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This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other.DATES: The class began on August 18, 2008, and ended on August 23, 2008.LIST: sb118-academy3COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Toni Turner-WestFIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Jack KolkCLASS MEMBERS:- Alexis Morgan - Jalek Trollin- SopekCongratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!


Did we lose a couple?


Forum useage in the area look's to have slacked off considerably...

Did we lose a couple?

Nobody's perfect.

Welcome to the fleet, Ensigns. It was a pleaseure training you.

Sopek, how goes it? Morgan, Trollin, What positions will each of you be working on your new ships?


Aye! Welcome to the fleet!


Probably scrubbing plasma duct's...

From the look's of it, for the time being at least, I've got the entire engineering section of a Prometheus class to play with. Just me, a few tumbleweed's and a warp core....

Posted (edited)
This is an area for members of this training class to keep in touch with each other.

DATES: The class began on August 18, 2008, and ended on August 23, 2008.

LIST: sb118-academy3

COMMANDING OFFICER: Lt. Commander Toni Turner-West

FIRST OFFICER: Lieutenant Jack Kolk


- Alexis Morgan

- Jalek Trollin

- Sopek

Congratulations to you all, and welcome to our fleet!

Chroesawa ar fwrdd 'r USS Independence A. Ddisgwylia llwybreiddia at yn gwasanaethu chennych.

{Welcome aboard the USS Independence A. I look forward to serving with you.}

Iolo Madoc Llewleyn

Ship's Counselor

USS Independence A

Edited by Iolo Madoc Llewelyn
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