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This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other.DATES: The class began on April 27, 2009, and ended on May 3, Year....LIST: sb118-academy1COMMANDING OFFICER: Commander Toni TurnerFIRST OFFICER: Lt. Commander Heath WestCLASS MEMBERS:- Alex Montoya- Adnan Valkner- Matt StormCongratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!


Congratulations and welcome to the Fleet! I'm sure wherever your assignments place you, you will all have fantastic experience!

Here's hoping I get the chance to sim with each of you.


Welcome to the fleet, guys - I'm sure you'll have fun wherever those shiny new ensign's pips take you :biggrin2:


Welcome from the Marines of Charlie Company

1st Lt. Reznov Commanding

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