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Everything posted by Beta

  1. So, get it of the internet, by it, if u want it that much thats what i did twice and walked 4miles and then spent 6hours looking for it, Happy Ending I got em!!
  2. I like SCFIII but after i moded it, uit stoped working so i left it, then i re installed it and it still wouldn't work, and looked for a way to make it work again but it stoped. If any body out there thinks they can help i would love it, by the way i have the patch for Xp u know the direct x thing. Armada 2 rules though you could mod it so much.
  3. heres one thing do u know that Pichard, kirk and Archer got the girls but Janeway never got the boys.
  4. BUT...What dont keep me hanging i cant take this tell me tell me.
  5. Why would you have to fix it, he was always going to win fixed or not!
  6. Should never get any any way
  7. See the sad thing is that Pichard is wining by far.
  8. U cant decided its a very easy choice
  9. No. But was ever ordered or Asked to do so. If he had of lead the war. Then the borg would of won assimulating earth becasue Pichard would of been told to stay at DS9.
  10. LOOK! devlin the votes speak for them selfs pichard wins and thats life and that
  11. Yea he does but so does all the other lot on the list...................::thinking:: well archer does not get any votes because he should not get any.
  12. NO dont use paint it just dont work very well
  13. First Contact. is just the best you can watch it over and over and still get shocked by it.
  14. go on y not?
  15. ::on his knees:: Please ::crying:: please tell me please with a cherry on top.
  16. Thats not fair tell ME! You know u want 2? Go on tell me. Go on. Go on.
  17. Sorry whats your point? the war started what 6years after that so his he had the kilgons would of helped and the domiun would of be crushed
  18. I would belive pichards weekness is the borg. He always goes a bit insane when it comes 2 them.
  19. NO!!! He was a great cap he was great and figured out the cardiess plan.
  20. Well u never know i belive that if Picard had commaded DS9 then earth would of been destoryed.
  21. Dopper i love your crew no i hated it come on Ben no cap!
  22. Do the group and i wil join!!!
  23. Finally some 1 sides will me! thanks TPreen
  24. I wont work i've been playing it on my older of the 2 coms
  25. snipers rule and generations will not work on any thing above 1998 windows but i dont know about mac
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