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First Lt. Arturo Maxwell - Dignity, restored.

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Posted snippets in our quote thread but @Arturo Maxwell wrote a beautiful SIM in which his character not only reflects on a father dealing with the grief of a lost child, close to his own daughter's age, but as a Starfleet Marine showing compassion for the dead beautifully. 


(( Mining District, Maiton, Koreli IV ))
With a continuing fight averted, Max allowed his posture to appear casual. He was however, ready to spring into action should the violence flare up again. He had his doubts that it would after the hold he'd had on the larger man. It was a defensive grip, one that took minimal exertion for the holder and was uncomfortable enough to easily pin the recipient. It was designed to hurt only as much as the person struggled, providing ample incentive for them to either calm down or simply stop being aggressive.
Richards: Yeah and we just have a few questions.
Herrick: Perhaps starting with who you are? (beat) Now that emotions aren’t so high.
Kalik: ::extending his arm, palm downward:: I am Kalik. Second Fabricator to this area.
Richards, Herrick and then lastly Salo.
Salo: It’s a pleasure Kalik.  
Richards: I’m Richards and looks like you’ve already met Maxwell.
Anton motioned towards him, and with a light nod Max also offered up the palm-down greeting.
Maxwell: Good tae meet you.
Herrick: I’m Herrick ::and motioning back to Nesre:: and this is Salo. We’re Starfleet officers; just arrived here at Maiton.
Salo: We understand the area has been struggling lately?
Struggling was a very diplomatic way to put it, and Max glanced around at the absolute chaos around them.
Kilik: Struggling? ::emitting a grunt-like chuckle:: You could call it that.
Tano: Desperate is more like it! ::looking at his feet, somewhat despondent:: 
Richards: Well we might be able to help. You said something about a material you needed?
The two Danni answered almost in unison.
Tano/Kilik: Plating.
Tano fired a look at Kilick and Max watched for the reaction.
Tano: Mine plating.
Kilik: Tell it to the King’s boots.
It seemed tensions were beginning to rise again, and Max's feet silently shifted to a more ready position.
Fortunately the situation was arrested by a raise in tone from Richards.
Richards: This plating, it could be used to stop the water or repair the damages?
Kilik: It’s what’s stopping the collapse of our homes. Finding suitable lumber that's structurally sound and waterproofing it… it’s inefficient.
Something was better than nothing, and the Danni needed homes to shelter in or they wouldn't be fit for any mining whatsoever.
Tano: That's not what it's to be used for!
Max held out a hand between the two men, his tone calm and even as he spoke.
Maxwell: Arguing is only going tae delay the repair process.
Kilik: (frowning) And what, you're here to bring us back on schedule? 
Max gave a light shrug of the shoulders.
Maxwell: Nae promises, but we will do everything we can tae help. First, we really need tae find the admin centre.
The two Danni didn't look convinced, but it also didn't appear to get in the way of them agreeing to the short detour.
Salo: Kilik…if you would guide us there, we would like to help as best we can.
Richards: Lead the way.
As the group followed the two men, the level of destruction became ever more apparent.
All around them building were sagging in on themselves from the water damage. Some were only half standing with sections that had completely collapsed in on themselves and still more had collapsed altogether. Junk, debris and swept away family items were scattered everywhere else, adding an almost apocalyptic feel to the area. It was a wonder the number of Danni in the area was still so high.
And that took Max's gaze to the people themselves.
If the buildings were a mess, then the populace was comparitavely ruine. Not a soul could be seen that didn't walk in a slow, defeated pace. Heads were bowed, shoulders sagged and every movement seemed to require monumental effort.
This was a people abandoned.
Salo: They look so defeated.
Walking alongside the medical officer, Max nodded his head slowly.
Maxwell: There's no sign ae help anywhere. ::His voice hardened a little.:: These folks have been cast aside.
Richards: We didn’t realize that it was this bad.
Tano: This isn't even the worst of it.
Herrick: Not the worst?
Max raised an eyebrow.
If this utter devastation wasn't the worst, where children looking as young as three or four were having to help shift rubbish and debris, or try to drag tiny little carts along, then Max truly felt for those in other areas. A short ways ahead, Max could see a row of bodies carefully laid out. Some looked as if they were simply enjoying a peaceful nap, others bore clear signs of injury from building collapses or impact-injuries from being swept away. Not all of them were adults, and all shared in the final indignity that the survivors didn't even have any rags to cover them over with.
Max stared at the row for a long moment, mulling over the unfairness of it all.
Salo: There’s so much to do…
He turned his head to face the Orion.
Maxwell: We're gonnae need more hands doon here.
Tano: And now we're waiting on the king...
The response seemed to have a hint of sarcasm to it, and Richards voiced the question that hung in the air.
Richards: What does the King have to do with any of this?
Once again, the two Danni spoke in unison. Their replies however, clashed rather starkly.
Tano: Nothing.
Kilik: Everything.
Both carried the weight of belief behind them, yet both seemed to also carry the burden of grief and exhaustion just as equally. Was there also a hint of fear from Tano?
Max turned to the big man, Kilick.
Maxwell: Everything?
Tano: You'll hold your tongue Kilik.
Kilik: Let them have at me; we've lost some good folks here, miners and children, (beat) but the quotas never change do they. It's...
Tano: None of their business.
Kilik appeared to be justifiably angry, whereas Tano seemed more afraid. Perhaps of the King?
Or could it be the Zet?
Salo: Our business is to help others.  If you tell us what you need, then we can help.  
Could the two men bottle their differences for long enough to do so?
That was the real question.
Maxwell: You need tae work with us though. We can help, but we cannae do it for you.
Richards: Response
Herrick: Not only that, and forgive me for the question, but the last time we made contact with Danni, your people seemed much more... technologically ahead that what we're seeing would suggest.
Kilik: You've never made a deal with the Zet before, have you?
Salo: We have encountered them on more than one occasion, but no, we have never struck a deal with them. 
The Zet weren't exactly at the top of Max's guest list, and he was sure the others felt the same way.
Stepping away from the group briefly, Max tapped his commbadge.
Richards: Response
Kilik: When you have a few days, give a read through of the Danni-Zet agreement. Particularly around the clauses around mining, quotas and consequences.
Salo: I’m afraid we don’t have that kind of time right now. 
Kilik scoffed loudly, but it was more the sound of defeatism than criticism.
Kilik/Richards/Tano: Response
Salo: I can imagine all the fine print they included in such a contract between themselves and your people. 
Half-listening to his companions as he spoke over the commline, Max nodded to himself. From what he knew of the Zet any such contracts would be constructed and worded in such a way as to have anybod questioning its terms running around in circles for any helpful or beneficial answers.
Kilik/Richards/Tano: Response
Closing his line, Max stepped back into the group properly.
Salo: Actually, I have a question.  Before the Zet, who ruled the Danni?  Was it a monarchy?  Or a republic?  Where are the former leaders now, and could we speak with them? 
From a few feet away, the glow of a transporter deposited a storage crate and Max walked over to it. Kneeling beside it and folding open the lid, he reached in and began to pull out numerous Marine-issue blanket rolls.
Maxwell: First job.
Kilik/Herrick/Richards/Tano/Salo: Response
He turned to look towards the row of bodies for a moment before offering up one of the blanket rolls.
Maxwell: How about we give those folks a wee bit ae dignity?
Kilik/Herrick/Richards/Tano/Salo: Response
Max took up one of the blankets and stepped over to the first in line. Nothing seemed out of place, unless one looked closely to find the livid purple mark just inside the hairline by her temple. Max looked at her peaceful face for a moment, judging her to be around eleven.
Not much younger than Milly.
He heard footsteps behind him.
Kilik: Her name was Alena. She was my daughter.
Undoing the blanket, Max carefully draped it over Alena before standing and placing a hand upon Kilik's shoulder.
Maxwell: I'm sorry, Kilik.
Kilik/Herrick/Richards/Tano/Salo: Response
Some measure of dignity restored to the row of people, conversation turned once again to the administration centre. For his part, Kilik seemed to have warmed a little to the Starfleet visitors. Even his hostility towards Tano had evaporated for the most part.
Maxwell: What say we press on? ::He looked to Richards.:: With your approval, sir?
It was a small gesture, but one that he hoped would smooth away his earlier slip-up when he had automatically deferred to Herrick's rank and not Richards' position as team leader.
Kilik/Herrick/Richards/Tano/Salo: Response
Taking point, and with Kilik beside him Max strode on up the ruined street.


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