LCDR Aine O. Sherlock Posted August 19, 2024 Posted August 19, 2024 I always love a good wrap-up solo sim: Quote ((Brodie’s Residence, San Francisco Bay Area, Earth)) Alexander Brodie had been away from his home for a little over twenty-four hours but a lot had changed in that time. Since receiving his mobilisation orders things had moved at breakneck speed – to be honest, given everything else that had befallen him he was probably lucky not to have a broken neck too. He was currently sitting on the floor of his sonic shower as the low thrum and water beat down on him, washing off the soot and blood and sweat and who knows what else he’d acquired. Once he’d turned himself into a human prune with the steam he stepped out and dried himself off…his ribs bruised heavily showing a colour not dissimilar to the sunset over the bay. He pulled on some loose trouser and an undershirt over his chest and then pulled back the blinds. He looked down from his window to see emergency lights and crews working…the city hadn’t been attacked per se but the youth of the city, controlled by the Borg, had been able to spend hours running amok – the recovery would take a while. He poured himself a large Balvenie and sat back down at his console…this was a double measure kind of report and he wanted to get it down on file before he slept and things started to fade. --- MIS-0017-AWB-COU-CHIN’TOKA TO: Starfleet Medical Central Records CC: USS Chin’toka Central Records Following the conclusion of the 2400-2401 academic year I received a priority one emergency mobilization to report to the USS Chin’toka, located at Earth Spacedock, for assignment as a counsellor under the command of Commander Serala and Lieutenant Commander Anie Sherlock. Upon boarding the USS Chin’toka a briefing was held with the following officers present: Commander Serala: Commanding Officer Lieutenant Commander Anie Sherlock: First Officer Lieutenant Commander Tai Ilsam: Mission Specialist & Diplomatic Officer Junior Lieutenant T’Ama: Acting Chielf Of Operations Ensign Daniel MacGillian: Security & Tactical Officer Junior Lieutenant Ghee’looth Xiron: Acting Chief Engineer Ensign Is’Kah: Engineering Officer Junior Lieutenant Kimberly Stapledon: Acting Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Commander V’Len Kel: Chief Medical Officer & Second Officer Junior Lieutenant Sylvie Doucet: Assistant Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Commander Alexander Brodie: Counsellor At this meeting it was revealed by Commander Serala that a few days prior the USS Astraeus and the USS Kitty Hawk had been dispatched to locate the USS Titan which had been declared rogue. During the course of this pursuit the USS Astraeus had suffered an internal attack by two Changeling infiltrators that had been able to bypass conventional screening methods. In addition, recent activities of the Borg noted by the USS Artemis showed a Brog Cube on a course for Sector 001. The USS Chin’toka was to be mobilized at once to assist the USS Astraeus as part of a counter-terrorism response to suspected plans to attack the Frontier Day celebrations by this potential Changeling/Dominion and Borg alliance. I was assigned to liaise with Lieutenant Commander Tai Ilsam and Junior Lieutenant T’Ama regarding her first-hand experience of the Borg while aboard the USS Artemis and information from the away team dispatched to investigate. Through the course of this interview, it became clear that the Borg were performing some kind of experimentation, blood had been drawn from away team members, and decaying remains were observed. T’Ama reported that she and Lieutenant Vitor Silveira had been able to capture one of the Changelings. Following preparations for departure I was ordered to report to the bridge by Captain Serala. While enroute, however, I was attacked by a member of the crew, subsequently identified as Petty Officer (Third Class) Michelle Dorne, who it appeared was under some form of external influence and identified themselves as ‘The Borg’. After extricating myself from this altercation I opened comms to all in range to alert them that the Chin’toka had been compromised. This communication was curtailed upon contact with Lieutenant Kimberley Stapledon who it became clear had also fallen under the influence of the Borg. A conflict ensued in which Petty Officer Dorne was killed by an errant discharge from Lieutenant Stapledon’s phaser in an attempt to eliminate me. During this altercation I was able to partially subdue my attacker and force her into sickbay where Doctor V’Len Kel and Ensign Roxanne ‘Rox’ Queen were in similar conflict with Doctor Sylvie Doucet. Doctor Kel sealed the affected officers in sickbay and proceeded to flood it with anesthezine gas. We then proceeded towards the main replicator complex on deck ten in an effort to both regroup and, potentially ready ourselves for conflict against more affected members of the crew. This proved impossible given the levels of activity in the area so Doctor Kel and Ensign Queen sealed them selves in the medical labs in an attempt to find a resolution to the apparent condition affecting the crew. I returned to sickbay to source medical supplies and treatment for injuries sustained in my earlier conflict. Upon entering sickbay, I discovered Doctor Doucet and Lieutenant Stapledon had, apparently, been able to free themselves and reported both the condition of the medical centre and their absent status to the bridge. During my search for medical supplies, I was attacked by Crewman Francesca ‘Frankie’ DeVeaux, an emergency medical technician who I was able to restrain on a biobed using isotropic restraints. This appeared to make her more lucid although this may have coincided with actions taken elsewhere that were hampering the connection of affected crew with the Borg collective. It was advised by the bridge that the main deflector system was offline and, as the closest officer to the main deflector control centre I attended to make an assessment. Upon securing sickbay with a level ten forcefield I moved to the deflector control suite and on arrival it was clear that it had been deliberately and completely destroyed with little to no hope of recovery in the short term. I contacted Lieutenant Ghee’looth Xiron who advised that the secondary control system was located on deck fourteen and that she would rendezvous with me there to see if the system could be restored. I traversed the Jeffries tube system to reach the auxiliary deflector control centre and aided, to the best of my ability, Lieutenant Xiron in realigning and reinitialising the main deflector array. During this process I was contacted by Doctor Leenaya Edrei who was attempting to gain access to sickbay through the erected control measures to provide aid to injured crew. I was able to remove certain control measures via remote with Lieutenant Commander Tai Ilsam providing support with Doctor Edrei. Upon returning to deck ten and meeting with Doctor Edrei, as well and checking on Crewman DeVeaux and being joined by Doctor Doucet – who now appeared free of Borg influence, we immediately began to receive casualties. This included both Lieutenant Stapledon, for injuries sustained in our earlier altercation and also free of Borg influence, and Lieutenant T’Ama who had received significant trauma to both her shoulder and, more severely, a critical injury to her right eye. I assisted Doctor Doucet in resetting Lieutenant Stapledon’s dislocated hip before providing Doctor Edrei with support for Lieutenant T’Ama. Lieutenant T’Ama was likely affected by low blood oxygen levels and possible cerebral trauma from her injuries as she appeared somewhat delirious during treatment and began singing. She began to calm after treatment as well as an infusion of fluids and administration of a sedative. At this point the ship was struck and appeared to sustain significant damage. Specifically, a significant plasma fire broke out in the corridor outside the main sickbay entrance which also caused a significant injury to Doctor Doucet’s arm This caused significant smoke and radiation ingress into the main treatment ward. Doctor Edrei took a portable extinguisher and managed to subdue the fire despite injuries sustained in doing so. It was decided by Doctor Doucet that patients should be moved to alternate wards and myself and Doctor Edrei donned respiratory apparatus to gain entry to ward two. Doctor Doucet and Lieutenant T’Ama followed shortly behind. Administration of dermal treatment to Doctor Edri and osteoregeneration to Doctor Doucet, as well as anti-sickness and radiation treatment (Hyronalin & Lectrazine) was administered. Discussions were held between myself, Doctor Edrei and Doctor Doucet which deemed that the holodecks, located on deck seven, would be repurposed to serve as overspill medical treatment areas. Doctor Doucet went to supervise this operation and assisted Lieutenant T’Ama to this recuperation area. Captain Serala, now accompanied on the bridge by the recovered President Chekov, issued a ship wide communication that the Chin’toka, despite her sustained damage would be making a stand against overwhelming odds in the hope that Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, who was engaged against the Borg in the vicinity of Jupiter, would be able to terminate the origin of the Brog signal. Further, Ensign Is’Kah advised that primary power would be withdrawn from the sickbay region should the Chin’toka’s shields fall to below thirty-five percent to maximise the combat effectiveness and survivability of the vessel. This system was, thankfully, not required as the actions taken by Admiral Picard and the USS Enterprise at Jupiter was sufficient to destroy the Borg cube in the region and disrupt the signal controlling the Federation fleet targeting Earth. The USS Chin’toka was also able to push disruption protocols to other allied vessels in the region to further disrupt hostile actions by compromised vessels of the fleet and, as a result, prevent further destruction of loss of life. Finally, it is regretfully my solemn duty to report that, at this time, the number of fatalities connected with this incident stands at thirteen. A full list of those lost is appended to this report and, as soon as all appropriate verification and authorisation processes have been completed, notifications should be distributed to the next of kin. Further casualties are currently being assessed and undergoing treatment but none are, at this moment, expectant. [[Classified: Command Level Only]] Captain Serala also revealed to the senior staff that this launch had not been approved by Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf and was an action determined by Captain Roshanara Rahman, Captain Addison MacKenzie, Captain Evan Delano and Captain Serala in response to the potential that Starfleet Command had been compromised. It should be noted that, aside from the above-named commanding officers and senior staff of the USS Chin’toka, no other members of the crew were aware of this action and, as such, should not be subject to disciplinary action. Further to this, it is my professional opinion that no crewmember, of any vessel or installation, should be held accountable for their actions while under the influence of the Borg assimilation signal. It is also my understanding, albeit anecdotally, that President Pavel Chekov, once recovered by the USS Chin’toka, was requested to evacuate to the nearest safe harbour system but refused. As such, I do not believe that Captain Serala can be accused of intentionally or recklessly endangering President Chekov during the confrontation with the assimilated fleet. [[End Classified]] [[Personal Notes]] This crew was pulled together at a moment’s notice and faced insurmountable odds in performing their duties in protecting both the Chin’toka, her complement and sector zero-zero-one in general. This has come at great personal cost to some, particularly those physically injured and those who performed acts of aggression and violence under the effect of the assimilation signal. To that end, follow-ups are recommended with T’Ama, Sylvie Doucet and Kimberly Stapledon although given my conflict with Lieutenant Stapledon a proxy may be required. I will also be making speaking with Captain Serala a top priority. Additional Starfleet Medical Corps. personnel will also be requested to be available over the coming weeks to help treat and counsel those injured and traumatised through this period. A monitoring protocol should also be established. In addition, I will also be making recommendations for specific personnel acquisitions should I remain serving aboard the Chin’toka. To that end, I will be spending a significant part of the next few weeks aboard the vessel to familiarise myself with its layout and personnel requirements. Signed Lieutenant Commander Alexander W. Brodie; Psy.D, Ph.D. Counsellor, USS Chin’toka 4
Serala Posted August 19, 2024 Posted August 19, 2024 This was definitely well done. Just a small note, though. It was Mei'konda Delano, not Evan, though I definitely can see why there might have been confusion since I think all Serala actually said was "Captain Delano." Still, great job with this one @Alexander Brodie 1
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