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Everything posted by ArthurStrathmore

  1. Thank you so much for this award! I’m eternally grateful! Congratulations to everyone!
  2. @Alora DeVeau wrote a wonderful sim giving Arthur some much needed advice.
  3. For the Awards attire, Arthur had one phrase in mind: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Combined with a classic, dark navy tuxedo in a Prince of Wales style, courtesy of the 630-year-old bespoke tailor Gieves & Hawkes of Saville Row in London; he also wears his Bajor pin for his adoptive hometown. Jalanda City represent!
  4. @Oddas Aria is like our exacerbated parent.
  5. I'm EST! The only times I'm unavailable currently are Tuesday and Wednesday nights!
  6. Thank you so much! Happy to be here!
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