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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. LOL. We know Rocket, we have all seen your Voyager topic.
  2. LOL. We would not let that happen to you, your to valuble to the humorous side of the group. Nice to see another Sisko fan Mondana, we are a little out numbered here.
  3. I am, Can't wait. The only thing is I missed the last few episodes of season 3 so Im have to watch the reruns.
  4. Does it invole wipes....chains.....and....candle wax ???
  5. Kirk You make me laugh. sisko is much better.
  6. Thats not what the poll says. :rolleyes: :lol:
  7. I don't like her style, like I said before she comes across as never listening to her XO. I think Sisko is much better than Kirk if you are talking battle.
  8. Maybe she just really like to pull rank.
  9. Okay if you say so.
  10. You can't say that your a Janaway fan, and she never listens to her first officer never mind the rest of the crew.
  11. Have fun, we all do. And if anyone needs help, ask anyone and they will be more than happy to help.
  12. I dont mind kirk, in fact most of the films he was in were very good, but he's not my fav captain.
  13. Well said. You not a kirk fan then. :rolleyes:
  14. More than one bad day, more than one bad film.
  15. I like Picard more than Janway, she never seems to listen to her first officer and she thinks that she has to do every thing by her self. I think J.Dax would have made a good captain, I would the shows in DS9 series 6 where she was in command of the USS Defiant.
  16. Party!!! Did someone say Party? ::Devlin walks in with a geto-blaster blairing out music.:: Congratulations Welcome to the fleet.
  17. ST-V, I think :blink:
  18. Maybe so.... But, she also stopped the borg from being destoryed in 'Scorpion Game' (I think thats the name).
  19. LOL. no, I was watching Enterprise yesterday, the one in the mine field and he's not that bad. Although, I did like him better when he had that holograme to help him.
  20. No, the sad thing is that Archer has not got one vote.
  21. ::Stands up waving a white flag:: I give in, I will accept that Captain Jean-Luc Picard is the best (as voted for by the people of sb118, although my faviourate is still Sisko.) :rolleyes: The results so far are, 1st is Captain Picard, 2nd is Captain Janeway, Joint 3rd is Captain Kirk & Captain Sisko.
  22. :angry: :blink:
  23. The USS Defiant was at that battle for a lot longer than the Enterprise, no dout it was sent by captain sisko.
  24. Wrong topic, this is the 'worst captain' poll, you want the 'best captain' poll.
  25. Yes it was Gerak, but it was sisko that got the ball rolling.
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