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October Plot Summary for the USS Apollo

StarBase 118 Staff

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The crew of the Apollo, having gotten to planet Eridea through the Iconian Gateway, decided to relieve the people of the responsibilities of the false gods before shutting down the gate, in a way that would leave the Eridean’s beliefs intact. A group of officers went to see the Mayor, to tell her that her people would only have to take care of themselves. Lieutenant Commander Laxyn went to the healer to teach her how to heal without the advanced tech they had been given by the fake gods. A group went to the mines to blow up the entry and prevent access to the radiated mines, but their errand ended up getting Lieutenant Commander T’Mar stuck in a cave in, buried under rubble.

While that was happening, a fourth group went to talk to the Priest to explain that the offerings were going to cease so they his people could thrive. This caused the priest to become violent, attacking Lieutenant Pierce, and stealing his phaser. The cave-in provided the perfect place for the priest to stage a further attack on the Apollo crew, before he was subdued.

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