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PNPC Lt.Jg. Porus: Ice cold flirts?


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@Alexander Williams is back and I'm glad I got the possibility to read his works, and if the cowriter is @Alora DeVeau the result cannot be anything less than great.



((Bridge, USS Eagle))
When the doors opened he was surprised to see a skeleton crew. They looked puzzled at the Klingon standing in the doorway. One of them, a Vulcan woman, approached him.

Diata: Report in.

oO Strict and to the point. I like it. Oo

Porus: Luitenant Porus, I just transferred her. I am looking for Commander Williams.

Diata: I am unfamiliar with anyone by the name of Commander Williams posted to Denali Station.

oO She doesn’t know him? Or anyone else by that name? What in the name of Kahles is that?! Oo

Porus: I was told he transferred here too. Based on his schedule he should be here by now. Are you sure?

Diata: Considering that you were unexpected by me until I received an alert indicating that you were arriving and doing so rather belatedly, I can not be completely sure that he has not also arrived

Porus: Well, can you find out?!

It came out way to strong. But Porus was losing it. Running late was one thing, ending up at the wrong ship would be far worse!

The Vulcan commanders eyes narrowed, clearly she was surprised and maybe even a bit shocked about the Klingons' outburst.

Diata: Lieutenant, I will remind you that you are to show proper decorum and respect to your superior officers.  

Porus: Of course, commander. Its just that…

He didn’t get time to finish. The friendly – to the point  -woman had turned into an ice-cold Vulcan.

Diata: Whatever reason you have, your insubordination will not be tolerated and I will make a remark on your record.

Porus was stunned for a second. Surely he had been a bit angry, but a mark on his record seemed way out of line. He wanted to protest but a chirp from a console caught his attention and that of the commander.
HCO: There’s a small Cardassian vessel approaching.  

Diata: On screen.

With the situation changing, Porus decided it would be best to discuss any protest at a later time. With a little luck, whatever was going on would make the commander forget it all altogether.

As he looked at the screen he noted a small Cardassian vessel.

Porus: Cardassians…

Instead of giving all his prejudices, the Klingon chose to observe.

The image of a ship turned to the inside and a Cardassian officer appeared. From the look on the commander's face, it was safe to assume they knew each other.

Diata: Ambassador Lukin, this is the USS Eagle.  How can we help you.  

Zorkal: Ah, commander.  I was looking for the Commodore.  

Diata: I’m afraid she’s currently unavailable.  

The ambassador replied but they couldn’t hear it. For a moment Porus assumed the connection was bad, but then it turned out the opposite side had turned off the microphones. They were having an internal discussion.

oO To bad I cant lipread Cardassian. Oo

Zorkal: Your assistance will be unnecessary.  I will go to the Commodore herself.

And with that the conversation was over. Porus gave the commander a puzzled look.

Porus: Interesting…

Diata: =/\=Commander Diata to Commodore Oddas.=/\=

Oddas: =/\=Response

Diata: =/\=Ambassador Lukin has arrived, but offered no explanation.  I believe he’s on his way to see you.=/\=

Oddas: =/\=Response
With the comline closed the commander left Porus standing at the turbolift and headed for her seat. Porus thought about what to do next. He could go down to the surface as well. Clearly, the commodore could use a helping hand, and Alex was probably down there with him. But doing so without asking for permission would no doubt get him a second mark on his record. So far that record was clean, and he had no intention of getting two marks in one day.

Diata: Take tactical, Lieutenant Porus.  I want to watch that Cardassian ship carefully.  

oO That will do, for now. Better bring my A-game so she forgets about that mark. Oo

Porus: As you wish, commander.

He thought about asking for Williams again but the look on her face made it very clear this was not the time. Nonetheless, she seemed to read his mind.

Diata: You will have the opportunity to reunite with Commander Williams at a later time.  Right now, you either take position at tactical, or you take a position in the brig.

oO The brig?! By Kahless, what a temper. If she was a Klingon I’d think she’d be interested in me! Shame, she is not. Oo

Porus: Tactical will be fine, commander. Shall I run a passive scan on the ship, or do you want a full sensor sweep? Needless to say, that could offend them. Based on your exchange with the ambassador I guess you know them?

Diata: Response

Porus: I see, well from what I can tell their ship should not be a serious treat to us.

Diata: Response

Porus: I could run a full scan if you want, hoping it won't provoke them.

Diata: Response


With great honor written as:
Lt. Jg Porus
Security Officer
USS Atlantis

as simmed by:

Lt.Cmdr. Alexander Williams
Security Officer
Denali Station  


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Great... now the entire fleet knows Porus has a crush on someone ;)


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