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Indrid Yirah

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Everything posted by Indrid Yirah

  1. He flies around a stone circle, "Wow, what a neat archaeological site!"
  2. Excellent three part JP between Kaito Moore and Charlena Vanlith. Part One Part Two Part Three
  3. He thinks while his captain is out Argo Buggy racing.
  4. Science Officer Lieutenant JG Indrid Yirah is wearing a suit designed by the USS Constitution's very own Emergency Holographic Hair Stylist and Fashion Police, Georgio! This design came about after Indrid questioned whether or not the hologram was capable of designing clothing without sparkles. Georgio had this to say about his design, "It is understated elegance but look at the pattern!" (OOC: Thank you so much @Jalana for making the image and writing the Georgio quote! 🙂 )
  5. Thanks! It was fun writing with you too!
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