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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. That is very true................ but He's not the best captian in history because that goes to the main man, Captain Sisko.
  2. Riker is class. He's not always brash, he has some very good.......diplomatic skills. ::Said while trying not to laugh::
  3. Devlin

    Class of 2381

    Good luck with the training, you should be done in no time.
  4. Riker is not a copy of kirk, Riker is class. kirk is............well.............he's.......something...but not class.
  5. Well, you raise some interesting points and I will try to be as clear as possible. Firstly, on the issue of Riker and Spock, although they were not seen in command of their new vassals, they did take command as first officers on many occasions so they command abilities were tested. Secondly, I did consider adding more Captains like, Scott, LaForge, Dekker and even Sulu, but I decided against this for two reasons. Firstly there would be too many to vote for and we would not see a clear winner and secondly I did not fill that we saw the other Captains in Command often enough. I am sorry to anybody who fills that his or her favourite Captain was left of the vote but I did try to get all of the main ones in. As for your second question, when deciding who you think is the best simply consider the good and bad points to the captains and decide who you think was the best…failing that just chose your favourite
  6. I'm going with Sisko, a good alround Captain.
  7. Who is the best captain in Starfleet and why?
  8. Devlin

    Class of 2381

    Welcome to UFOP. I'm Ensign Devlin, Helms officer on the Paladin.
  9. NO..............................Well............................Maybe just a little.
  10. The Wrath of khan is the best, but i would say that Generations was the worse.
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