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Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

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Everything posted by Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf

  1. DATES: The class began on April 25, 2016 and ended May 3, 2016.LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Commander Roshanara Rahman FIRST OFFICER: Captain Sal Taybrim GRADUATING MEMBERS: * Iris Macoy * Oddas Aria Welcome to the fleet -- we're so glad you're here! My door is always open if you ever need anything
  2. #MothersDay: Get a free bouquet from The Bouqs Co. -- they're farm direct w/free shipping! https://t.co/ldG0rQbgwa https://t.co/YNCKVxBHWG

  3. RT @CREDOMobile: .@ryangrim we'd be more than happy to help if you need a new phone. cc: @HuffPostHill

  4. For the month of April, I'd like to recognize the following: Lt. Vondaryan submitted an article about the Fleet Wide Plot arc; LtCmdr. Traenor submitted two Top Sims Contest articles; Cmdr. Blair submitted the monthly apps & grads article, and a Featured Bio Contest reminder; Cmdr. Rahman submitted our April Fool's Day post, as well as the Podcast announcement; Capt. Taybrim submitted a chat reminder, a Writer's Workshop article, and the Academy format standardization article; Capt. Renos submitted the Publicity Team article; Capt. Faranfey submitted the monthly post totals; Capt. Rajel submitted the Graphics Contest reminder post; And the Federation News Service Team submitted our monthly plot summary articles! Many many thanks to each and every one of these people, without whom we wouldn't have a vibrant Community News blog that not only helps to draw in prospective members, but also helps to keep our site active as a signal to the search engines that we're worth ranking highly
  5. RT @fightfortheftr: New study: Mass surveillance breeds meekness, fear, and self-censorship: https://t.co/qbU7KtcknF https://t.co/awV5SXsLO0

  6. @Props_HQ How does Props work with Chromebox? (And why isn't this info already on your website? :)

  7. This is me when I drink coffee: https://t.co/EQpbjq9fto

  8. This is me when I drink coffee: https://t.co/EQpbjq9fto

  9. DATES: The class began on April 18, 2016 and ended April 27, 2016. LIST: sb118-academy1 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Alexander Williams FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Rustyy Hael GRADUATING MEMBERS: * Raven Rust Welcome to the fleet -- we're so glad you're here! My door is always open if you ever need anything
  10. Congrats to the entrants and winners. Way to go, and thanks for participating
  11. Incredibly unfortunate that Paramount isn't taking a more progressive stance with this. They're in a very unique position in that I can't remember another instance where a franchise had professionally produced fan-films that threatened that canon, but now is the time to consider the situation and -- instead of throwing lawyers at it -- figure out how you can harness all this volunteer work for the good of the franchise generally.
  12. We've decided to end the contest due to low participation.
  13. DATES: The class began on April 5, 2016 and ended April 9, 2016. LIST: sb118-academy2 COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Maxwell Traenor FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Nicu Icavoc GRADUATING MEMBERS: * Jocelyn Marshall * Aartemus Vadan Welcome to the fleet -- we're so glad you're here! My door is always open if you ever need anything
  14. DATES: The class began on March 28, 2016 and ended April 8, 2016. LIST: sb118-academy2 and sb118-academy3 COMMANDING OFFICER: Commander Roshanara Rahman FIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Rustyy Hael GRADUATING MEMBERS: * T'Leira Welcome to the fleet -- we're so glad you're here! My door is always open if you ever need anything
  15. Perhaps as a result of the events in Star Trek VI?
  16. I'm getting into the habit of recapping the work our Community News team has done for the previous month, for the sake of showing everyone how awesome our team members are, and I figured that perhaps I should post here on the forums instead of just to our team email list! So for month of March, I want to recognize the following: First posts! Lt. Trellis Vondaryan submitted an article about the Awards Ceremony moving to June AND a Writer's Workshop; First post! Ens. Paul Scudder submitted an interview with Cmdr. Taybrim; First post! LtCmdr. Kalos Fiorr submitted a feature about a new Star Trek game; Cmdr. Blair submitted the monthly apps & grads article, and two Featured Bio Contest reminders; Cmdr. Taybrim submitted a feature on the Top Sims Contest, and two chat reminders; Lt. Cmdr. DeVeau, our interview queen, submitted an interview with Cmdr. Blair about his work on the Academy Training team; Capt. Faranfey submitted the monthly post totals; Capt. Rajel submitted the Graphics Contest reminder post; Cmdr. Cody submitted the Writing Challenge reminder; Capt. Renos submitted the Publicity Team article. Thanks to each and every one of you for all your hard work. It is greatly appreciated!
  17. New Top Sims facilitator: LtCmdr. Maxwell Traenor of the Darwin! Many thanks to him for volunteering for the position, and congratulations on this new leadership role. Just as a reminder to everyone, the facilitator doesn't actually vote in any way -- so your ship judges continue to do all the judging after sims are submitted
  18. Okay wait, I'm confused. Has a porn parody of "Batman V Superman" already been made? Where did this image below come from? Because all I could think when I saw it was "NOW KISS!"

  19. SO EXCITED! Just bought my Gold Seat tickets to the Star Trek convention in San Francisco celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Trek! Looking forward to coming home with my Shatner autograph!

  20. What I find super interesting about this is that HRC is /usually/ accused of being a captured entity of the DNC. Anyone remember when they endorsed Obama like a year before the election in 2011 and we all complained they hadn't even extracted any promises from him (AFAWK)?

    I understand their calculous here -- Kirk is a pro-marriage GOP senator. Duckworth is a challenger. I'm SURE the HRC made promises to Kirk that they would defend him against challengers if he came out in favor of marriage.

    So it's a weird situation for HRC to be in. Having an ambassador inside the GOP is more valuable to the HRC than having another pro-gay Dem in a party that may be in the minority in the Senate anyway come next year. And if they DID make promises to Kirk, and then they break them to support Duckworth, it makes it that much harder to get GOP legislators on board with future legislation.

    This is why we still need a radical LGBT digital organization; one that's smart and savvy and has enough of an email list to help Duckworth regardless. Because even if HRC has to bite the bullet and do their duty to Kirk, that doesn't mean the rest of the community has to. The rest of the community can make sure that Duckworth wins anyway. Too bad most LGBT people think the fight is over and have forgotten why organizing as a community is important.

  21. Remember this? Hank Hedland and I were brought to tears by it again last night.

  22. So glad to have you with us. Welcome!

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