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Everything posted by Beta

  1. Captain Jean-Luc Picard is the best the poll speaks for its self
  2. NO way!
  3. How DARE U! generations was a great GAME for its time. I belive that you said that because u failed the first mission and then couldn't find cheats that worked for it...................::thinks for a while:: No wait that was me.I cant beat that level it so hard they all are does any one no how to complete it or and cheats that work for it. Or finaly a cheat trainer cus i need a way to do it. please help me :clueless:
  4. u could use a different program like mircosoft picture it and then cut small peice of skin of the alien then placed on to the face its long and grewing task but it can be done.
  5. TOS-MIRROR, MIRROR. A mirror enterprise and crew trying to kill each other who would love it. TNG-Best of both worlds both parts (i can do this becuase it was air once as 1 episode:Riker v Borg nothing else to say. DS9- sacrifice of angels. Because i loved to hate it that episode (if u know what i mean) Voy-Year of Hell ( i cna do this again becuase it was aired once as 1 episode) It was one of the most soundest time infested plots i have ever seen.
  6. How dare you say that! star fleet academy was class! (very oldish) star trek invasion was great. star trek generations was not that good but still good. I haven't played on kilgon academy or SFC I or II but i have played on SFC III and that is so great i slaped my self silly. I preffer games where you can mess around like SFC III and aramda 2
  7. Welll we will over look it.
  8. But it is not going to happen because they love each other two much and janeway is married. Do you not understand love?
  9. You ddint answer my question
  10. Well i did it with out useing any sinpers or mines i use the nertal thingy and phasers and the vuclan death pinch.
  11. Y did u keep puting janeway and "HIM" he got to gether with 7 and thats that now get over it!
  12. And why was that, i loved the borg missions.
  13. I c u put a lot of time and tears in to that
  14. k here goes my list cap-Mirror Kirk FO-Mirror Odode Helm-Paris COO-Data CMO-Mirror Bones CE-Scotty
  15. k well we have to cure you
  16. Well thats y u have gone mad then.
  17. Thats a great point i hadn't though of it.
  18. No i wouldn't but it would be fun to play.
  19. When we landed i lost my mind does any 1 know what happen?
  20. Well i cant understand y? they are doing the romulan wars. I mean its going to look more advance then TOS but the war was before it. But enterprise seems to advance for the battles it was said that, the battles where fort between ships with simpal warp drive and poor sub space comucation and finaly atomic weapons. But enterprise does not use atomic weapons or has poor sub space comucations. Or is my point pointless?
  21. Bye the way Marie i anint scared of u i am imortal!!!!!!!
  22. I think mine was funner. We crashed on a wet plant but i cant rember what happen?
  23. I would like to say hello to my old training pals but i dont know who they where? So if you remember me the post here. All i remember is that stone was are training instuctor and we where in the shuttle mission where we crashed.
  24. And again i agree with S McCall.
  25. What alter ego. i am so scared. And maxwell shouldnt be in the lsit becasue he was a great captain and he was right so there
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