Popular Post Serala Posted August 24, 2024 Popular Post Posted August 24, 2024 Okay, so it's not a rumor anymore..... 😂  Quote  (( Sickbay, Deck 10, USS Chin’toka )) Aine didn't have pathological demand avoidance...at least in her own opinion she didn't have it. But you wouldn't know if you looked at each time she was ordered to Sickbay or to speak to a Counselor. Her first counseling session on 118, she literally sat there, arms crossed, pouting like a child. Regardless of her own self-diagnosis (or lack thereof) she absolutely did have it. Sherlock: I agree wholeheartedly. ::long pause:: Well, if you'll excuse me, I have some ::beat:: security...First Officer ::beat:: things ::beat:: to do.  She still wasn't used to the change in uniform nor post. And the look on the doctor's face told her that she wasn't buying it. And even thought the Doctor was a mere Ensign, she couldn't just order a Doctor to leave her alone...unfortunately. Edrei: So, about we take a look at these injuries? ::she waved to a nearby biobed:: Let’s get settled here. Sherlock: Fine.  Aine's movements were sharp but slow. Each step trying to delay the inevitable as she made her way over to the biobed. She hopped up onto it and laid back, staring at the ceiling. Edrei: I promise I’ll make this as quick as possible. So, would you mind telling me what’s happening? Sherlock: The bruises I don't care about, leave'em be. They'll heal. It's the ribs ::pointing to her left side:: that hurt the most. Edrei: What kind of symptoms are you experiencing? Any shortness of breath? Sherlock: It hurts when I breathe deep. Kind of sharp. But no real shortness of breath. Edrei: It sounds like cracked or broken ribs, but I don’t see any severity criteria.  At least there was some good news. A little wave of the weird light stick that warbled and she'd be good as new. What was it that Doctor Adea called them? Doohickeys? Or was it the thingamajig? Either way, it was the thing that fixed bones. Edrei: So ::clearing her throat:: it looks like you’ve got a cracked bruise as well as a broken one. The rest is just bruised. Let me fix that real quick. Sherlock: Sounds perfect. Do your thing, work your...magic...stuff. She just wanted out of this place. She wanted to get back to work. The sooner she did, the sooner she could get the ship docked and the sooner she could escape. To where? She had no clue yet. But Mel and her sister were enroute from the Gamma Quadrant. They'd loaded up their shuttle with the few belongings of Aine's to get her settled. Though her and Mel had committed to one another, this latest transfer put them some distance apart, if he chose to stay on the Butler. They hadn't had a chance to talk about it yet. And she had no clue where her sister was going to end up. Everything there had felt like it was coming together, but then life and career happened. Edrei: All done, you should feel better. I guess you don’t want me to treat the bruises you have on your ribs too? Sherlock: ::sitting up quickly:: No, bruises heal on their own fast enough. They're fine.  Of course, she wasn't about to tell the doctor that she preferred to suffer through injuries. She felt like it was a responsibility to whatever had happened. She even bared a particularly nasty scar just over her liver as a brutal reminder of the dangers she volunteered for. Edrei: I figured so. ::beat:: Um, so, is there anything else I should know about? Injuries from the battle, or, you know ::pause:: in general? Sherlock: ::slowly shaking her head as her lips tucked:: Nope.  This was her being honest. This time, there really wasn't anything else. Perhaps the Doctor knew she hid things in the past? Maybe it was Trovek! Had she put in her medical reports that Aine kept the multiple head injuries secret!? Or Adea! He totally would have mentioned the disruptor burns! Edrei: Commander, you’re actually pregnant. Sherlock: That's funny, Doctor. But I think you're getting your scans mixed up with Captain Serala's.  Edrei: response  She couldn't help but laugh as she waved her hands in front of her. This was impossible.  Sherlock: I'm sorry, Doctor, but this isn't possible. Look, I got my injection ::beat, her eyes moved back and forth as she tried to remember::. Okay, so maybe I missed one...or two. But my partner ::even longer pause as she considered all the moves and all the chaos of the last couple months and how it was suddenly likely this was reality:: oh no.  Edrei: response  Sherlock: I need to lay down.  She laid back down on the biobed and slowly rolled onto her side and curled up into the fetal position...ironically, but not purposefully. The truth was, she was terrified at this prospect. And what would Mel say? Was this going to be a repeat of last time?  Edrei: response  Sherlock: I ::beat:: have ::beat:: no ::beat:: clue.  tag/TBC  LCDR Aine Sherlock Executive Officer U.S.S. Chin'toka R239712AS0   5
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