Nolen Hobart Posted January 9 Posted January 9 "It's midnight," I thought to myself, "I'll just read one sim, and then go to bed." But the one sim was by @Richard Matthews and it was fantastic, so now it's midnight and he's got me making a dang appreciations post. Quote ((Deck 8, USS Eridani)) With a little paint, a lighter gray maybe, and some new lighting to run along the ceiling. Those long tubular light fixtures, not the singular bulbs, and maybe a warming lighting than the bright white light. The Eridani could be a little more homely. Also, a good cleaning, the dust that clouded the air, wasn’t just gross, it was rather off-putting. The dust on a ship could only come from so many places, after all. The image of the pile of bodies back in sickbay flashed through his mind. And Richard found himself quickening his pace. El’Heem: ::low and deliberate:: You feel that? Felt external, maybe. Think the Khitomer found a way inside the shields? Matthews: ::Checking his PADD::::Checking his PADD:: I don’t think so, at one point both ship’s shields were interacting, pushing off each other. But that’s it, no breaches were made, if there were. I think we would have been beamed away right away. Looks like we still have to follow the plan, unless you doubt the commander? He tried for a teasing tone. But. Perhaps he was hoping for that Ras would rebuttal him, and reassure him that things would be fine. El’Heem: Oh. Absolutely. I trust the commander’s plan will work, but it’s not going to be a stroll in the gardens. Matthews: Park Ras either didn’t hear him or chose not to answer him. Okay, fine, they wouldn’t partake in the time honored tradition of mixing up sayings and correcting them. Comedy wouldn’t ensure from a difference of cultures, mixing up of idioms, and sayings. He’d just follow along in silence, nice, peaceful silence. Just him left to his own thoughts. Where was the nearest airlock? Richard was going to jump for it now. Richard’s PADD buzzed in his hand. Buzzed wasn’t the right word. It vibrated, but softly. Not loud enough to give off a sound, and so. Not loud enough to be heard while Richard was trying ot be sneaky. He glanced down, his alert was going off, they were approaching section 14-K. Since all the hallways looked alike to him. Richard had marked it off on his little Eridani schematic to alert him when they were there. Otherwise, he could have very well-kept on walking right through the section, or pass it and Dewitt and Lacy. Wait a minute. El’Heem: Chief, Ensign. Richard just gave a small wave. Dewitt: Good to see you, doctor. Ensign. ::nodding:: You heard the Commander. We will prepare everything for our departure. Remove platings for maintenance hatches ::refering to wrist computer:: 8-14-K-1, -2 and -4. I’ll see where I can find the nearest main conduit…. And Ginny, keep an eye on our detection grid. El’Heem: Good to see you too. Richard you heard the man, I’ll follow your lead at hatches -2 and -4. Lacy: Glad you're okay, sir. Richard toddled on over to the first hatch, number two, or he was going to. But then - Hobart: =/\= …everything okay down there? =/\= Dewitt: =/\= Response =/\= El’Heem: =/\= Matthews and I made it here without incident. Commander Dewitt has briefed us on what we need to do. =/\= Matthews: ::To himself:: I don’t like it, but I’ll do it. Next mission better be planet side. I swear. Lacy: ::tapping at her wrist controls:: Aye, sir. K-1is here, I'll get started on it. Zerva: =/\= Whoa. =/\= El’Heem: =/\ What whoa? =/\= Hobart / Dewitt: =/\= Response =/\= Zerva: =/\= Uh Sir? Are you registering this? The turbolift shaft has a breathable atmosphere. =/\= Matthews: =/\= I would advise against taking your helmets off, even if that’s correct. =/\= Hobart / Dewitt: =/\= Response =/\= Lacy: =/\= At this rate, Commander, we should be finished in twenty minutes or so. =/\= Zerva: =/\= ::beet:: It looks like that piece of debris I placed on the air pocket is floating down like an air elevator. =/\= Matthews: =/\= I would also advise against jumping and trying to float down the turbolift. =/\= Hobart / Dewitt: =/\= Response =/\= El’Heem: =/\= So…what exactly is happening? Are you two close? Zerva: =/\= ::shakes his head:: I don’t know sir, I just work here. ::beet:: I’m a security officer, not a scientist. =/\= Matthews: ::Whispering to Ras:: I’ll let you in on a secret, science officers don’t know what they’re doing either. We just fake it better. Hobart / Dewitt: =/\= Response =/\= Ras had this in hand, Richard moseyed on over to maintenance hatch 4. Getting to work on it with a little less finesse. Using ol crow-y, the only tool on hand, besides the sensor rods, he hadn’t had the chance to set up anywhere. El’Heem =/\= Did you make contact with the Khtomer? =/\= Hobart / Zera / Dewitt: =/\= Response =/\= Crack - Richard watched a piece of the hatch break off. The sound covered by Ras who had startled the others. As nonchalant as possible, he kicked the broken piece aside and gave the still hanging on piece two good smacks. It came off clattering into the hole he made. El’Heem: =/\= Yes! Okay get down here and let’s get off this love boat. =/\= Matthews: =/\= 4 is opened, normally. Opened normally without damage. =/\= There, no one would suspect a thing. Hobart / Zerva / Dewitt: =/\= Response =/\= Lacy: =/\= Sirs, I— =/\= Beep, or meep? Richard frowned, did the computer speaker burp then? Some sort of feedback feed over the speaker and then. Computer: Alert. Shield emitters charged, all facings. Matthews: =/\= Aww, crab apples. =/\= Hobart / Zerva / Dewitt / El'Heem: =/\= Response =/\= Richard glanced down, the emitters were all lit, so online then. He glanced over towards the actual engineers. Lacy looked worried, he really wished that she didn’t look worried, but she did. Nothing was exploding and nothing was going off. That was a win in his book, at least. Though, they did want to overload the emitters. That meant that the lack of things going boom. Even just small little booms. That was actually a bad thing. Up was down, cats chased dogs, Richard wanted the equipment to go boom. If he didn’t know better, he’d assume he’d slipped into some sort of bizarro world somewhere along the way, while sneaking through the killer ship. He was going to comment on that. Ask what was up, what was that clicking sound? Was the lights going off a good thing? That was the shield emitters — were they turning off? Why were they turning off? What had Lazy looking so spooked? Lacy: =/\= Oh, I am so f— =/\= What was that bright light? Should he go towards it? ((Transporter Room 1, Deck 4, USS Khitomer)) Lacy: =/\= —king done with this ship. =/\= Matthews: Language. Any: Response He glanced around, then patted Ras on the arm. Matthews: How much bribery do I need to bribe you with for a sick note for the next away mission? El’Heem: Response Matthews: ::Glancing towards Hobart:: You didn’t hear that. ::Then to the group at large:: Everyone here? I guess the Khitomer got us when the shields went down? I wonder how they pulled that off? Dewitt / El'Heem / Hobart / Lacy/ Zerva: Response Matthews: Should we, ::He pointed upwards:: Head to the bridge? Hobart: Response TAGS/TBC _________ Ensign Richard Matthews Science Officer USS Khitomer (NCC-62400) A238908RM0 1
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