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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. Only Sisko could have got the Romulans to join the federation and klingons in the fight against the Dominion, if he didn't the war would have been lost and so there would be no more Federation.
  2. The Defiant?
  3. It’s true that the majority of people think that Picard is better than Sisko, however since when have a majority of people been right? For example, a majority of people once thought that the world was flat, a majority of people once said that the sound barrier could never be broken and a majority of people thought that there was going to be a third world war between America and Russia. So it is a safe to say that because more people think that Picard is the best captain, that does not ‘make it so.’
  4. Precisely, there is nobody better than Sisko.
  5. No bodys perfect. Jonathan Archer has not got one vote, I fill a little sorry for him.
  6. As with most actors I think it got better as the programme devolped.
  7. Thats what I like to see, Sisko as the Captain. No one better to lead a crew.
  8. The dominion would have attacked no matter who was in command of DS9, Sisko was the best man to fight them off.
  9. What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: Sisko was one of the best. He saved the federation many times.
  10. well I had a lot of time on my hands.
  11. Here's mine, The Captain of the ship, Captain Benjamin Sisko The First Officer, Commander William T. Riker The Second Officer & Science Officer, Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax The Tactical Officer, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok The Chief of security, Lieutenant Natasha Yar The Chief Engineer, Chief petty officer Miles O'Brien The Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Leonard H. McCoy Helm Officer, Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu Ship's counsellor, Commander Deanna Troi
  12. Okay I’ve been thinking about this one for some time but I’m not sure it will work, but let’s try it anyway. The idea of this is for you to take on the role of an Admiral in the fleet so you can decide the ideal Captain and crew for a star ship, they can be from any of the shows or films and from any time, they don’t have to be from the same one,(No fun it that.) but they do have to be from the Star Trek universe which means no one from SB118. For example, you could have, Kirk as Captain and Riker as XO or what ever you decide is best. But don’t list 400 crewmembers, just the senior staff will be enough. You decide on their rank and position.
  13. Enterprise was a prototype for the NX class of star ship, I would image a lot of the frontline fighting would be done by smaller and older ships designs that could be constructed faster.
  14. Ransom was miss-guided, he was going what he considered to be the best course of action to get his crew home. He was not the worst captain, that award should go to the captain of the USS Odyssey, although I can't remember his name he was an idiot.
  15. With a title like 'Romulan Wars' I don't think there will be to much in the way of a plot, sadly.
  16. Sisko had the tactics, diplomacy and maybe most importantly, he was a family man. Clearly he was the best captain.
  17. USS Stargazer?
  18. Chose some of your favourite Episodes from any of the shows, don’t go too OTT, four or five at the most. Put down the name of the Episode and the Show it’s from next two it. You can also give a reason why these are your favourite if you want to. I’ll start, My favourite are, Past Tense, part1 & 2- DS9 Hell Year - Voy Yesterdays Enterprise - TNG Past Tense was very impressive and had a strong social message. Hell Year was very exciting, plus I got to see the Voyager get destroyed. It was a good idea to show the Enterprise-C and bring back Tasha Yar which gave the show a new story in the form of her daughter in Yesterdays Enterprise.
  19. I think we could see a mix of the battle scenes in First Contact with some in the 3rd Enterprise season which would be well worth watching if they can get some good acters and of course some good ship designs.
  20. Good,Good, Sisko is clearly the best Captain. I mean he was in command of DS9 and the Defiant so he must be good. Not to mention the fact that he helped design the Defiant, which was a ship that won many important battles for the federation against the Dominion. ::Devlin puts on his Sisko hat and T-shirt and starts singing:: SISKO, THE GREAT SISSSSSSSSSSSSSSKKKKKKKKKKKOOOOOO, SOoooooooo SSSISKO was GREAT.
  21. yes, I would also watch it.........if only to see what it was like.
  22. It seems that I am out numbered. Still I will fight for Sisko to the end.
  23. He may not be alive...but he's not dead... and he will return, if you remember correctly. Janeway let herself get promoted and taken off her ship, so she is not the best captain, the best captain would have stayed with their ship.
  24. It should be a good film. But you never know.
  25. I think the way to go about it would be to have the TNG or DS9 crew be in the same film as the Enterprise team. Personally i Dont think the they should have made Enterprise, why couldn't they use the same acters in a different programme set after the Dominaion War?
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