Julia Harden Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 (edited) ((SB 118, Event Horizon))((Slight backsim, just before Captain Rocar's speech))Sharee: Yes. I am excited about the chance to play. Even if the audience is abit captive. ::smiles:: And I promise I am at least good enough to keeppeoples' ears from bleeding.::Cyrus smiled at Sharee's light hearted joke, pleasant company seemed only tooeasy to find on the station::Webb: I'll look forward to it.::Unconsciously Delinda pulls a few strands of hair across the left side of herface.::Sharee: So will you be performing for us tonight?Webb: Im not sure If I really have a talent.Sharee: It would make this gathering more successful if everyone participated.Webb: Yes your right of course, I'm not going to argue with you there, I'm justnot sure if any of my talents are suitable for this sort of evening, ill see howthings pan out......Webb: << My talents are not so entertaining >>Sharee: ::confused:: How?Rocar: If I could have your attention for a moment pleaseā¦Cyrus: ::whispering:: Oh, the old man is off again, I wonder which speech he isgoing to give usSharee: ::also whispering:: The old man?Cyrus:: smiling slyly:: Rocar and I go back along way, perhaps my talent shouldbe telling storiesSharee: I have a feeling that could be very interesting.Cyrus: Well I'm not sure if this is the right environment, maybe later whenthere is not so many people around ill tell you some of his secretsSharee: Promise?::Unfortunately Rocar was getting into his speech now. The conversation betweenDelinda and Cyrus came to a quiet end, as they listened to what the Captain hadto say.::((End Flashback))Jansen: Well lets see here, they probably have enjoyment andcelebrating to do so lets allow them to get their torture over quickly.How about we have our new commanders go first. Delinda, why don't youstart us off and then Geeva can follow you.::Surprised to be leading off the talents, Delinda picked up her flute andheaded towards the stage. The applause was polite, it carried the undertone ofpeople dreading a poor performance by a deluded musician. At least that is whatit sounded like to Delinda..::Sharee: Thank you Jansen, for the kind introduction. Tonight I will be doingClaude Debussy's Syrinx. In classic Earth mythology the Syrinx was a nymphfollower of Artemis, known for her chastity. But Pan fell in love with her, andpursued her where ever she went. Desperate to escape Pan, she sought help fromthe river nymphs. As an answer, they turned her into hollow reeds, that made amournful sound as Pan blow out a frustrated breath across them. Pan then cutthe reeds and tied them into the first pan pipes. This piece by Debussy ismeant to evoke Pan's sadness of losing his love. This piece is particularconnected to the flute as it was the first written for an unaccompanied flute inthe 20th century. ::smiling brightly:: It is also a favorite of mine. ::After two slow, calming breathes, Delinda raises the flute into position. Atouch unorthodox Delinda's flute is off to the left, rather then the right, asshe finds it easier to play her overhand with her dominant hand. With one morebreath Delinda begins with a long clear tone, followed by a trilling descentinto a lower register. Slowly the story of Pan's pursuit plays out on the tonesfrom the flute. Long tones signifying Pan's approach, followed by the lighttrilling evasion of Syrinx. The game begins lightly, and almost playful. Butsoon Pan's pursuit becomes more determined and Syrinx's evasion more reckless. Syrinx's arrival at the river is signaled by a bubbling section eluding to therunning water of the river. Once more the long tones signal the approach ofPan, building sharply as he looks for his love. A mournful tone signals hisfrustrated breath on the reeds. Slowly the mournful tone turns to a mournfulsong as Pan fashions his instrument and begins to play.::::As Delinda played she could see a few people getting into the piece as sheplayed, and a few politely waiting for her to finish. The performance was goingabout how she expected. She was well aware not everyone was as big a fan of theflute, or mythology, as she was. But she found her gaze kept coming back to hertable companion. It looked to her as if he was one of the people enjoying thepiece. But with the gruff exterior of a Security Officer worn like a suit, itwas a difficult to read his feelings by body language. It was funny to think. Delinda had just met the man, but for some reason she hoped he was enjoying herperformance.::::Looking away from Cyrus, Delinda refocused on the ending of the piece. Suffice to say Delinda was a bit surprised when she heard another instrumentjoining her. It almost sounded like a Terran fiddle, but different in a way shecouldn't put her finger on. It took a moment to find who was joining her. Outin the crowd of the senior staff, Kalpana had taken up her sving-meh and hadfallen in with an interesting interpretation to accompany the flute. SoonKalpana had risen and joined Delinda on the stage. Gradually Delinda let thepiece wonder away from Debussy's work, only using it as a touch stone to framethe impromptu improvisation. The tenor of the music grew lighter and lessmournful, the Terran and the Iridian getting playful with the interplay of theunlikely dueting instruments.::Tag Bryan((OOC: Excellent idea Bryan. Feel free to take the duet where you want. Whenyou want Kalapana to get to her solo Delinda can fade out, and take her seat. And thank you Jansen for letting us change your shows format just a touch.)) Lt Cmndr Delinda ShareeCounselorStarbase 118 Ops Edited August 26, 2008 by Julia Harden
Julia Harden Posted August 26, 2008 Author Posted August 26, 2008 Edit: I had the title and author mixed. Hopefully it's correct now.Ensign Jansen Orrey, science officer, and I agreed this post should be nominated. He isn't able to start a topic yet.
Jansen Orrey Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Edit: I had the title and author mixed. Hopefully it's correct now.Ensign Jansen Orrey, science officer, and I agreed this post should be nominated. He isn't able to start a topic yet.Thanks for the help getting this where it belonged.
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