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Ras El Heem

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About Ras El Heem

  • Birthday 08/03/1995

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  • Player's Pronouns
  • Interests
    Board Games, DnD, Backpacking, Beer, Cooking, and Travel

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Ras El Heem's Achievements

Member of the USS Fastfingers

Member of the USS Fastfingers (7/28)



  1. First of all! I was not drunk THAT time. Second of all! Don't expect to get anywhere calling my boss, she's crazier than I.
  2. Lab testing isn’t that bad! @Richard Matthews
  3. You seem surprised @Talia Ohnari. Are you surprised? Why are you surprised?
  4. It’s not even retro at this point that’s like an American using ancient Sumerian slang!
  5. Incredibly, this is exactly how it felt while reading the events of the counter-web.
  6. Let’s not forget Talia turned into Bayonetta temporarily on the Khitty command deck
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