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Captain Robin Phoenix

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About Captain Robin Phoenix

  • Birthday 05/21/1979

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  • Current Vessel
    In Training/Unassigned/On Leave

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Captain Robin Phoenix's Achievements

Augmented Elite

Augmented Elite (26/28)



  1. A will-o-the-wisp? We graduated a will-o-the-wisp? Man, and I thought standards had gotten weird when they let ME in. ...... .......... ........ Looks like you will all have a chance to visit me often at SB118 Ops :-D Hope none of you get the Helm position... I might 'forget' to open the Starbase's doors when you want to dock ;-) Congratulations to us all, and thanks for the warm welcome!
  2. Yes, welcome and enjoy the adventures you are about to experience!!!!
  3. Indeed. Many congratulations. Have fun and enjoy your stay guys!
  4. Congratulations and welcome to the fleet, well done!!! Have fun at your new assignments!
  5. I think the Victory CO and I are having some e-mail issues. I forwarded your posting to the First Officer, Paul Diamond. He should be contacting you soon. Indeed there seemed to be some e-mail problems. Fortunatelly, my FO, lt.commander Diamond managed to take care of it, partally thanks to Admiral Wolf who contacted him about it (!) Paul Diamond informed me via e-mail, and Ensign Barnes is gratefully accepted as a Victory crewmember. The e-mail problem has been explained thanks to Admiral Wolf, and I apologize for any inconvenience Barnes might have experienced because of it. So it took a little while with some u-turns, but we've managed to get there with some team work typical for SB118 (the team-work that is )
  6. Congratulations all! Well done during your training cruise!! Welcome to the fleet, and have fun... that's an order
  7. I thought it had something to do with the old city, near that time portal. One could interpret (sp) a time portal as 'forever' as in eternal since time plays no role there. I might be wrong though, it's all a question of interpreting.
  8. I thought it had something to do with the old city, near that time portal. One could interpret (sp) a time portal as 'forever' as in eternal since time plays no role there. I might be wrong though, it's all a question of interpreting.
  9. Well done guys, and not only to the winners! As one of the guest judges this round, I can safely say (although it is a cliche) it has been quite difficult to point out a favorite. The stories are so much different, even though the subject is the same... I bow at you all for your sharing of creative products with us all. Extremely well done!
  10. Give it some time, it'll happen. Rayden Keyne has been assigned to the Victory, so I am sure yours is already on the way.
  11. Welcome to the fleet everyone! Have fun on your assignments
  12. I don't have the official answer to that question,but I think as it is one of the requirements of a good sim AND for a sim entering this contest to have virtually no spelling errors, the answer will be no. Besides, spelling probably is one of the things judges look at, and correcting spelling would therefor probably be considered 'corrupting' the original sims. That, plus the remote possibility the misspelled word is 'corrected' into something the original writer did not intend, tells me one should probably not edit any part of a simm. It should stand on its own. But again, I don't have the official answer
  13. Congratulations, and welcome to the real thing. Have fun on your new assigment!
  14. Welcome to the Fleet! Have fun while you engage into the real adventure!
  15. Yes, welcome to the fleet! And remember, have fun... that's a general UFoP order
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