force open sealed doors after a breach- ::Zhou listened to her words, but he had to interrupt.:: Zhou: Yes, doctor, but that's the very heart of it. Those flashbacks I just described? That's not how it actually happened. I didn't try to pry those doors back open. I didn't even get up! ::He sighed before he explained further.:: Zhou: Everything went so fast. She shoved me through the doorway so hard that I fell to the floor, and after the doors were closed, I just lay there, staring back... hearing the sound of the decompression heading towards me with her still on the other side. And then, it was over. Like that. She was dead. I was alive. And by shutting those doors, she had even spared me from having to watch her die. ::There was a moment of silence before Shelley replied.:: Shelley: It must have been a difficult experience for you. Zhou: ::lets out a soft, morbid chuckle:: You know the worst part? I got a pat on the back afterward. Praised for my dedication to duty. Not even just praised, I was promoted! Her family doesn't even know she's dead, and I'm already wearing an extra pip on my collar. ::He paused and then said softly, as if talking only to himself:: This isn't what I thought it was going to be. This isn't the new start it was supposed to be. ::That last bit hit closer to home with Shelley than the rest. In fact, she was fairly certain she'd uttered those exact same words not long ago. But now wasn't the time to reflect.:: Shelley: I understand that feeling more than you know. ::pause:: However, I'm not a counselor. And you're not someone who can afford to take a time-out right now. ::Zhou thought about his first impressions regarding Shelley, how he had reacted initially with contempt for her sudden appearance in his sickbay. He chided himself internally, acknowledging how wrong he had been.:: Zhou: Doctor, I've seen you work and reviewed your file when you were transferred to this department. I know a physician with your extensive experience doesn't need me to take care of these people, and- ::He stopped as he felt Shelley place a comforting hand on his shoulder. Shelley adopted the soft, kindly tone she always used when dealing with a distressed or frightened patient.:: Shelley: I'm sorry, but we don't have time for me to be diplomatic about it - we have people on this ship who are injured, maybe dying. They need doctors. Feel free to take time off or even resign from Starfleet, but do it tomorrow. ::beat:: Today, be a doctor. ::Zhou looked back at her in silence. She hated to be so harsh with the man, especially given the already stressful situation, but the simple fact was that sickbay needed all hands on deck. They couldn't afford to have anyone - let alone the chief medical officer - sitting on the sidelines. With the ship being split into three, they were already short of their usual staff compliment.:: Shelley: Just concentrate on the job. Whatever is going on in your head... you just have to banish it. It's not easy, but compartmentalizing it is the only way. Lock it away and deal with it later. ::she paused and smiled somewhat sadly:: Believe me, I know about these things. ::Getting back to work after the death of her daughter had been... well, "difficult" was an understatement, but she'd managed, and she'd gotten past the hardest part. And now she was dealing with the situation with Lt Cmdr Whale.:: Zhou: ::slowly nods:: Yes, doctor. You're right. ::he grasps Shelley's hand on his shoulder:: Thank you. ::As if to put a further emphasis on the urgency of their predicament, Faryul stepped to the CMO office's doorway, placing her hands on the opposite sides of the frame to steady herself as the ship continued to rock from the forces outside of sickbay.:: Faryul: Doctors, there's been a severe hull breach. We've received word that at least two repair teams have suffered critical injuries. They'll be getting here shortly, not to mention any hurt pilots returning to the ship. ::She paused as she saw Zhou still holding Shelley's hand on his shoulder.:: Is everything all right? Zhou: ::steps away from the wall and turns to Faryul:: No, everything is not all right, Nishal. ::looks back at Shelley:: We still have patients out there. Let's go. ::As Faryul went back to her station, Zhou gestured for Shelley to go first through the doorway.:: Zhou: You said odds, right? Shelley: I did indeed, Doctor. ::The two doctors nodded and headed back to their work in sickbay. Tomorrow, they would all undoubtedly continue to face new uncertainties, but today, they belonged here.:: ----- Dr. Fiona Shelley Medical Department USS Independence-A (as simmed by Lt. Commander David J. Whale Chief of Security USS Independence-A) & Lieutenant JG Tenzin Zhou Medical Officer USS Independence-A
  17. Lol, I know where you're coming from Nimue... It is progressing VERY fast! Very is a mild expression here - you had first kiss and next get to bed, lol! I know it was just sleeping but... ::scratch, scratch... snif:: Lol. Personally I don't see sharing a bed and just sleeping as a bad thing... I mean it's just sleeping. But apparently Aussies are very wanton in their attitudes towards such things... So maybe it's just me By the way Nim, that reporter article featured 'Ensign Mar'. I'm happy to classify it as outdated...
  18. Heya new graduates! I play Lt (jg) Alleran Tan from the USS Independence-A. Welcome to the fleet!
  19. ((OOC: Poster's note: At the request of the writer I have made minor corrections to this sim. This should be considered the "final" copy. I've also added his signature, as per the rules of the competition. This is a nice one- I liked reading it. )) ((Zhou's Quarters, the evening of "Day 2" from the Captain's Timeline, about the same time as Tan and Riley's rainy date)) ::Zhou sat at his desk looking over Pitik's medical file in preparation for the surgery that was to take place the next morning. He should be in bed already to ensure that he'd get enough rest, but there was always another detail to commit to memory. Captain Riley herself had seemed a bit uncertain about her "retired" skills as a physician, but for some reason, Zhou's instinct told him she'd be fine. He chuckled as he wondered if she were doing some last minute "cramming" as well at this very moment. An indicator light flashed on his monitor in the corner. A new message (or two) was waiting.:: Zhou: Computer, display unread messages. ::The computer chirped and displayed a bit more than two messages. A couple were from a woman named Yasmin Ibrahim. Even more, including the most recent one to arrive, were from Cogley and Associates. Zhou sighed. It wasn't right of him to keep ignoring the law firm, he thought. The "Starfleet excuse" would only stretch so far. However, tonight he decided instead to play one of the woman's messages.:: Zhou: Computer, display the most recent message from Yasmin Ibrahim. ::The computer chirped again, and the screen changed from a wall of text to a human woman in her early thirties, whose dark brown hair fell to her shoulders in tight curls. Her image was frozen in time, and for a moment, Zhou just stared at her face as wistful memories entered his mind. Such delicate thoughts were quickly whisked away once he played the message. As the woman's image stepped into motion, her previous tired, almost sad expression changed into that of anger and frustration.:: Ibrahim: Tenzin? Hello? WHAT THE HELL? I've been trying to reach you for the past few weeks now, and you can't take the time to even give me the simplest form of a reply? I just...ugh! [...] you, Tenzin! ::She sighed and looked away.:: Ibrahim: Well, whatever, if you want to run away as usual and not talk to me like an adult, fine. I guess I shouldn't have expected ENSIGN Zhou to be any different from DOCTOR Zhou or even MISTER Zhou. ::beat:: In the end, you're still the same Tenzin Zhou: inconsiderate [...]. ::Zhou winced a bit from his guilt. He knew she was right to be upset.:: Ibrahim: I've talked to Lamberts from Cogley, and she tells me they usually prefer both parties to be there for the final hearing, but in cases of extenuating circumstances like, oh say gallivanting across the galaxy, you can name a representative to show up on your behalf. I would hope even you would be ashamed to force one of your friends to do that for you, but if you're not going to step up, have the decency to get this over with. ::She sighed again.:: It's been five years; I'm ready to move on. ::She paused and looked down before staring right into the recorder, revealing her now watering eyes. Zhou bit his lip when he saw them.:: Ibrahim: You obviously already have. ::The doctor lowered his head in shame, unable to stare at his wife any longer as she continued, her words commanding in tone.:: Ibrahim: Hey, while I'm still your wife in these last few days-- ::She rolled her eyes and let out a short laugh mixed in resignation and affection.:: or maybe weeks, if you still act like a [...]--at least do one final favor as my husband. ::She paused briefly again, and for a moment, both Zhou and the image of his wife were looking away from each other. When her voice returned, it was softer but just as passionate as before.:: Take care of yourself out there. ::The woman pressed a button off-screen, and the message was over. Zhou put his hand to his face, sweeping away the droplets of water forming in his own eyes with his fingers. If only the guilt went away so easily.:: Lieutenant JG Tenzin Zhou Chief Medical Officer USS Independence-A
  20. ((Zhou's Quarters, the evening of "Day 2" from the Captain's Timeline, about the same time as Tan and Riley's rainy date)) ::Zhou sat at his desk looking over Pitik's medical file in preparation for the surgery that was to take place the next morning. He should be in bed already to ensure that he'd get enough rest, but there was always another detail to commit to memory. Captain Riley herself had seemed a bit uncertain about her "retired" skills as a physician, but for some reason, Zhou's instinct told him she'd be fine. He chuckled as he wondered if she were doing some last minute "cramming" as well at this very moment. An indicator light flashed on his monitor in the corner. A new message (or two) was waiting.:: Zhou: Computer, display unread messages. ::The computer chirped and displayed a bit more than two messages. A couple were from a woman named Yasmin Ibrahim. Even more, including the most recent one to arrive, were from Cogley and Associates. Zhou sighed. It wasn't right of him to keep ignoring the law firm, he thought. The "Starfleet excuse" would only stretch so far. However, tonight he decided instead to play one of the woman's messages.:: Zhou: Computer, display the most recent message from Yasmin Ibrahim. ::The computer chirped again, and the screen changed from a wall of text to a human woman in her early thirties, whose dark brown hair fell to her shoulders in tight curls. Her image was frozen in time, and for a moment, Zhou just stared at her face as wistful memories entered his mind. Such delicate thoughts were quickly whisked away once he played the message. As the woman's image stepped into motion, her previous tired, almost sad expression changed into that of anger and frustration.:: Ibrahim: Tenzin? Hello? WHAT THE HELL? I've been trying to reach you for the past few weeks now, and you can't take the time to even give me the simplest form of a reply? I just...ugh! [...] you, Tenzin! ::She sighed and looked away.:: Ibrahim: Well, whatever, if you want to run away as usual and not talk to me like an adult, fine. I guess I shouldn't have expected ENSIGN Zhou to be any different from DOCTOR Zhou or even MISTER Zhou. ::beat:: In the end, you're still the same Tenzin Zhou: inconsiderate basard. ::Zhou winced a bit from his guilt. He knew she was right to be upset.:: Ibrahim: I've talked to Lamberts from Cogley, and she tells me they usually prefer both parties to be there for the final hearing, but in cases of extenuating circumstances like, oh say gallivanting across the galaxy, you can name a representative to show up on your behalf. I would hope even you would be ashamed to force one of your friends to do that for you, but if you're not going to step up, have the decency to get this over with. ::She sighed again.:: It's been five years; I'm ready to move on. ::She paused and looked down before staring right into the recorder, revealing her now watering eyes. Zhou bit his lip when he saw them.:: Ibrahim: You obviously already have. ::The doctor lowered his head in shame, unable to stare at his wife any longer as she continued, her words commanding in tone.:: Ibrahim: Hey, while I'm still you're wife in these last few days--or maybe weeks, if you still act like a [...]--at least do one final favor as my husband. ::She paused briefly, and for a moment, both Zhou and the image of his wife were looking away from each other. When her voice returned, it was softer but just as passionate as before.:: Take care of yourself out there. ::The woman pressed a button off-screen, and the message was over. Zhou put his hand to his face, sweeping away the droplets of water forming in his own eyes with his fingers. If only the guilt went away so easily.::
  21. Speaking as someone who has absolutely no authority whatsoever... I recommend it be posted as one long sim, even if you have to edit it a bit to make it make sense (unless these are very minor edits, such as removing unanswered tags or nonsensical responses to unanswered tags, I suggest you contact the authors before you do this). I did something similar with the sims spearheaded by Mr Zhou, since there were unanswered tags and soforth in the final version. Ultimately, again speaking as someone who's just a lowly Lt (jg), I would say that it's better to submit the sim as one part. Worst case scenario, it gets disqualified (I don't think this will happen).
  22. Just for a little background- Riley had (amongst other things) spent the last hour or so wandering Sickbay visiting the critically injured members of her crew, including some enlisted crewmen, so Somers's comment struck a nerve.
  23. ((Captain Riley's Ready Room, USS Independence-A)) ::Sidney sat at her desk, leaning back in the chair. Her eyes were closed, the computer screen was darkened. The sound of soft piano music wafted through the air as Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" played lightly over the speakers in the room.:: ::Sidney's mind wandered through the day many things began to take shape in the Terran/Deltan's mind. The loss of life, the damage to the ship, Belleau, Shannon, Clack, Storos...all danced in her mind underneath the beautiful piano triplets.:: ::A loud knock brought the Captain back to reality. She sat up quickly, almost knocking the steaming mug of coffee with chicory from her desk. Composing herself she tugged at her jacket and called out.:: Riley: Computer, end music. ::Louder.:: Enter. Somers: ::Entering:: Thank you for seeing me Captain, I know you got things to do, so I will keep this as short as I can, no thanks I prefer to stand for this ::Alex said.:: ::Sidney raised an eyebrow and had motioned to a chair, but hadn't had the time to say anything about the proffered seat.:: Riley: Stand if you must Mister Somers. What is it you want to speak to me about? Somers: I need to know a few things Captain, some for my own piece of mind others, because I am still puzzled by past events ::She gave the woman a questioning look.:: Riley: I'm afraid I don't understand Marine. Somers: First question Captain ::beat:: Do you have a problem with me being assigned to this ship, because I saw your look in the Briefing Room when you spoke to me, I have felt a little tension there. ::then switching to a even politer tone, hinged with a little concern:: Is there any problem there Captain? ::Sidney scowled at the woman. Was this about a feeling? Standing Sidney locked her eyes with the taller woman.:: Riley: If I had a problem with you Marine Captain Somers, you wouldn't be here. Somers: ::Inhaling:: Okay, second question, Where do my Marine duties lie in comparison with Reporting to Commander Whale. I know that while on the ship all the Marines that came over from the Achilles are to fill in Security positions, as and when needed. But when we retake DS17 will I be in command of the Marines or will I have Commander Whale looking over my shoulder? ::Alex asked:: That is the two duty orientated questions done. Riley: Your Marine duties are just that Captain, Marine duties. Your reports on the Marine contingent will come through LtCmdr. Whale, however, you are in charge of the Marine contingent. However, all of you are under my command. ::Sidney paused, looking at the red haired woman, trying to assess what she was getting at. The entire conversation had a hint of something the Terran/Deltan couldn't quite place. She turned and looked at the stars outside the window. This whole thing reminded her of a grade school conflict. She focused on the brightest star outside the window.:: Somers: I see ::Turning away, suddenly her mind in conflict, when she faced the Captain again she had a semi-vacant confused look on her face.:: This one is of a more personal nature ::beat:: My last time here, what the Hades happened to me Captain! Last thing I remember was trying to get the Marine shuttle back to the Station or the Ship, then I woke up on earth, with a large gap in my memory. ::eyes filled with water, but Alex retained control, only just:: Why and how did I end back up on Earth in Starfleet Medical Captain? Please tell me if you can ::Sidney turned around to see the Marine Captain in tears. Sidney frowned.:: Riley: Somers, I believe that is something you should talk with Counselor Avandar about in more detail. Somers: I see thank you Captain, ::wiping her eyes:: apologies Captain, I am usually more in control, but how I ended up on earth and the hole in my mind, has been bugging me ::she said.:: ::Suddenly looking up and suddenly had a mood changed, her eyes were still red, but she was back in full control, she stood behind the chair and leaned forward.:: Somers: Captain, this may come as a surprise to you, but I owe you my rank, you gave me a field commission, so since then I have wondered how to repay this debt ::pause:: I know you do not see it as a debt, but to me it is a debt of honour, that has to be repaid, in full. This is not some youngster's delusions of grandeur; I am serious and intent of repaying this debt. ::pause:: Until the time I get posted to another ship or I either die in battle, or an event happens that I see and full repayment, you will have at least two Marine bodyguards. If I cannot attend then another Marine will take my place ::A deep frown crossed the Captain's face.:: Riley: I appreciate your concern Somers. However, a constant body guard will not be necessary or required. There is no need to do that. Somers: Why do I say this, you ask! ::gathering her thoughts:: it is simple Captain, I know you well enough to know, that you like to lead away missions, it seems the more dangerous the better, I assume this has not changed. ::Sidney raised an eyebrow as the woman raised her voice. The Captain eyed the door wondering if she could make a break for it and have Avandar speak to Somers. The whole situation did not feel right, she shook her head.:: Somers: As I thought, I know I cannot stop you from doing such things, no would I try, I would rather face a platoon of Vaadwaur shock troops that try to prevent you from leading an away mission. ::pause:: But as you are a Starship Captain, you seem to forget, that if you get captured, the codes and clearance you have can be used against the Federation, and my assessment of these Vaadwaur tell me that they would love to capture a Starship Captain and interrogate to get information. ::pause:: I also do not know if the First Officer objects to you leading away missions, but while I may not be on the bridge, ::inhale:: my objection to this is now known. Out of all the ships crew Captain, you are the one person on the Independence that is NOT expendable. The rest of us are, you are not, as a Starship Captain, you know too much and it takes years to train a good Captain. ::pause:: So it is in this case you will have myself and another Marine assigned as personal bodyguards or two Marines when you go on away missions. As much as it may surprise you Captain ::inhale:: I do not make this statement out of pride or self importance. I make it because I personally think you are an excellent Captain and while I may not always show it, I do have the upmost respect for you. ::breathes:: So now you know that I mean what I said about personal bodyguards Also Captain, while I remain on this ship and alive I WILL keep you alive as best as I am able ::Sidney bristled at the woman's comments. As she stood there she brought herself to her full height of five foot two inches. It did not compare to the height of the woman opposite the desk, but the Captain's demeanor was direct and extremely strong.:: Riley: Listen here *Miss* Somers, I am a Captain, and I certainly don't need a lecture from you on away team ethics and directives. I had enough of that at the Academy. I am well aware of my obligations not only to this crew, but to Starfleet and the Federation. Perhaps you forget, but I've been through one War and am in the midst of another. I have also been held prisoner against my will and tortured for those secret command codes and clearances you're talking about. ::Sidney's eyes held the anger she felt seething underneath her surface demeanor. Anger at the Vaadwaur, Anger at the loss of life, the battering of the Independence. Anger at Parrin. Anger at the Gorn. She held her fists at her side.:: Riley: I've seen more loss of life than you have ever seen Somers, how dare you lecture to me about how to be a commanding officer. I have served the Federation with distinction Marine Captain and no one has the right to question my loyalty. ::Sidney was about to turn away, but before Somers could respond she spoke again.:: How dare you say anyone on this ship is expendable Miss Somers. NO ONE is expendable on my ship, not the newest crewman third class to the myself, is that understood!? ::Her voice held a gravely tone.:: Somers: Whoa Captain, I was not trying to tell you how to do your job, I was merely speaking my mind, I said what I did out of logic and honesty, you would rather me lie, than speak my mind? ::she asked ::The Terran/Deltan Commanding Officer glared at the Marine. It wasn't that the woman had told her to do her job, in so much as she had told her there were people on her crew that were expendable.:: Riley: No one is expendable Marine. Somers: I do apologize for my insensitivity Captain, but I know you are someone who would want one of her subordinates to speak their mind, and not to cushion the blow. I am one of those types Captain I say what's on my mind, at least then you know I am hiding nothing Riley: There will be no body guard following me around, is that understood? Somers: Oh well, it was worth a try ::Alex said and sighed heavily:: One way or another Captain I will repay you for your kindness ::Sidney's eyes locked with the woman's as she waited for the response she wanted.:: Somers: Understood Captain. Riley: Dismissed Marine. Somers: Yes Sir ::Alex said and as she was leaving, she stopped at the open door and turned to face the Captain:: For what its worth Captain, I can understand some of the pain of loss, remember Captain, you are not alone, you are never alone! ::Sidney once again turned to face the stars, as the Marine Captain left, the Terran/Deltan could feel the wetness forming in her eyes.:: Riley: oO Expendable! Oo ::Small tears began to fall from the Captain's bright green eyes onto her bright red uniform...A tear for each person she'd served with that she'd seen die.::
  24. Not a problem- you are most welcome! I believe strongly in recognizing the efforts of the various simmers on this crew (and indeed, every ship on the UFOP) and I believe this sim deserved to be nominated! I must say, however. You have some very stiff competition in the Indy crew...
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