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Rykel Rior

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Everything posted by Rykel Rior

  1. Welcome to the fleet! We are glad you could join us.
  2. Congratulations! Welcome to the fleet. I hope you enjoy your new posting on the starbase!
  3. Good luck Ed! It has been a privilage serving with you.

  4. Congrats! Welcome to the fleet, Ensign!
  5. I had Arthur Sen. He is currently on a LOA due to RL commitments.
  6. Interesting. Thank you for your thoughts. Perhaps the contest is best left to those who choose to participate in it.
  7. (Playing devil's advocate)Let me ask this... If a panel of judges has "too much work" reading every single sim...do the people who vote in the contest read every single sim? Or is it too much work? Is it fair to vote in this contest and not review every entry in its entirety? It would be easy to put together a list of volunteers, add them to a group list, and when it comes time to vote...call for volunteers for the panel. Those that have time can volunteer, those that do not can sit that round out. It should not be hard to muster 5 members each round.
  8. My suggestion is, go to a panel of some sort like the writing challenges. It is very conceivable that a ship will vote for a character on their ship, with no harm intended. When you read all of the SIMs it is easy to see they are all worthy to be where they are. The problem develops because the readers are familiar with a character on their own ship. They have shared in the experiences of that character, and while the SIM is a great snapshot...they also see a lot more of the character and its history on their ship. If you have no idea what a character is doing in a SIM...it is hard to give it enough merit to rival the character you are very familiar with. I have served with a few of the officers that voted, and I am here to tell you personally they are not the type to stuff the ballots. I have sent a few reminders to my crew, but alas...no turnout. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. The Avandar has a HUGE forum presense, and there is nothing wrong with that. When you have a Fleet-wide contest with 120ish writers, and only 12-15 vote...it is slightly unfair, but if you don't vote for the best SIM because that SIM is from your ship...it is just as unfair. Having a dedicated panel, like the writing challenge, would remove all doubt.
  9. Good to have you with us!

  10. Welcome Ensign! Glad to have you on the StarBase!

  11. Happy birthday!

  12. I want to echo Commander Thelev...what was that thing? Congrats both of you, welcome back!
  13. Welcome to the Fleet!!
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