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Alex Forsyth

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Alex Forsyth last won the day on October 19 2022

Alex Forsyth had the most liked content!

About Alex Forsyth

  • Birthday 03/15/1995

Personal information

  • Discord Username
    Captain Rob#4107
  • Location
  • Player's Pronouns
  • Interests
    I like sci-fi, Comics, Video games and Steam Locomotives. I also Like drawing such as Comics and Writing.

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Alex Forsyth's Achievements

Rank- Capt.; Fleet- Talkative

Rank- Capt.; Fleet- Talkative (8/28)




Community Answers

  1. Alex Forsyth--the Moon--checking in "Face our fears, illusions, and uncertainties head-on. Trust our instincts and tap into our inner wisdom to find our way through life's uncertainties. Remember that not everything is black and white, and that relationships and situations may involve some uncertainty."
  2. Just wait until he hears bagpipes.
  3. Looking down at the next item on her PADD, she pulled a slightly bemused face. Harper-Collins: Hmm…four-thousand-six-hundred and ninety-one irradiated haggis? ::pause:: That has got to be something to do with Alex. I got the red dwarf reference.
  4. "No matter where I've travelled in the galaxy, Jim, this bridge is more like home than anywhere else." - Commodore Robert April, Star Trek Animated series
  5. It is, It is what came to mind when I hear Blue Alert.
  6. Thanks, I had to really think about how I wanted to play this out. I was also unsure about using the name USS Lockerbie, I assume it ok to name ships.
  7. meanwhile @Alex Forsyth is trying her best to be human.
  8. @Elonat Don't give him any idea.
  9. Thanks, I'm a big fan of Adam west Batman.
  10. Ensign Alex Forsyth: "I'm here to eat Candy and to play tricks....And I'm all out of Candy." Ensign Alex Forsyth Tactical Denali Station D239910AF1
  11. Hello, I had a great time and I'm looking forward to be taking part in the fleet.
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