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Josh Herrick

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Everything posted by Josh Herrick

  1. I feel this is almost like @Lt Aine Olive Sherlock is embracing her inner Picard in this exchange. Also, no wonder the Chey'd are pre-warp, they need to appreciate the finer things ✍️.
  2. From @Karen Stendhal: Punishment? No... Starfleet just brought you over with the other crazies.
  3. They say that talking to yourself is a sign of something... but in the 25th century, you're never really alone. @Lhandon_Nilsen
  4. One of my favourite contrasts in a post from Mike: From the sim: From the character signature:
  5. Perhaps why @Erik Johnson doesn't work as a covert spy 😅 That segue though 🤣
  6. Highlighted by @DrPsyPhi; this lovely line highlights the shared bond between Irish and Scottish 🤣 by our ship's lovely counselor @Alexander Brodie!
  7. Congrats to everyone! Was such a fun event and enjoyed the fact that everyone’s avatars were updated throughout the forum.
  8. Congrats and welcome to the fleet!
  9. Always enjoy these one liner's in Tyber's sims 🤣 #CertificateOfAuthenticity
  10. I'd like to highlight @Alora DeVeau and @Etan Iljor; 2 outstanding simmers: They have a great ability to write out descriptive and immersive scenes that get me 'perpetually refreshing' my inbox waiting for the next one They advance the plot line and leave enough room for any simmer to take it in the next step Masters of 'yes, and' Excellent canon use I also think in general, the arc I think also nicely highlights how we can interweave 2 separate story lines, while keeping them distinct. Without further ado: &
  11. Ensign Josh Herrick, checking in. "Don't You Ever Not Tell Me Things I Wanna Know!" — Trevor
  12. @Alora DeVeau is an excellent writer, this post being just one amazing example out of many, showing how descriptive writing can bring characters, scenes and emotions to life. Definitely a role model! ❤️ ------------ (( The Inkhawmna, Yansamin Anchorage, Outskirts of the Esh-O star system )) Despite being on duty, Peri was not in uniform. In accordance with Commander Etan’s order, she had elected to dress in simple, civilian clothing. A simple shirt with a high v-neck of a medium green was overlain by a laced overs shirt of dark green. Her slacks were of the same green hue. The very Bajoran style matched part of her heritage, but unknowingly punctuated the other part of her heritage. Her earring dangled as usual from her ear, and her hand reached up to check for the pendant which was now missing, in the care of the man who held her heart. Letting it fall, her fingers traced the lines of the brown satchel that hung from her shoulder. Dark eyes fell upon the Commander who had dressed just as casually. He looked every inch the wandering trader, and Tyber? Who would dare to try and hurt them with a man like him around? Peri silently admitted, he cut an impressive figure, and she found relief settling within her breast at the idea that he was with them. Arlill was, perhaps, the most conspicuous of them all, but only due to his own heritage which was quite evident. Even so, his clothes as casual as everyone else’s helped sell the idea that they were certainly not trained Starfleet Officers. Etan: No ranks from this point on. :: he said quietly, affecting the air of somebody talking casually. :: Given names only. :: he looked at Ensign Tyber, remembering a notation in the half-Klingon's personnel file. :: Apart from you. Tyber will do just fine. Tyber: Thank you. :: the Klingons voice rumbled in the lower octaves of hearing :: Arlill: My first name might be ill-advised as well, being so easily translated into a potential hazard? Katsim: Oh…yes, si…Iljor. So Peri she was and Peri she would be. She was not used to being called by her name when on duty, nor was she used to calling others in such an informal fashion. She made a mental note to be certain that she would not let her tongue slip, for by doing so, she could endanger their mission. Glancing over at Toxin, both eyebrows arched upward slightly, uncertain as to whether she should use his last or first name, but Etan himself continued on. Etan: Try not to get distracted. :: his eyes fell upon a slender young man carrying a steaming bag of something that smelled divine. As if to underscore the point, his stomach rumbled. : As difficult as that may be. Remember, we are 'on mission'. Poor Etan looked positively famished, and his stomach’s protest was loud enough just to be heard. Tyber must have had the same temptation, for he had already already approached a vendor and procured four skewers of meat. Turning, he lifted the skewers high as if he had achieved a great victory which, in a sense, he had. Tyber: What? I got enough for all of us Arlill: :: looking at the others :: I could eat. Peri accepted the bit of meat and inclined her head. Katsim: Thank you. She hadn’t expected anything, but offered a tentative smile to the mighty half Klingon before nibbling on his gift. Etan: We're looking for information. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the place on this station supposed to be the bars? Tyber: :: quickly swallowing and pointing the empty skewer to a seedy looking building :: I think the bars are over there S....so if you want to buy us all a round Etan. Arlill: :: quietly to Tyber, in a low breath :: Smooth. It was smooth. All of them would have to watch themselves and make sure to prevent slip ups. Peri herself didn’t relish drinking, especially while on duty, but she’d sit and nurse a glass if need be. At least now there was something in her stomach. Katsim: Should we? Her eyes traversed upward to fall upon signs that indicated what was in which direction how to get there. Without hesitation, Etan made a choice and beckoned the rest of them. Etan: Come on. :: he said, jerking his head in the correct orientation. :: This way. Everyone followed diligently and without protest. Peri kept her head down in an effort to look as inconspicuous as possible. She wasn’t the only Bardassian in existice, and considering the closeness of the Celestial Temple to Bajor especially, and Cardassia in general, she doubted she was the only one in the quadrant to be seen. With the increase of traffic through the Temple’s portal, people like her wouldn’t necessarily be common, but also not unheard of. Still, the lifestyle she was meant to portray was an antithesis to her personality. For her, it was best to remain simply quiet and compliant, a diligent underling who answered readily to her leadership. Her nose wrinkled as certain scents wafted her way. The pleasantries of food, the sizzling tang of meats, sharp slice of spice accompanied with the sweeter aroma of pastries and confections mingled with the rolling sourness of bodies that hadn’t elected to clean themselves in who knows how long. Her eyes darted upward, taking note of her surroundings, the mass of bodies that flowed like a river two and frow. People jostled each other without apology, a few grunts, and occasionally a shout or a growl before moving on their way. Meanwhile, the cacophony roared unceasingly between the voices of humanoids and non humanoids alike. Should they get separated, they would be hard pressed to find each other without using their hidden communicators, and doing so could still risk detection. Peri’s thoughts continued to run until she heard Tyber casually address Etan, his voice low so only his companions immediately surrounding him could hear. Tyber: Etan. don't look now but we are being followed. Peri wanted to glance back, but refrained from doing so, for that would surely tip the tail to its detection. She noticed Toxin take a glance in a window, but she was in a bad position to catch a glimpse of anything, so simply continued on and remained close to her companions. Under the cover of their bodies clustered fairly close together, Arlilly pulled out a tricorder, then tapped his badge which he must have squirrelled away in one of his pockets. Arlill: And don't look now, but we're also being watched from above. :: casually pointing his eyes down towards the tricorder :: Peri only offered the briefest of glances toward the device, for she didn’t want to draw attention to it, but it was enough for her to see exactly what Toxin did. Katsin: This isn’t good. Tyber / Etan: responses. She could hear him take a slow, deep breath and let it out in a controlled manner, as if trying to prevent himself from doing something impulsively. Arlill: I might be able to disable it remotely, but they'd know we knew. Katsim: I…I don’t think that would be a good idea. From her pouch, a soft chirp could be heard and Peri patted it once, as if to reassure the occupant that everything was all right. While she had managed to train Echo to remain behind on the ship, a feat in of itself, and one only possible if the creature was not actually *alone* but with another trusted person, Peri had elected to bring her along. Echo had proven useful in subtle ways. Although their connection was empathic only, the creature was sensitive enough to understand certain things simply by Peri using those emotions. There was not another peep and the dragonet settled down. Arlill/Etan/Tyber: responses. Katsim: It might be better to continue going as we are. We’d draw more suspicions by acting like we know we’re being watched. And the observation may simply be because we have not been seen before. While it was impossible for even a group of people to keep an eye on the incoming and outgoing visitors to a hub, a computer program with facial recognition software could compile a database and run a continuous watch. If the hub was equipped Arlill/Etan/Tyber: responses. Katsim: From what I have read of the Esh-o, some of their main exports are various metals used in shipbuilding, certain types of cheese…um…various agricultural crops, and a line of liquors they are particularly known for and are quite popular. Nervousness crept up, but Peri managed to keep her voice steady. Her eyes darted from one companion to another before she tried to settle them ahead of her and ignore the tingle that ran up her spine with the knowledge that someone tailed them. Katsim: Si…so…Iljor you mentioned a bar? She motioned ahead where a couple of different establishments offered to quench the thirst of any weary traveller. She had no doubt more lay beyond, sprinkled throughout the hub. It was not the sort of place she wanted to go, but maybe it was the sort of place where they could get some information. Arlill/Etan/Tyber: responses. -- Lt. Katsim Peri Chief Science Officer USS 'Oumuamua M239008AD0
  13. Welcome to the Oumuamua @Enzo Solari - looking forward to simming with you. ❤️
  14. @Jack Kessler @Kammus Corelli I always enjoy what I call 'real trek' with the 'helpful computer.
  15. This was super unexpected and literally made me laugh out loud. 🤣
  16. Thanks for all the welcomes! Also thanks to: @Serala @Dekas S'udane and @Jesse DeVere for being great team mates during the Academy training sim. 💓 This was my second round, so I'd also like to say thanks to @Genkos Adeaand @Dekas to help me with my initial teething as I learn more of the PBEM culture. Looking forward to simming, both on my new posting with the 'Oumuamua and with the rest of the fleet.
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