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Kalianna Nicholotti

Captains Council member
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Everything posted by Kalianna Nicholotti

  1. Conga Rats! and Welcome =)
  2. Well, it isn't for everyone... Maybe it shouldn't be such a competitive thing? Maybe just let the ships XO's or something pick a sim each month to showcase on the forums? I dunno... Someone get the defibrillator and we will just shock the thing back to life.
  3. In the attempt to make things fair, things always get more convoluted and complex. I would like to just say in good faith that those of us who lurk on these forums are always going to vote and participate fairly, even if it doesn't always look that way, but the fact is, there is no way to prove this. I am not really worried how we get this back up and going, but I think that we need to. Part of the reason that SB118 looked better than any other RPG out there to me was because of the community that I saw behind it. The community is what makes a group for many people, and if little things like this die and fade away, so will the community behind it. In the interest of the groups and everyone involved....why don't we just get something going and see how it goes? (Why not take ships out of it and just do it on an individual writer basis?) Lets do something.
  4. I think it has something to do with the fact that some ships have a huge presence on the forums, while others don't. Perhaps we need a better way of voting? I have seen a couple of ideas pass by, but it seems that the discussion has come to a halt...unless I am out of the loop, which is possible as well.
  5. Conga Rats! and Welcome to the Fleet.
  6. I spend entirely too much time avoiding work on these forums...so, if there is no one with more experience willing, I will volunteer if someone would be so kind as to train me in what I am supposed to do. I think this is a great part of the SB118 group...and I know there are others out there that do not want to see it die.
  7. So...what does a girl have to do around here to get this contest kicking again? O.o
  8. Conga Rats! Welcome one and all! =)
  9. Waiting for a judge to appear? or Waiting for a judge to decide? or wha?
  10. Kali has been waiting - watching - and yearning to join... Who do I have ta talk to ta get this party started? (again)
  11. Conga Rats, and welcome to the fleet =)
  12. Welcome to the fleet. It really is great to see so many new faces!
  13. Thanks much! I'm a week into it and already having a blast...=)
  14. Should I be scared? Maybe I should drive?
  15. Welcome welcome =) I can't wait either lol.
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