Tracey Posted February 18, 2006 Posted February 18, 2006 (edited) A sim I wrote about my character going home a long time ago. Enjoy ((USS Hammond))::Sector 001 was moments away. The Hammond and Ranger dropped out ofwarp at the outskirts of the Sol system and headed through the systemon impulse drive. Eventually, a little blue planet, the third planetof this system, came into view on the main viewscreen. The planetthat Tracey called home.::::The Hammond`s arrival at Earth left a sickly feeling in the pit ofTracey`s stomach. As most of the crew rejoiced in the Hammond`shomecoming, Tracey felt an awful feeling of lonliness. A couple ofweeks ago Tracey felt just as anxious as the rest of the crew to gethome and tell her parents about the mission. Tell them what life inStarfleet was like. Tell them about the first of her hopefully manyadventures. But that would not happen. Her parents were lost,presumed dead, and listed as such by the powers that be. But thefacts did not add up. No bodies were recovered and no debris wasfound. So what the h—l happened to that transport between Earthand Vulcan, a corridor of space that has been traversed by tons ofvessels for so many years?::::The last two weeks were hard for Tracey. She didn`t put an awfullot of effort into her daily tasks and spent most of her free timesearching for clues into the disappearance of her family. This wasprobably affecting both her physical and mental health since Traceywas eating little and was refraining from her regular exerciseroutine. She considered seeing Counselor Stewart but never got aroundto it. She was too busy searching through data banks and files. Timewas the problem, and Tracey didn`t have enough of it. Tracey only hadtwo weeks to get as much information as she could before going home.::::Information was hard to come by however. Tracey compiled a list ofall Federation vessels that were in sensor range of the transport onthat day. She tried to get access to their sensor logs and crewmemberships logs for clues but she was hitting roadblocks. Their sensor andships` logs were inaccessible. Tracey found this odd. Ship`s sensorand general logs are usually public domain but in this case theyweren`t.::<What`s going on?>::Tracey then tried to compile a list of all non-Federation vesselsthat were in the transport`s sensor range that day, but according toFederation records, there were none. Again a weird phenomenon. Thecorridor of space between Earth and Vulcan is usually very busy. Allkinds of different vessels make that journey. Private couriers,Klingons, Ferengi, the list goes on. But there were none that day?All this began to lead Tracey to believe that perhaps there was somesort of coverup going on here.::::If this problem happened to someone else, Tracey would probablyadvise that person to let it go. Allow their parents to rest inpeace. If the Federation is covering something up, it`s probably fora good reason. But this hit home. This problem was her`s and shewould not be able to go on until she had exhausted every possiblemeans of finding out what exactly happened. Then and only then wouldTracey allow her parents to rest in peace, and she herself, restpeacefully.::::When the Hammond attained a standard orbit, Tracey went to herquarters, packed her data PADDS and headed for the transporter room.Tracey was not alone in wanting to go the surface. There were manyother crewmembers who also wanted to transport down. Tracey had towait her turn.::WELLESLEY: "Tracey!"::The ensign stopped and turned around immediately looking a bitsurprised. Brynn walked quickly to catch up with her.::TOWNSON: "Sir."::Shaking her head, Brynn accompanied Townson to the airlock, wholooked forlorn.::WELLESLEY: "We're on shore leave, so just ignore the uniform fornow." ::She smiled but her face turned somber right away.:: "I'msorry to hear about your parents, I know by experience it's noteasy…" ::Her voice trailed off.:: "If there's anything I can do,letme know, ok?"TOWNSON: Yes Commander, Thank you.::Brynn simply nodded and walked silently beside her. After a while,she reached in her pocket and pulled out a tiny box.::WELLESLEY: "I was going to wait until we returned from our shoreleave to give you this," ::She handed the box to Townson, who lookedall the more surprised. Brynn waited for her to open the box, whichcontained a half pip before continuing.:: "I wish I could given it toyou under better circumstances. Congratulations, lieutenant."::Tracey looked into the box. She wished that she had something tosay. Some way to portray her gratitude, but all that came outwas…::TOWNSON: Umm, uhh thank you Commander. I really appreciate this. Iwill continue to do my best to serve you and this ship to the best ofmy ability.::Instead of transporting each individual to a specific location onthe planet, the transporter chief transported everyone to StarfleetHeadquarters in San Francisco. From there it was up to each officerto secure their own transportation to their various destinations.::::Tracey materialized on a transporter pad in Starfleet Headquartersand proceeded to a shuttle docking bay in order for her to get to herhome in Canada. There was a long lineup as crewmembers from both theHammond and Ranger were there. As Tracey waited in line, her patiencebegan to wear thin and she began to mutter under her breath `let`sgo, let`s go`. She shifted her weight from leg to leg as if she hadto go to the bathroom. Tracey wanted to get to her home quickly andmeet up with her Uncle Sorel. She believed that that was where he`dbe.::::Around a corner, came a robed figure. The robe was black and it hadwriting down the front of it. The hood was covering the head of thefigure. The robed individual headed towards Tracey. She did notnotice this person until he spoke.::FIGURE: Ensign.::Tracey turned to look. She was not able to see who it was throughthe shadows of the hood. At that moment, the individual uncovered hishead to reveal the figure`s facial features. The pointed ears, theupswept eyebrows, and the short-cropped black hair. Now Tracey had noproblem identifying who this individual was. She dropped her bag andran directly towards the man. When she got to him, she gave him along hug and began to cry.::TOWNSON: Uncle Sorel!((Earth-Starfleet Headquarters))::Tracey`s uniform consisted of all the normal aspects with theexception of her uniform tunic. That was replaced by her pastelcolored yellow and green ski jacket. She was wearing it with thecollar up, covering her new rank pip on her red turtleneckunderneath.::::Tracey backed up from Sorel to leave a short distance between thetwo of them. She lowered her ski jacket`s right side collar to revealher new rank to her uncle.::SOREL: Pardon me , Lieutenant. Congratulations.TOWNSON: Thank you.::Tracey wiped her eyes dry with the sleeve of her jacket.::SOREL: You don`t look too well. Perhaps you should see a physician.TOWNSON: No, no. I`m fine.::Tracey felt much more comfortable now that she was in the presenceof Sorel. Comfortable to the point where she felt like eating again.::SOREL: Very well. I have secured us a shuttle. Are you ready todepart?TOWNSON: Hold on.::Tracey ran back to the line to retrieve her bag of data PADDS andthen came running back.::TOWNSON: OK. Let`s go.-----------------------------------------------------------------------::The furthest the shuttle was able to go was New York City beforeTracey had to stop and get something to eat. There wasn`t a lack ofchoice restaurants in this neighborhood, but Tracey needed somethingfast, so the two of them chose a little fast food restaurant calledthe Replideli. Tracey knew the food here was made through areplicator, but she didn`t care. She was starving and replicated foodwas fast.::TOWNSON: How`s your salad?::Sorel took time to finish chewing and swallowing before answering.::SOREL: Agreeable. How was your sandwich?::Tracey had just finished her pastrami sandwich, a staple in thiscity for centuries, and was now sipping from her cup of coffee whenSorel asked her his question.::TOWNSON: Excellent. Hit the spot. ::She patted her stomach.::So….What do you think?::Sorel was looking over the data PADDS that Tracey brought with her,while eating.::SOREL: Your findings are inconclusive since you were unable toretrieve any logs from the vessels listed here.TOWNSON: They`re gone. I couldn`t get access.SOREL: I see. When we get to your house, I shall try to access thenecessary records. While I am busy with that, you should get somerest.TOWNSON: Aye sir.::Tracey smiled at Sorel, but as usual, her uncle did not reciprocatethe action, although his mouth did move into a slight smile, but onlyfor a fraction of a second.::::Sorel finished his salad and washed it down with a glass of water.::SOREL: We should depart.::The two of them left the restaurant and headed home to Montreal. Assoon as Tracey opened the front door, she headed straight to her roomand fell asleep in a bed she had not slept upon in years. Sorel wentto work to try to access Starfleet records through the Townson familycomputer.::((Townson Home-Montreal))::The aroma of freshly brewed coffee was circulating around thehouse. The morning sun was sending rays of light through the kitchenwindow. Sorel was sitting at the table still going over data PADDSwhen Tracey entered.::SOREL: Good morning.TOWNSON: Morning Uncle.SOREL: I thought you might like some real coffee after so longdrinking the replicated beverage.TOWNSON: You read my mind. Thank you.::Tracey went to fill a cup full of coffee before joining her uncleat the table. She sat down at the table and stirred her cream andsugar into her coffee and started sipping from her cup. Her eyeswandered to the kitchen window. The late fall weather made the leaveson the trees change their colors. Some were red and some were yellow.It was a sight that captivated Tracey. She had not seen fall weathersince she left for the academy. Tracey had always looked forward tothis time of year when she was young. She used to go out everyday andlook up at the sky hoping it would snow. Fall meant winter was aroundthe corner, and winter meant ski season would begin. That samelearned, anxious feeling came back to her and she was caught offguard when Sorel began to speak.::SOREL: It seems as if my old Starfleet security codes areineffective. I am having the same difficulties as you have had ingaining access to any files pertaining to the transport.TOWNSON: Oh…oh yeah. Sorry. ::She rubbed her eyes.:: I`m stillsleepy. Were you able to tell granny what happened?SOREL: Yes. I sent her a communiqué eight months fourteen daysago. She never responded and since I have not had the opportunity duringthat time to make my way to Earth to visit her, I can not be sure sheeven received it, or for that matter, understood it.TOWNSON: Then she`s still at Starfleet Medical?SOREL: Yes. I believe she is still a patient there. I have notreceived notice of her being moved to any other facility.::Tracey`s paternal grandmother `granny` was diagnosed seven yearsago with a neurological disorder that affected the way she looked atthe world around her. Every now and again, she would revert andrelive various portions of her past. She would believe that thepeople around her were people from the particular time she wasreliving and would reenact these portions of her life as if it wastaking place now. Sylvia Townson, formerly Admiral Sylvia Townson ofStarfleet Command, now spent her time wandering the halls ofStarfleet Medical with a rare disorder that affected one in a millonpeople. Although she was normal, and quite fit for her age, herrelapses made her a danger to herself, and she was unable to make anytrips off the facility without a chaperone. Various medications givento her reduced the effects of the disease to the point where around70% of the time, she was normal, but there was no cure. EventuallyTracey`s grandmother would succumb to the inevitable, permanent lossof knowing where or when she is.::TOWNSON: Maybe we should go tell her in person. Maybe she didn`t getthe message. ::Tracey abruptly stood up.:: Let`s get ready. We`llhead back to San Francisco, visit granny, then go through files atStarfleet Command. We`ll ask around. It`s obvious we`re not going toget anywhere from here. Maybe even granny can help us out. You inUncle Sorel?SOREL: It seems like the next logical course of action. Very wellTracey, I am in.::They both prepared themselves for the journey and their day ahead.They both boarded the shuttlecraft and headed back to San Francisco.::((Starfleet Medical))::The nurse was looking at Tracey while holding a data PADD::NURSE: Name please.TOWNSON: Sylvia Townson.::The nurse looked at Tracey with confusion. She was behind a desk.Other nurses were scurrying about behind her.::NURSE: Sylvia Townson is a patient here.TOWNSON: Yes.NURSE: I meant your name.TOWNSON: Oh. I`m sorry.::The nurse looked down at the PADD and typed Tracey`s and Sorel`sname in it after Tracey told her.::NURSE: Sylvia Townson. ::She said quietly to herself.:: Ah yes. Hereshe is. ::She looked up from the PADD.:: She`s in the anteroom. ::She pointeddown the hallway.:: Straight ahead, three doors to your left.TOWNSON: Thank you.::Sorel and Tracey went to the room they were told to go to. Thedoors swooshed open to reveal a large room with tables and chairs set up in aclassroom type setting. There were about 50 to 75 patients filling the seats. Therewas a man spinning some sort of apparatus with balls in it, up on a platform infront of the room. Tracey and Sorel asked the caregiver, who was standing atthe doorway to point out the location of Tracey`s Grandmother for them. Hepointed in the general vicinity of the middle of the room.::SOREL: May I ask, what is her condition?CAREGIVER: She seems fine so far.SOREL: We are pleased to hear that. Thank you.::The two of them made their way to where Granny was sitting. Traceynoticed that all the patients had data PADDS that had grids with letters andnumbers in each grid. They also had tools to mark the squares on their PADDS.When Sorel and Tracey arrived at Sylvia`s table, Tracey noticed that Granny alsohad the same type of PADD and marking tool.::TOWNSON: Granny?SYLVIA: Hold on.::The man on the stage pulled a ball out of the now stopped spinningapparatus and looked at it.::STAGEMAN: B-5::Sylvia looked over her PADD then leaned back in her seat. Traceynoticed there was no B-5 on her PADD. From the back of the room, someoneyelled `BINGO`. Sylvia sat up and threw her marking tool in front of her.::SYLVIA: [...] it!::Everyone, including Tracey and Sorel, turned to see who had yelledout `BINGO`. A woman, around Sylvia`s age, was standing up in the back ofthe room with a smile.::::Sylvia leaned over to speak to a lady sitting next to her.::SYLVIA: Can you believe it. That`s Abel`s third win this week.LADY: Come now Sylvia. There`s no need to get all huffy puffy. It`sonly a game. Besides, ::She pointed towards Tracey and Sorel.:: I think youhave visitors.SYLVIA: Ah yes. ::She turned to look at Tracey.:: How mayI…Tracey?TOWNSON: Yes Granny. It`s me.SYLVIA: What a pleasure to see you. How`s my little Cadet?TOWNSON: Granny, I`m no longer a Cadet. I`ve graduated. I`m anofficer now.SYLVIA: Oh yes. I forgot. You`re on the Hammond now. How come you`renot in space?TOWNSON: We`re on shore leave now Granny. I brought someone with me.::Sylvia turned to look in Sorel`s direction.::SYLVIA: Mr. Sorel.SOREL: It is I Admiral.SYLVIA: Well. Look at you. You look like a spring chicken. ::Shelooked back at Tracey.:: Hard to imagine that he`s nine years older than me.SOREL: Vulcan physiology is…SYLVIA: Yes. I know. Vulcans are faster, smarter, stronger, livelonger than humans. ::She began mumbling to herself.::TOWNSON: Granny?SYLVIA: Hmmm? Ah yes. Sorry. So how are the two of you? How areScotty and Cynthia?TOWNSON: We`re fine, but Mom and Dad, they went missing.SYLVIA: Missing?SOREL: Yes. I sent you a communiqué regarding their disappearance,a few months ago.SYLVIA: Oh yes. Now I remember. ::She turned back to her PADD toreset her card.:: No need to worry yourselves. They`ll be back.::Tracey looked at Sorel with astonishment. She then turned back toaddress her Grandmother.:TOWNSON: How do you know they`ll be back? Where are they Granny?SYLVIA: It`s not a question of where they are but when they are.TOWNSON:: What do you mean Granny? What do you know?::Sylvia Townson looked up at both Tracey and Sorel.::SYLVIA: I can`t tell you anything. I wish I can. The temporal PrimeDirective is in effect. Please leave this matter alone. If Lt. Munroe`scalculations were correct, they should be back in about four to six months. When they return they will be debriefed by Starfleet Command and then hopefully, everything should be back to normal.SOREL: Lt. Munroe? The Entente`s assistant science officer? That wasforty-two years ago, Admiral. How is this possible? How come I was not informedat the time?::Sylvia abruptly stood up and gave her PADD to the lady sitting nextto her.::SYLVIA: Agnes, can you take my card? I`ll be back shortly.AGNES: Sure dear, take all the time you need.SYLVIA: Thank you. ::She turned to face Tracey and Sorel.:: Let`s go.We can`t discuss this here. ::Referring to the BINGO room.::::The three of them left the anteroom and headed for Sylvia`s room.::((Time-warp – A few days later - A Ski Resort Chalet Somewhere InThe Canadian Rockies))::Tracey decided to relax for the last two days of her R&R. Dwellingupon her parents didn`t make any sense especially since circumstances werebeyond her control. Besides, how often does a Starship officer have theopportunity to return to Earth?::::Tracey`s Uncle Sorel headed back to Vulcan three days ago afterconfirming the story that Tracey`s Grandmother told them. According to Sorel, Lt.Monroe`s slight error in trajectory calculations, in sending Tracey`s parents` transport back to the present, from forty-two years back, had themovershoot their time by fourteen months. So five months and twelvedays from now, the transport that disappeared a little over eight months ago,should return, if it survives the return flight. And Tracey`s parents willbe just over five days older than they were at the time of the transport`sdisappearance, because, according to Tracey`s granny, they only spentfive days there.::::The story that Tracey`s Grandmother told her and Sorel leftTracey`s head spinning. Forty-two years ago, Sylvia Townson was first officer of aStarship called Entente. The ship`s Captain and Science Officer (Lt. CommanderSorel) were on a mission off ship. Tracey`s Grandmother, Commander SylviaTownson at the time, was left in charge. To make a long story short, the Ententeanswered a Federation distress signal from a transport vessel that wasobviously Federation origin but of no design that they were familiar with. Withaudio communications only, they informed the Entente that they were heavilydamaged after travelling through a temporal rift between Earth and Vulcan.Commander Townson put two and two together and ordered no further contactbetween the two vessels with the exception of notifying engineers as to what kind of equipment was necessary to help repair the transport. All necessary equipmentwas sent back and forth using only transporters. No contact with the transportwas made otherwise. No one, including Sylvia Townson, knew who was on board the transport or when it came from, but Tracey`s Grandmother did know thename of the vessel. It was written across its hull. The same name that waswritten across the hull of the transport that Tracey`s parents boarded eightmonths ago. The Terrasse.::::What goes around comes around. What happened in the past mustreoccur in the future for the timeline to work out, was what Tracey`s Grandmothersaid. That is why Starfleet allowed the Terrasse to make the journey knowingfull well what the outcome of that journey would be. The Terrasse was part ofhistory, and in order to make history, it had to make it`s journey eightmonths ago. All records of the event were sealed so that no one could intervene, and that is why Uncle Sorel was never informed. This paradox left Tracey with asplitting headache everytime she thought about it.::::Still, no one knew the outcome. Not even Starfleet. Would theTerrasse survive the return flight? Tracey would have to wait five months andtwelve days to find out.::::Right now though, Tracey was relaxing with a cup of hot chocolatein front of a fireplace in a ski resort chalet. She knew this mountain well fromher younger days when she competed. She almost always fared well here.This was the last place she wanted to spend time at before heading back to theHammond. Before coming here, she wrote her parents a note at home to informthem she was there, in case they returned, and paid one last visit to herGrandmother again at Starfleet Medical. But her time was running short. When shefinished her hot chocolate, she put the cup down on the coffee table in front of her,took one last look around, stood up, threw her bag over her shoulder, and tookher comm badge out of her pocket and pressed on the front of it.::TOWNSON:=/\=Townson to Hammond…one to beam up.=/\= Edited February 25, 2006 by FltAdml. Wolf
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