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Everything posted by James T. Kolk
[Round 15] Top Sims Contest Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
And there was much rejoi-- I mean, scattering. -
[2008: JUL-AUG] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
touche. -
[2008: JUL-AUG] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
So, just to clarify: "nappy-brained" means "daiper-brained", right? I hope for your sake, Jhen, she doesn't remember that comment at our next promotion/demotion ceremony... -
Nobody's perfect. Welcome to the fleet, Ensigns. It was a pleaseure training you. Sopek, how goes it? Morgan, Trollin, What positions will each of you be working on your new ships?
[2008: JUL-AUG] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
See! I was right! Confirmation from the Great Wolf of the Galaxy... -
[2008: JUL-AUG] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
Salak, I think your defeatist attitude was contageous. Very low turn out this round. I hope we get a few more this week... -
Q-uer Aeternus by Jackford B. Kolk In a blinding flash, the homeworld of the young Q's latest playthings was wiped clean. Their sun had gone nova before they could do anything about it. Q chose to freeze the scene at the precise moment that the shockwave tore up the planet. Well, freeze isn't quite the right term. More precisely, he slowed it to just the right, barely perceptible speed so that he could walk the face of the entire planet and see the look on each face just before their destruction was complete. Other Q considered it barbaric, he knew, to experience the death of mortals so... perfectly. He also knew those same others would take pleasure in knowing that the mortals were suffering. But for him, there was a touch of sadness at each face he perused. They all meant he'd have to find new pets to nurture and guide from humble brainless sub-sentience to a budding space faring (if they were lucky, and not as boring as this lot) society of cute little ant-mortals. He'd been told of the Earth hobby of owning little ant farms and thought it a flattering attempt, by them, to mimic their betters. It was adorable how mortals tried to endear themselves to their Q-gods by mimicry. This latest planet, however, hadn't flattered him at all. Once they'd reached sentience, they quickly resented his occasional tinkering and began resisting him. By the end, they'd resolved to sit in silent protest of his sovereignty. Can you imagine? An entire planet of mere sentients sitting almost perfectly still?? So... boring! As he visited all of his recent favorite playthings before their inevitable demise, he tried to believe that it was they who had failed him; after all they were the mortals and he was the Q. He deserved their obedience and love simply because of that fact, but... Each face seemed to say to him, "Why?" Their unyielding resolve to resist to the very last ate at him. Deep inside his Q-ing, a voice nagged at him, saying, "What if it was you who failed them?" By the last face, he was willing to consider the possibility that he might've been a bit too hands-on. --- An eon or two later, the young Q sat, his luscious long hair flitting in the breeze on the shore of his pet planet's largest ocean. To his mortal pets, he appeared as one of them. No one special, just a hunk sunbathing where no one else was allowed. Alright, so he was a little special. He deserved the private beach, kept all to his beautiful self. It was the perfect spot from which to watch and listen, really. There had been great commotion that day; a colossal catastrophe that had been deemed by all the major news sources as "an act of God." His omniscient mind was basking in the notoriety. He had tried to simply watch. He really had. They'd managed to reach the stone age without him. They'd even mastered the rudiments of fire before he'd been unable to bear the boredom any longer. At that point, he'd simply cracked the toes of his left foot, with the pleasantly satisfying string of little pops and a flash of white light, causing one of the puny little beings to spontaneously conceive of the means to create a bronze weapon. To keep them from destroying themselves with the quaint weaponry, he cracked the toes on his other foot and caused a man in the opposing tribe to conceive of the simplest method of fashioning a bronze shield. A little later, a pair of them--one from each tribe--also devised a cunning plan to steal the other tribe's technology. He let them struggle through each age of their civilization for a while--until it got mind-bogglingly boring--and then he'd create another genius... or two... or three, to bump them into the next age. He was sure he deserved to be proud of himself for the subtlety of his manipulations, not to mention the way each stroke of genius that he handed the puny beings was even more devilishly cunning than the last. He'd built a history of savants that, when strung together wove a tapestry of intelligence that was pure artisan-ship to behold. And it had all come from his own omniscience and unimaginable intelligence. He was truly proud of what he'd accomplished with these... things. But they never praised him for it! They almost never even acknowledged the possibility of a being of his endless power and genius. What was worse, those who did were quickly imprisoned and martyred for Q's cause. It was appalling! The only ones who saw the truth, killed!?! He couldn't let it go on, despite his vow to himself to stay uninvolved, to leave them to their ignorant a-Q-istic stupidity. It was just so... wrong! So, on this one day, he had decided to leave his mark on the planet that, after all, belonged to him, lock, stock, and barrel. He went for a glide to survey his mortal-farm of a planet, circling their puny little globe. He then settled himself down on the edge of the waters, smirked for a moment at all that he was about to do, and cracked his toes. All ten of them. At the same time. He used his infinite powers to amplify the sound of his ten toes cracking so that it swept through the atmosphere of the entire planet, deafening every living creature on the orb for about 5 minutes. Then, he caused the wind that his toe-cracking had created, to generate a great storm on both the East and West Hemispheres, brushing a Q-shaped path of destruction on either face of the planet. It killed all those who did not believe in him or something like him (except of course those who were outside the two Q-shaped storm-zones), and miraculously spared all those who did (so that there could be no doubt as to the validity of their claims). It was spectacular. It was utterly satisfying. It was... being superseded by news coverage of domestic animals who'd saved their owners from the storms?!? Less than a local day later, the coverage had ceased to call the catastrophe an act of god (or more properly, though they didn't know it, an Act of Q) and had become nothing more than a backdrop for obnoxious "pet heroism" op-ed nonsense!! It was appalling! revolting! insulting! even humiliating! Next time he wouldn't be so kind! Next time he'd show his little pets who was boss from the very beginning! For now... this planet was toast! --- An eon or three later, the young Q with the luscious long hair took one last look at the planet that had spited him at every turn, defying him no matter how magnanimously he revealed himself. He knew for certain that it was they who had failed him this time. He knew because he was Q, the all-mighty, the magnificent, the chief-high-god of all that he surveyed. He knew... because this time he wouldn't look into their eyes as he destroyed them. But when the deed was done and yet another miserable mortal civilization had been wiped out by the Q who had fostered it, a small part of himself still whispered, "What if it was you who failed them?"... ... Not far off, in a dimension of her own creation, the older Q laughed hysterically, exactly as she had each time the younger Q had destroyed his little toy planets. Twisting his little creations to defy him was oh so much more fun than shaping and destroying her own had been 20 eons ago... THE FOREVER
[2008: JUL-AUG] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
If at hundred-and-eighty-seventh you don't succeed, throw in the towel, eh Sal? Well, I'm gonna give it a shot. I can't pass up a topic with Latin in it! -
I love the fact that this post doesn't change the Sarion we see IC. She's still going to cook for us, and serve us as best she can, but it explores the heart of her character in a way we've never seen before, and shows us OOC so many things we wouldn't have guessed about her. It's truly a brilliant glimpse into a very sweet but troubled character. Well done!
((Wilde Estate - Guest Room)) ::Sarion laid on the bed in her room staring at the ceiling. She'd been doing this for 4 hours. It didn't seem like she was going to sleep at all tonight, but hadn't counted on sleeping. In her minds eye she kept remembering things, each more painful than the last. She relived the way that Wulfram had spoken to her, treated her. Did he realized that she was older then his grandparents? That there was no reason that she, being not part of Starfleet, should be treated with any less respect than those in it. Her frustration with this child raged as she experienced it again.:: ::She saw Alt. Wilde's blood on her hands, his face wounded by her nails. She felt the rush of anger following the discovery of Borg technology. Her face visibly contorted as she thought about the fear that this discovery had caused to surface deep inside her. She cared for these people and the thought of their assimilation was too much to consider.:: ::Then she was a small child again, her home destroyed. Her father fighting for their lives her mother was crying, her sister was crying. She was out to survive, showing no emotion. Her father had told them to flee above all else flee. As they reached the ship which would eventually take them to safety it was apparent he was not returning.:: ::Months later when the Borg had attack this vessel again she came face to face with a drone. It was her father. Against all odds she had survived. Not only that she had been forced to destroy her father to protect herself and her family. It had been the hardest, and most painful thing she'd ever done. It wasn't made easier by the fact her father had said he'd rather be dead then Borg. it hadn't been made easier by the fact he'd been a Borg. She had still killed her father.:: ::She'd kept this from her mother and sister. She'd left soon after this event to experience life on her own. The loneliness nearly killed her. She'd become a Gypsy. Then she received news that her mother had died. It wasn't until she heard this that she'd been able to cry, and cry she did. She'd gone looking for her sister but had never found her oONot until this yearOo she reminded herself.:: ::She was lying on her bed sobbing loudly. This all was too much. It made her want to run. When faced with trials she'd always run, ever since that first run to survive. Now, she couldn't. She had the option, but she'd finally made friends, made a home for herself. She'd never forgive herself if she left Will now. Never knowing what could be. And, she'd promised Jack a game of chess. She'd never broken a promise in her life. She'd just have to learn to live, and maybe understand Danny's implants. Maybe she'd make him tell her about it. It might help. Maybe she should bring Karynn and Will if that happened, all things considered.:: ::Sarion went to the window and watched the sunrise. Will was right. Today was a new day. Looking in the mirror she wiped tears from her eyes. She had to do something, or she'd go on like this for days. With that she headed out the door, and down to the kitchen. When she didn't know what to do, she cooked.:: ::After having some coffee, and making herself eggs she decided to wait, and see if she could cook for anyone else. Everyone would be up soon. Someone was bound to want hot food. She turned as someone walked through the door.:: Sarion: ::Smiling:: Good morning! Anyone: Response. -- Sarion Matsur Civilian USS Ronin
[2008: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
Happy Cappy Mar Wins Day!!! And great job Jophry! Both stories were brilliant! -
[2008: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
Nah. I'm pretty sure I didn't place; no one likes Feregi in a Defiant-class... -
[2008: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
I hope you do... -
[2008: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
Is the contest still open? I thought the deadline was the 22nd. Quick, Salak! Finish your story before it closes! -
[2008: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
Well, it's still far from my best bit of writing, but it's done. Not sure it's really worthy of the competition, but maybe it'll give you all a moment's enjoyment... -
"The Good Ship Hospitality" by Jackford B. Kolk Floating through a sea of near-vacuum and occasionally brushing aside the odd hydrogen atom with it's navigational deflectors, the newly-christened USS Hospitality drifted toward the quiet spaceport of J'Nolam II. Its sleak Defiant-class hull shone briefly as the light of the J'Nolaman star reflected off its hull, but soon the ship faded back into the darkness of space as the star eclipsed itself behind its second planet. On the small space station that orbitted the planet, the relatively young J'Nolaman who ran the installation sent his image via subspace to the unexpected Federation craft. "Unidentified Craft, I am N'Timba, Commander of H'Bolna Station. Please identify yourself and your intentions." The return signal contained the vibrantly friendly appearance of an average male Terran of vaguely European descent: "This is Captain A.J. Charity of the Federation Starship Hospitality. Greetings from the United Federation of Planets! We understand that you have recently ventured into the larger galaxy and we would like to offer our welcome and assistance to you and to your planet." The J'Nolaman officer looked suspiciously at the Federation Captain for a second before responding, "What sort of assistance did you have in mind?" -- On the bridge of the Hospitality, there was no Starfleet officer to be found. Instead, a pair of antsy Ferengi stared at two small viewscreens at the science station, while another Ferengi nervously sharpened his teeth at the Helm. "Tell him to lower his shields!" DaiMon Glik spurted out. "Tell him to lower his shields!" The Ferengi first officer, Bim, sneared eagerly at his side. "Yes, DaiMon! But... why?" Glik shoved the other Ferengi aside and typed in his message. The left viewscreen on the science station instantly showed the amicable Captain A.J. Charity blithely delivering DaiMon Glik's request, "If you lower your shields, I could beam over to your station to discuss just that." Instantly, all of Glik's attention honed in on the other screen, waiting with bated breath for the alien's reply. While his eyes were glued to the screen, however, his wrinkled little brain was working overdrive. It quickly decided that his right arm should flail unceremoniously in the general direction of the Helmslobeman, Nob. "Nob! Nob!" The young Ferengi cautiously took his hands down from his mouth, tucking his tooth sharpener into his pocket and staring straight ahead. "Yes, DaiMon?" "Tell Goob and Jif to clear the cargo bay, quick!! I've got a tingling in my lobes tonight!!" The muddled spikes that Nob called his teeth showed omniously as the young Ferengi smiled with glee. It was always a good day when their DaiMon's lobes tingled! "Yes, DaiMon!" Immediately, he sent the message along to Jif and Goob. -- N'Timba stroked the thick hair growing from his left elbow pensively. It was a risk, certainly, but... this Captain Charity seemed harmless enough. "Very well, I will hear your offer." The J'Nolaman Station Commander nodded to his second-in-command, who promptly closed the channel and shut down the shields. The two men instantly knew they'd been had when their station shook violently. "Shield generators offline!" K'Tolman, the second, announced. "G'Rethom's cursed pincer! I should've listened to my elbow!" N'Timba exclaimed. -- "Their shields are inoperable, DaiMon!" Bim shouting proudly. His DaiMon, though inwardly appreciative, glossed over the man's achievement and simply continued barking orders. "Goob! Transport everything!" "Yes, DaiMon!!" Goob's exultant voice blared over the intercom, accompanied by the background hum of multiple Federation transporter beams activiting simultaneously. For a delightful minute, DaiMon Glik sat staring at the station he was procuring things from, imagining the mountains of gold-pressed latinum that he would be able to build after selling everything from within it. And then the minute was gone. His shiny new Federation battleship shook violently, tossing him from the seat that had formerly belonged to Captain A.J. Charmery. He half-growled, half-muttered something indistinct as he fell, and knew Captain Charmery had found him again. -- "Careful! That's my ship!" Captain Charmery bellowed from the auxiliary station on the bridge of the Sovereign-class USS Excathedra. "Keep firing! Don't let them escape." Captain Ellen Tuscany ordered before turning to the guest at her left. When she spoke to the man, it was with a tone of barely controlled annoyance. "Captain, right now that's a Ferengi vessel illegally pirating in Federation space. Now, if you'll let me do my job, Starfleet might let you have that ship back..." "They're responding to our hails, Captain," Lt. Jomarvi at Tactical called out. "On screen," Tuscany said. The viewscreen flashed and the form of Captain Charmery appeared, large as life, if a bit more friendly than the real thing. "This is Captain A.J. Charity of the Federation Starship Hospitality. Greetings from the United Federation of Planets! We understand that you have recently ventured into the larger galaxy and--" Jomarvi cut the line as Tuscany gave him the kill gesture. "Hospitality! I'll show that big-eared little magot some hospitality!" A.J. Charmery shouted. "Get off my bridge, Captain! Now!" Tuscany shot back at him with the same controlled anger. "Or shall I have you escorted to your quarters?" "Sir, the 'Hospitality' is entering warp," the ensign at Flight Control cut in. "Mr. Jomarvi, contact the station. Appologize for the Ferengi raid and tell them that we'll return what was stolen as soon as possible." Captain Tuscany ordered. "Also, contact Starfleet Command and have them send a diplomatic envoy to this system." I don't have the time, but someone has to clean up this mess, she thought. "Aye, sir." Jomarvi said. "And show the Captain to his quarters." -- As the second Federation ship warped out of their starsystem, the J'Nolamans looked at each other, bewildered by what had just happened. N'Timba shook his head. "Whoever they are, their Federation seems very tumultuous. I hope they don't send anyone else our way..." THE END
[2008: MAY-JUN] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
I have ssomething nearly finished, but it's far from my best work. It's what first came to mind when the topic was posted, but I think what I'm learning is that I'm not meant to write for Ferengi... -
This sim is artlfully written - even if the Brit author of the two did confuse the Golden Gate Bridge with the Brooklyn Bridge at the beginning - and as usual the two characters interact both humorously and believably. But more than that, I nominated this sim because it dealt in the second half with an ethical question in a way that made this sim feel very much like something straight out of Star Trek in any of its incarnations: they raised the question, gave us both sides of the issue, and then left us to make up our own minds about it; and they did it all without it feeling forced or contrived. Great job, you two!
JP - Lieutenant JG Karynn Ehlanii and Lieutenant Ethan Brice - "A Look at History" ((Starfleet Academy, San Fransisco, Earth)) :: Ethan sat on the small wall surrounding the large water area in the centre of the Academy, seperating the two major departments. He'd done a lot of his reading there when he'd first started and to migrate back was something he'd wanted to do for a long while. The Cadets looked different though; their jumpsuits looked more like combat uniforms with the various pockets dotted around their person, padds sticking out from dubious places. Ethan looked up into the bright blue sky as a shuttle rocketed over head, flying too close to the Brooklyn Bridge for comfort.:: :: The sun blinded him momentarily and he looked back down, blinking away the sunspots from his vision to see Karynn. He smiled and stood up.:: ::Karynn blinked as she stepped out into the bright sun and waited for her eyes to refocus. As they did, she saw the familiar form of Ethan sitting on a small wall up ahead, where he had promised to meet her. She smiled and quickened her step to a brisk walk. It didn't take her long to cross the distance that separated them.:: Ehlanii: Well, that's done. Brice: You look a lot more relieved then before. ::he chuckled:: Everything go okay? You haven't traumatised some Vulcan examiner have you? Ehlanii: I don't think so. I'm just happy that its over and I can go have fun. :: The Engineer smiled.:: Brice: Alright, what kind of fun do you want to have? ::The Haliian tapped her chin with her finger, exaggerating the thought she was putting into answering his question.:: Ehlanii: Hmmm... just about anything really, as long as its outside. Other than that blasted planet, I haven't really been out in the sun in ages. :: Ethan held his hands out to the sides, a playful smile on his face.:: Brice: Well, here in the glorious outside we have the gardens of the Academy. Carefully nurtured and preserved through many generations of cadets, the plants you see are maintained each with a specific diet of nutrients and most with an uncanny hatred for a mother's homemade soup. Not to mention, the water turns a distinct shade of purple when mixed with vomit of any kind, as many students find out in their first year. ::Karynn burst into a fit of giggles at his last statement.:: Ehlanii: Is that so? Purple you say? Brice: Purple, I say! ::he grinned seeing her laugh:: Or was it lavender, one can never remember. Ehlanii: ::giggling:: Well, I suppose lavender is a shade of purple so its easy to get them confused. What do you like to do when you're on Earth? Anything I must see while I'm here? :: Ethan blew a sigh.:: :: They started walking down the long pathway of the gardens, moving as Cadets rushing to their classes passed by.:: Brice: A handful of things. For one, ice cream is a must. If you appreciate anything to do with Italians, of course. A pint of true Guinness in a real Irish pub, a haiku in Japan, the pyraminds of Ancient Egypt, the museum in Cairo, the Armoury Museum in England maybe the Hollywood strip, if you're really into sight seeing. ::Karynn looked over as they walked, an action that reminded her of the secret glances she had tossed his direction the day they met and went for a walk on the Nature Deck. The sun glinted off his dark hair and that, combined with the look in his eye and the smile on his face, reminded her of how attractive she found him.:: Ehlanii: It all sounds so wonderful. I'm not sure where to start. If I remember my Terran history, the pyramids are in a desert right? ::He smiled and shifted to the side, his hand touching the small of her back as they moved for a group of Security Cadets laughing with one another. The briefest touch reminded him of her "bumping" into him earlier in the morning and how happy he'd been to see her, how when she laughed her brown eyes showed it... he cleared his throat and moved back again.:: Brice: The Sahara, yeah. I went during my second year here with a couple of friends. You get into Cairo and then at the end of the street, there's the pyramids. Its like seeing the turbolift at the end of the corridor. They're closer then everyone thinks. Ehlanii: I think I'd prefer a bit more water to begin with. Maybe we can see them sometime later in the trip. How about Japan? I don't know much about it. ::The Haliian female tried to think of some excuse to get him to touch her back again. Even the brief contact had felt just right somehow and as he had withdrawn his hand, she had experienced a slight sense of her own disappointment. Unfortunately she couldn't come up with anything that would make any sense at all.:: Brice: Interesting; Japan is one of those places I've never really visited. Always seemed a bit distant for me and they always have some of the uptodate technology on the market. We could have a venture, see what we can find. If I can get hold of a few extra tools, all the better. Flights usually go from the Aerospace Station if you fancy an old kind of trip. See the mountains underneath, it might be worth a few kicks. Ehlanii: Sounds like fun. ::She adjusted the bag on her shoulder:: How far is the Aerospace Station? :: He chuckled.:: Brice: Closer then you might think. ((Fastforward)) ::It hadn't taken them long to find the station and get a flight to Japan. They had spent the majority of their flight over the Pacific Ocean chatting, but as they dipped down below the clouds and the island came into view, Karynn had stared out the window at the gorgeous sight beneath them. Not too long after that, the Haliian Counselor and Human Engineer stepped off the craft and onto Japanese soil. Karynn glanced up at the light grey clouds above them as warm breeze tossed her hair about a bit.:: ::Japan was just turning the corner into the rainy season, and although the cherry blossoms were gone, the streets were still filled with plants in bloom. They walked side by side on a slightly busy street and then turned a corner. Looming up ahead was an ancient temple. Karynn gasped at the beauty of the delicate architecture.:: :: The anicent Japanese always fascinated the Engineer's imagination for architecture. This was the kind of thing he wanted Matthew to grow up looking to and taking ideas from. The angles and simple designs were so different from the Western ideals that made the Engineer wonder if they were from the same planet at all. He looked at Karynn and the dark hair that covered the back of her neck. She really was beautiful; inside and out. He smiled to himself and slipped his hands into his pockets.:: Brice: Outstanding, huh? ::Her voice came out in an awed whisper:: Ehlanii: It's amazing. Brice: I'm beginning to think you like Earth architecture. There are parts of this that would have taken centuries to build. Ehlanii: ::smiling:: I think that would be an accurate assessment of my tastes in architecture. Its both so familiar - so much like home - and so different and foreign all at the same time. Besides, you've mostly shown me religious sites and I seem to have a thing for places like that... and structures that took centuries to build. Brice: ::smiles:: It shows what humans were capable of before warp was discovered. There's a million things we were able to do before big machines and computers. To think that someone sat and described this building, transcribed it onto papyrus and then built it is amazing to imagine. Ehlanii: It's a testament to Terran patience and creativity. Its hard to believe that someone could dream up something like that and then die before they could see the finished product. And yet all over your world people did exactly that. Brice: I suppose, it's a legacy in a sense. We have left something behind for our children and leaving behind something so grand is... well... something to be proud of. Unfortunately, names become lost over time and their legacy becomes merged with another. In the end, all we have is the knowledge that they completed a feat beyond themselves and it survived so long. ::he shrugged:: Or something like that. That sounded a bit too profound for me. It's a shame its after the cherry blossom season, it's beautiful. Ehlanii: More beautiful than this? ::She spun slowly in a circle and motioned with her hands to the sights around them.:: It's hard to believe that this place could be even prettier than it already is. :: Ethan crossed his arms and looked up.:: Brice: There would be a few in history who would disagree with you entirely about this place. About many of the historic buildings on Earth. ::The Haliian raised her eyebrow incredulously.:: Ehlanii: How so? They think it should be replaced by more modern architecture? Brice: More like the way it was built. ::he chewed the inside of his cheek:: Consider this. Notre Dame was built on the backs of slaves and hard laborours for two hundred years. Would that be the sort of building you would want still standing? ::Karynn considered the question thoughtfully, and a slight frown wrinkled her forehead. It was an interesting quandary. Should the results of behavior now considered unethical and barbaric be allowed to persist? She twirled a strand of her hair around her finger.:: Ehlanii: Hmmm.... that's an interesting question. One could argue that if you destroy the building, then you are destroying the only redeeming quality of the heinous behaviour. While enslaving people is certainly wrong, at least some good has come out of it. Brice: Would you believe the same with the pyramids? ::the Engineer raised an eyebrow:: Built on the back of slaves for centuries to house the dead bodies of Kings. To me it seems wrong, but I suppose shipbuilding is no different, only we get paid for it now and aren't as oppressed. The union wouldn't think so. ::he chuckled:: You really find this interesting, don't you? Ehlanii: From what I understand, this question has puzzled your planet on more than one occasion. Even as recently as the twenty-first century there were debates about whether medical knowledge gained from incredibly unethical experiments performed by Nazi doctors in Germany or American physicians in Tuskegee Alabama could be used to benefit humanity. Some argued that to use it would be condoning, and indirectly cooperating with, the evil that was done. Others argued that to not use it, to essentially lock it away or throw it away, would negate any good that came from the evil. This second group argued that one could condemn the process but still use the knowledge gained to benefit humanity. Some said that those who died in the experiments died in vain if the knowledge wasn't used. Brice: Very true, but that has happened, as we know now, all over the universe. The Dominion recreated experiments on different species and of course, we have the blending of species such as the Borg. Ehlanii: Oh, its certainly not confined to Earth's history, nor has the question been entirely settled. I forget his name, but a Cardassian physician during the Occupation performed similarly vile experiments on the Bajoran people. But, in the course of those experiments he made startling surgical discoveries and even found a cure for the Fostossa virus and eradicated it. Brice: So, you acknowledge that good can come out of it? Ehlanii: I condemn his methods, but I'm not sure I think we should throw that knowledge out the window. Brice: But some people would; I'm sure no matter what the research, the Bajorans will always remember where that research came from. :: Something clanged in the background and a few birds scarpered from the trees, making the leaves rustle. There was a calm in the atmosphere around them and it was unmistakeable that Earth would always be home for him. There was no better place, in his mind. Well, Engineering came a close second. He looked at Karynn as she mulled it over and smiled as a tiny lightbulb flashed on.:: Ehlanii: I suppose you could say I'm torn. Is it possible to use the information and still denounce the techniques? Or is allowing our society to benefit from those acts an implicit cooperation and an encouragement for unethical scientists to act that way in the future? :: Ethan sighed, smiled and slipped his hand into hers.:: Brice: I hate to say it, Karynn, but this is entirely too serious for me. Come on, let's have a look inside. We didn't come all this way to debate about it. TBC JP as simmed by Lt.JG Karynn Elhanii Ship's Counsellor USS RONIN & Lt. Ethan Brice Chief of Engineering USS RONIN
[Round 8] Top Sims Contest Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
And on that note, we have no doubt come to realize that many of us feel very strongly about this issue. Perhaps we should declare a recess for everyone to cool off. I would say, "Smoke if ya got 'em," but science has discovered that that sort of thing is detrimental to one's health. Personally, I'm torn on the whole issue. I'm not a huge fan of self-nomination, but I don't think we should have to resort to a nomination form to resolve the disagreement. I think everyone's been making a lot of good points, and I sincerely hope we can come to some sort of compromise that keeps the Top Sims contest alive and fair to everyone. -
I agree. It's absolutely beautiful. I wish something that powerful could be said for the people we've recently lost on the Ronin, but even so you guys said it first. It's a shame there are such a number of typos. I truly wish I could give this post five stars.
((Double Shot, USS Ronin)) :: As the doors opened for a young ensign, Ben slipped into the chaos of the bar. He moved to a shadowy point, and watched the goings on. A large table had been cleared out for a group of officers. He could hear Kolk and Brice jokingly laughing, even heard Thelev's abortive comment about the Captain finding him. Something, he suddenly realized, he wasn't looking forward to. He'd already heard that Mar hadn't landed with everyone else...and considering the creatures they'd encountered...Ben might well have gotten her killed by his actions. As the first bitter feelings of failure slipped into his overtired mind, he saw a petty officer moving toward Ro. He smiled as he imagined the man being flipped behind her, or perhaps just slapped with nearly jaw breaking force. A frown slipped back onto his face...he couldn't hear them talking...but...was Ro...smiling? There was a huge grin on the petty officer's face...and it looked like Ro was ordering another drink. Moments later, a large bottle was brought to the table. Ah...she was going to club the irritating little man. Officially Ben would have to reprimand her..but in private it was going to....his train of thought was interrupted again as he watched her pour the other man a drink. All the depression he'd felt slipping away slammed back into him full force. He could see she was enjoying herself...having fun....with another man...in front of everyone. Suddenly the laughter around him took a darker note. They weren't laughing about things around them...they were laughing at him. That he could be worthy of the red headed doctor...that he fit in at all. Maybe even what Wilde and Thelev had questioned...that they didn't think him "fit" to lead. It all started to fit into place, the tension when he entered a room...the way people melted away from him in the hallways. How everyone else on the ship seemed to be invited to one party, one group meeting. Heck, he'd even heard there was a breakfast club, people getting together to start the day...none of which anyone had invited him to. He heard Ro's laughter, the musical quality of it tugging at his heart...and stabbing him again as he realized the laughter was dedicated to someone else. :: :: It was all just too much...touched on nerves worn too raw. He moved to the door, his shoulder's slumped, letting the laughter of the room lash him as he entered the cool quiet of the hallway. A lifetime of tears welled in his eyes. He felt alone...more alone than he'd ever felt...and adrift in a way that he'd never known. He straighted himself, outwardly looking as calm and confident as always...as he wandered the halls...ghosting through areas left vacant by the celebrating crew. :: Commander Ben Walker FO USS Ronin
[2008: MAR-APR] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
Thank you so much! -
[2008: MAR-APR] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
Maybe next time, buddy. -
[2008: MAR-APR] Writing Challenge Discussion
James T. Kolk replied to Jordan aka FltAdmlWolf's topic in 2008
Well, my entry is up. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to post it because of the troubles I've been having with the forums lately, and I know I'm not the only one. It skirts the 3000 word line a bit. MS Word says there are 3005, but that's counting the title, the "THD END" at the bottom and the 12 instances of "--" to break up the scenes, so I think the actual count is 2990. Can't tell me it should've been longer...