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Rahman and Rivi Vataix

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Everything posted by Rahman and Rivi Vataix

  1. Congrats! Welcome to the fleet!
  2. Hehe... this week on Days of Our Invicta Shoreleave We've all been there, Nia. We've all been there. Also...
  3. Haha, gotta love Nia. Who could decline that invitation?
  4. I voted Jadzia but Ezri was a great, different character, too. Plus, nice to see a new depiction of a Starfleet counselor.
  5. Well, at least we have confirmation the pilot is going to air on the network. If the numbers are impressive, I wouldn't be surprised if CBS decides to rerun episodes at some point later after their exclusive first-run on CBS All Access.
  6. Congratulations. You just earned this look.
  7. Hahaha, didn't they have them drop pots on people's heads in that Robin Hood episode?
  8. That awkward moment when you realize your boyfriend has a crush/is best friends with your ex.
  9. Attention, fleet mates! With the recent awards ceremony still fresh in our minds, an exciting new section of the wiki has just opened: the StarBase 118 Hall of Honor! Under the directive of Fleet Admiral Wolf, the awards and service ribbons pages have been completely transformed into a new comprehensive and integrated section of the wiki that serves to recognize the achievements of our fellow members. New Menus You can navigate through the awards and service ribbons through the new menus at the top of each page. Highlighting Recent Recipients Award recipients are given more prominence. For instance, the most recent award recipients are displayed right on the award overview pages such as the duty post awards, staff awards, etc. (For those wiki-curious folks, the recent recipient data for these pages is pulled directly from the individual award pages themselves, using transclusion similar to how the Fleet Roster works, meaning these pages won't need to be updated). New Individual Award Pages We hope the new Hall of Honor reflects the level of distinction that award recipients have earned. To be awarded a "fleet level" award should be something to be proud of, and the old table listings lacked the proper recognition. A full comprehensive table listing is still available for easy record keeping, especially come next awards season, but each award now has its own page. When you click on the link to an award (or the image of an award on a person's ribbon rack or display case from their bio page), you will be taken directly to that award's own page. If the award is a fleet level award (meaning only one person is usually given the award per year) or a length of service award, you will see all the recipients displayed like award plaques on a wall. For instance, here's what the page for the Rising Star Award looks like. Interactive Plaques Each plaque is interactive. Click on the name or picture to go to that person's bio. Click on the year to read the full awards ceremony from that year. Click on the writer ID number to go the user page of that character's writer. Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome!
  10. Aww! Noble Del. And nice job, Amanda, on making Chase a grade A a hole, haha.
  11. Welcome back! Nice to see some familiar names!
  12. Although to be fair, their trailers can be heavy on the action angle, too:
  13. So a fan on reddit made a new version of the trailer that was in the style of the previous JJ film trailers. What do you think? It's well done, but then again a bit cliche for blockbuster trailers, but that's what he/she was going for, so... Unlike a lot of fans, I actually wasn't that appalled about the original Beyond trailer and think it does exactly what it sets out to do: grab the attention of people who probably wouldn't normally give a second look at Trek. I think the movie holds potential, with a new setting away from Earth and an interesting idea of a reaction against colonialism (and the frontier pushing back line is a good one, reminding me of Kira telling a naive Bashir the "wilderness" he finds so exciting and where "heroes are made" is her home). That said, one of the issues I have with the new movies is the idea that the only way to expand the Trek audience is to go the Transformers-popcorn kind of flick. After films like Gravity, Interstellar, and the Martian, I kind of wish the new Trek movies would have followed that route. Given how much money those movies have made, there's no reason to think a Star Trek filmed made in that kind of more "serious" style wouldn't be well-received:
  14. Sometimes, the funny moments aren't even spoken: Rahman: DeVeau:
  15. Rahman & Mei'konda:
  16. NIMBUS III - After a long and hard-fought campaign, Nimbus III Chief Administrator Narala emerged victorious in the race to become the next Federation president. Continue reading the rest of the article at the FNS website. FNS Home FNS Data Feed FNS on FB
  17. PARIS, EARTH — As voters across the Federation scramble to get their ballots in before the 2392 presidential election period ends, the staff for the incumbent, President Nan Bacco, is racing to complete preparations for the president’s state visit to the new capital of the Romulan Star Empire in what will be the final achievement of her administration. Continue reading the rest of the article at http://fns.news FNS Home FNS Data Feed FNS on FB
  18. Nash Blaxland reports on the worrying risk of holo-addiction among Luna’s children and one program that gives hope to those dealing with the struggle. Jason Kershaw’s holo-addiction is out of control. Several months ago, the seventeen-year-old procured his own holo-emitters, turning his bedroom into a personal holosuite. Before that, he was spending upwards of ten hours a day in the holo-arcade near his home in Armstrong City. Last year, he was top of his class. Now, he has dropped out of his final year at Aldrin High School. Continue reading the rest of the article at http://fns.news This article was written by Didrik Stennes of the USS Darwin-A. Submit your own news story to the FNS! FNS Home FNS Data Feed FNS on FB
  19. Thanks for your comment! Would you be interested in participating in an interview with an FNS reporter?
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