Indrid Yirah Posted August 18, 2024 Posted August 18, 2024 (edited) Excellent three part JP between Kaito Moore and Charlena Vanlith. Part One Quote ((Main Engineering, Deck 36)) Char’s movements became erratic as she adjusted to the pain in her hand while she ran. It was then she spotted what she needed—one of the quiet engineering nooks with an auxiliary control console. One she should be able to get the transporter details up on. She made a beeline for it. Guilt swept through her as she realized she had left the others to fend for themselves, that she had left them behind. She could only hope she hadn’t cost anyone their life as she stumbled forward. She allowed herself a steadying breath and began to work. She was typing away, trying to activate the console and get the transporter controls up, when she heard the footsteps. Her heart pounded as she took him in. He wasn’t her Kaito right now, and that terrified her. But she had a job to do. She began to type again, desperate to break through to the controls she needed. She knew she was in the firing line and had little hope. She ducked down, trying to shield herself as much as she could behind the console. Two of Eleven: Eliminate all unassimilated. The lifeless drone announced as it set its sights on Vanlith of Rahman. Meanwhile, Kaito screamed internally, trying to fight, but he felt himself being drowned out even harder by the Collective. She was out of options. The only one she had left was to try and break through. If she didn’t try, she was dead. If she did, she might not be. Vanlith: Kaito, please, you know me. I can’t do nothing; I can't leave them to die. Kaito, it's me. The drone said nothing as it moved through the small control room towards her, phaser at the ready, but it didn’t have a clear shot. Thanks to an anomaly screaming in its programming, the drone could not calculate a perfect shot, unlike it had done before. Moore: oO Char, run! Please! Get out of there! Oo Kaito begged as he watched what she did next. He was fighting the best he could, trying to push back against the roaring tide of the Collective. Slowly, she took steps out from around the console and reached for the locket around her neck. Vanlith: It’s me, Kaito. Remember me? We went and got the rings and the locket together. We made promises to each other—no unnecessary Purple Hearts, that we would love each other, that we would be together. Come on, my love, it's me. As if to mock Kaito and wrangle him back into his box, the drone responded with a harsh but cold response. Two of Eleven: Kaito is no more. Kaito is dead. You will be eliminated. Char sucked a breath in between her teeth but didn't look away. She kept her eyes trained on Kaito's face. She wouldn't outrun him. She had no weapon. She wouldn't stand much of a chance if it came to hand-to-hand combat. She needed him to break through. She needed her Kaito back. She slowly reached up and removed Kaito's ring from the locket. She held it in her hand as she looked at him. Vanlith: Think, Kaito. Listen to my voice. It's me. I fell for you, remember? From day one, I fell for you. The drone went to fire on her but froze in place… almost as if in a daze. ((Flashback)) ((Engineering, Malon Vessel “Third Constant”)) Moore: Freeze! We can talk this out. He knew this standoff wouldn't last. They outnumbered him and Bec. They would target him first, but their numbers had dwindled, so maybe she could escape. He mentally prepared himself for the impending fight. However, he hadn't anticipated the metal grate falling on his head, nor the surprise as Engineer Vanlith landed on him with a thud. Vanlith: I’m ok I think Commander, and I think everyone is here. Moore recognized that voice, and the about foot shorter stature confirmed it. Lieutenant Vanlith had fallen on him. Moore: Glad you could drop in, Lieutenant. Vanlith: ::scrambling to get up:: Sorry. ::then smiling:: next time catch me cause that hurt. Moore quickly raised his rifle at the Malons and got to his feet as soon as she was off him. He still didn’t like the position he was in, but at least one of his crewmates had his back. Hopper: I’ll attempt to find a way down to– Ah, Hopper was above them, good, they needed the help. Then, out of nowhere, Bec arrived, running and gunning at the Malons. So much for a peaceful resolution, but he doubted the Malons would see reason until they were forced to. Hopper: ::Under her breath, to herself:: Ahh #$%&. Vihaar: Get them. Noticing Charlena spinning her baton and readying herself, Moore figured the best move was to go back to back. Standing straight, rifle up, and firing, he moved in sync with her. Moore: ::Calling out to Vanlith:: I’ve got your back, L.T.! (( End Flashback )) As the memory flooded back, Two of Eleven staggered. The drone didn’t open fire. Two of Eleven: Falling is irrelevant. Emotions such as love are irrelevant. Only the perfection of the Collective is relevant. Char's blood boiled as the Collective said that. She prayed to the Givers that this was the Collective trying to push him back down, that she was getting somewhere, because the thought that she was divulging her innermost parts to the Borg made her feel sick. She couldn't have it be for nothing. Moore: oO It is never irrelevant. Oo Two of Eleven: oO Resistance is futile. Vanlith of Rahman will be eliminated. Feelings for Vanlith of Rahman will be eliminated. Oo Vanlith: No, they are not. The fear we both had. You were scared of being rejected. I was scared I had misunderstood what you wanted. We were terrified. We have had less time together because we were scared. Scared of what this would mean, scared to be vulnerable with each other, scared to be together. She took more steps towards him as she spoke. She was risking everything. She was getting close to being within arm's reach now, and she could only hope Kaito was fighting. Was still in there enough to fight. Vanlith: oO Come on, my love. Come back to me. Please come back to me. Oo Two of Eleven prepared to fire but dragged it out, letting Vanlith of Rahman speak. The drone aimed the phaser right at her head. The drone calculated that the best way to break the former individual known as Kaito Moore of Rahman was for the former individual to be broken. The drone calculated the best way to achieve that objective was to force Moore of Rahman to witness the end of his individuality. Two of Eleven: oO Moore of Rahman will bend to the Collective and join Two of Eleven in the Collective. Oo The drone knew it could draw this out; Kaito couldn’t stop him in the end—not at this range, and not with the might of the Collective. The millions of voices working as one to eliminate the imperfect. A singular tear fell down her cheek as she looked at him. She wouldn't let the fear win now. She took a shaky breath as she looked at him. She took another step forward, reached a hand towards his face, and then closed the gap, resting her hand on his cheek. As Kaito struggled, Two of Eleven practically taunted him. Just as Kaito had done before, Two of Eleven flooded his mind with his memories. It wanted Kaito to witness how it all started, before the drone ended it. Before the drone finally broke the El-Aurian. Part Two Quote ((Main Engineering, Deck 36)) As Kaito struggled, Two of Eleven practically taunted him. Just as Kaito had done before, Two of Eleven flooded his mind with his memories. It wanted Kaito to witness how it all started, before the drone ended it. Before the drone finally broke the El-Aurian. (( Flashback - New Years )) Moore: All is looking good here! ::He turned and looked at Char.:: Unless we have a major issue, we should be good to light up the night sky! Vanlith: ::looking at the sky still:: No concerns, everything is good. Three minutes to midnight, and the excitement grew as the music started to play from the various speakers around the park. A classical piece by Tchaikovsky, the perfect buildup to the New Year. Kaito wasn’t sure if they had ever done fireworks before. He figured a light show with holographics could be normal for the park, and seeing as there was a crowd growing supported that thought. As it hit forty seconds into the Overture, the music really kicked in, perfectly timed to the first batch of fireworks. The micro-photon mortars hummed along as they primed, and then electromagnetically launched the first projectiles. The barrage traveled to the programmed height and detonated with a loud, but harmless boom, in sync with the music. Vanlith: And that's how you put on a show! Moore: This is perfect! The program worked perfectly, the launchers launched in sync with the drums, and the show was building up to a grand finale at the end of 2400. Happy that everything was going as planned, Kaito grabbed a few of their own fireworks and the lighter. He offered a bundle of fireworks to Char. The fast-firing bottle rockets would be perfect for the peak of the crescendo, right at midnight. At the last minute and a half, the vocals and bells kicked in, signaling the crescendo and the final moments of 2400. So far, the fireworks had been saved except for the bass drum beats, but the fireworks stopped on the last crescendo as the seconds ticked down. Five, all the launchers powered up their magnetic coils, four, three, a simultaneous launch from a multitude of mortars, two, one... "Happy New Year, Amity" flashed across the dome right as a massive barrage of fireworks lit up the entirety of Peace Park. Kaito lit his own fireworks and started shooting them off into the air while letting out a loud "Happy New Year!" Moore: Happy New Year! Vanlith: Happy New Year Kaito. They smiled at each other, Both couldn’t have pictured their year ending in a better way, and were left wondering what 2401 would have in store for them. ((End Flashback )) Char didn’t wipe away the tear that fell. She looked him in the eye as she spoke. Vanlith: The moon didn’t guide us here to be the end, Kaito. Stay with me. Come back to me. Two of Eleven: oO She is naive. Moons did not guide you here, only the Collective. The Collective guided you alone to this moment. She is irrelevant; she will be eliminated; she will fade. Oo (( Flashback )) Char kept her face covered with her hair, she could feel her hands shaking as she fought with her fear to speak. Vanlith: When I'm with you life is easier, I feel safer, I laugh and cry and get angry in all the best possible ways. And when I'm nervous or scared your touch grounds me and brings me back. You put up with my ramblings and my random moments. You make me see life brighter and bolder… Char trailed off; she felt like she'd said too much as all of her feelings started to overwhelm her. This was all a lot and she could feel the fear starting to take control of her and now all she wanted to do was run. But before she could run, she would feel him move closer, and once again, would find him moving her hair from her face, and his hand landing on her cheek. He looked right at her, and found himself in almost the same position as he was back on the freighter. Maybe he even looked the same as he did. There was a warmth in his eyes, as if he was staring at the most precious jewel in the universe. Chars eyes locked with his and her fear started to melt away. The way he looked at her was exactly how she had dreamt of having someone look at her. Moore: I don’t know if words alone can express how I feel about you, you make me feel happy, you make me feel not alone, or if something is wrong, I know you can find a way to make me feel better. You make my heart stop when you're hurting, when you're upset, I find myself feeling it too. It brings me joy when you're joyful. When I look at you, I see someone who is smart, clever, completely adorable, and down right gorgeous. I see someone who if I had the chance too… I would spend a lifetime with… But truthfully. I have one regret that I wish I could fix. He leaned in closer. Char could barely breathe anymore. Everything he had said was exactly how she felt. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she tilted her head up the one question on her tongue. Vanlith: What? Moore: Not doing this sooner. And with that, he did what he originally wanted back on the freighter, for better or for worse. He leaned in to kiss her. (( End Flashback )) Collective: oO Command Signal Interrupted. Continue Last Directive. Oo Another tear fell down her cheek as she looked at him. She took a gamble, taking that last step toward him, and placed her hand on his cheek. Two of Eleven raised its phaser against her forehead—there was nowhere to run, no escape, and with one swift move, Two of Eleven knew it would break Kaito once and for all. ((Flashback)) Vanlith: Kaito. Moore: Charlena? Vanlith: no running? Moore: No running. Never. No running from you. Charlenas heart swelled as she leant forward and placed a delicate kiss on the corner of his mouth. Something about how he said that and the conviction he gave that made her realize he really wasn't going anywhere. He smiled as she did that, and then learned forward, resting his forehead against hers, and just held her close. This felt right to him, this felt like how the world should be. Char blushed but felt safe and at home with Kaito everything was right with the universe with him by her side. ((End Flashback)) Vanlith: Come back to me, love. Please ::voice breaking:: Aroha. "Aroha," meaning "I love you" in the Risan language, rang in Kaito’s ears, and that was all he heard. Not the tens of thousands of voices, not the commands of the Collective, not the other drones near them, not even the voice of Two of Eleven. Just "Aroha"… For the first time, he was able to really focus. He wasn’t bound up, struggling, or being bombarded by commands. Instead, he had a moment of silent peace. Then the world around him came into focus—he could feel Two of Eleven and what it was planning. How its muscles twitched as it prepared to end Charlena. The phaser now square against her forehead, she was backed against the wall, and this was it… Except it wasn’t… Right away, Kaito mentally wrestled for control. He didn’t need his full body; he just had to out-will Two of Eleven long enough to regain control of his hand, and it worked. As Two of Eleven’s finger went for the trigger… it stopped, frozen by Kaito’s command. Two of Eleven: oO You are only delaying the inevitable. She will die; she will be irrelevant. If we don’t kill her, the Collective will. The Collective has won, resistance is futile, and you can’t save her. Oo (( Flashback )) Vanlith: I'm scared Kaito. I'm scared that I don't understand, I'm scared that you'll hurt me, I'm scared that I'll hurt you, but most of all I'm scared you made a promise you can't keep. Kaito just let out a simple understanding word. Moore: So am I. I’m scared too. (( End Flashback)) Moore: oO No. Maybe I can’t, but I can stop you. Oo At that moment, with all his might and will, Kaito wrestled control of his arm. He looked at Charlena, a tear coming from his eyes, and unknown to him, his black eyes had returned to their normal blue. Moore: Aroha… Eetee Kataka… (I’m sorry.) He then swiftly moved the phaser away from her head toward his own, closed his eyes, and pulled the trigger. Part Three Quote ((Main Engineering, Deck 36)) Two of Eleven: oO You are only delaying the inevitable. She will die; she will be irrelevant. If we don’t kill her, the Collective will. The Collective has won, resistance is futile, and you can’t save her. Oo Moore: oO No. Maybe I can’t, but I can stop you. Oo At that moment, with all his might and will, Kaito wrestled control of his arm. He looked at Charlena, a tear coming from his eyes, and unknown to him, his black eyes had returned to their normal blue. Moore: Aroha… Eetee Kataka… (I’m sorry.) He then swiftly moved the phaser away from her head toward his own, closed his eyes, and pulled the trigger. Char's eyes widened as she saw the blue return to his eyes, and a fraction of a second later, his words hit her as he moved the phaser. Her heart was racing as she threw herself against him, hands coming up in hopes to knock the phaser away. She could only hope the shock of her doing this would stop him; she knew he was stronger than her. And then she heard the phaser. Vanlith: oO No, no, no! Oo Vanlith: ::Through tears:: Spara! Spara! Kaito dropped to the floor with a loud thud. Char landed on top of him and immediately pulled the phaser from his grasp, discarding it behind her. Her hands began to check him over, noticing the mark on his head and his eyes still closed. He hadn’t said anything. Vanlith: Kaito… Kaito… Her tears fell as she began to pray. Vanlith: Kau Hoatu fakakaora eetoo. Furanada Lunnas fakaratohu eetoo tu’ara eetee. Eetee aroha eetoo. (Givers save him. Beautiful moons guide him back to me. I love him.) She felt an arm come around her, landing on her back, followed by a groan. The tears fell down her face faster now as she scrambled off him, kneeling by his side. Vanlith: Kaito? Kaito, still in a daze, reached up and rubbed his hand across the right side of his head. He winced as he felt the burnt and blistering skin and streak of missing hair. I didn’t fully grasp that the phaser shot grazed his head, or that Char had knocked the phaser back just in time to save his life. He groaned again and turned to look at her. Moore: What happened? She was crying now, and she couldn’t stop herself. Vanlith: Eetau paka. Moore: Eetau paka? Then it hit him… he remembered what happened, and the danger she was in… He looked around the room for some way to stop himself. Moore: Get back… Char… Please run! He tried to scramble away from her, terrified that Two of Eleven would regain control, that the Collective would pull him back, and then kill her. Slowly, she edged towards him. She treated him like a scared animal now, her words soft and delicate. Vanlith: Kaito. Stop. It's you. It’s me. Let me see your head. Moore: I can’t hear them… but… I… I tried to kill you, and… back up. Please. They’ll try to regain control! She edged slightly closer. Vanlith: Slow down. You can’t hear them? Could you always hear them before? Moore: Yes… No… I couldn’t hear them with Captain Rahma— Oh gods, she might be dead. Char tried not to react to those words. She took a steadying breath as she felt his ring in her hand. Vanlith: Kaito. There is nothing you can say that is going to make me leave right now. Slow down and listen carefully. We know Rahman was last with you in the anti-matter storage. We know when you came out, she didn’t come with you. We know where she is and that she needs help. But Blake didn’t come with you either. Blake is there; Blake is helping her. Slowly, she reached towards him. Vanlith: You said yes and no? Does this feel the same? Moore: I don’t know… I can’t hear him… them… They’re gone. Char smiled slightly at him. Vanlith: Listen, Kaito. Listen carefully. He tried to calm down, listening, hearing that the phaser fire had stopped, replaced by the sound of the warp core and others talking in the distance. Kaito just listened quietly, still in a panic, but processing. Maybe others got disconnected. He remembered hearing the command, “continue last directive,” maybe they were free, or maybe it was temporary. He couldn’t take chances; he had killed so many—he couldn’t let himself kill her. Moore: How do you know? ::He looked at her in a panic.:: How do you know it’s over? Char held his gaze as she closed the final distance between them. Vanlith: I know you. I trust you. I trust you won't hurt me. I trust that we need to see what's going on out there. But please ::a hint of desperation in her voice:: let me look at your head? He scooted back against the wall, leaning against it. He felt tired; he just wanted to sleep, and part of him hoped this was a nightmare… He looked at her and nodded. Gently, Char lifted her hands to his face, tilting it slightly so she could get a better look. It wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed. Realistically, her bigger concern was the shock. She needed to get him the medical attention he needed. It shouldn't even leave a scar. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. The last thing Kaito needed was a scar to remind him of all of this. But then her nerves hit. Vanlith: Kaito? Moore: Yes, Char? Her breath was a little shaky. She knew that the worst injuries didn't hurt. The body went into shock, and they didn't hurt right away. She needed to know this did. She needed to know she was right. Vanlith: Please tell me it hurts. Moore: What hurts? My head? He reached up to touch it himself, but he didn’t feel much. It didn’t hurt, or if it did, it was more of a dull pain. Yet he could feel the damage—the burned skin going from his temple up across his scalp, the hairs were burned, and the skin was rough. He wouldn’t be surprised if it was red too, but he didn’t feel anything. Moore: No, it doesn’t. Maybe it was nerve damage, no doubt nerve damage to some degree. The phaser graze had been close and burned his epidermis. Char tried not to panic at his words. No pain meant this could be nasty—a lot nastier than she wanted it to be. Vanlith: Okay. ::Gripping her hair at the root and pulling before suddenly letting go:: We need to get you to a doctor. She reached towards him again, more sure of herself this time, and tried to pull him up. Moore: Okay… okay… but grab the phaser. Just in case. Char frowned as she looked at him and then knelt in front of him. She reached for his hand, trying to take it and rest it on her knee. Vanlith: Kaito. She trailed off, trying to find the words. Moore: I mean it, don’t hesitate. Char looked at him again and then brushed the hair off his face. Vanlith: Kaito Moore. I am not shooting you because you are you. You are the man who makes my life easier. You make it brighter and bolder. You make me laugh and cry in all the right ways. ::Sliding his ring back on his finger:: Aroha. He smiled as she said that, seemingly lost for words, and rubbed his thumb over the ring. Admiring the feel of the cool metal seemed to help ground him. Moore: I’m glad you took it. I was worried I might have lost it, but… I figured you took it. ::Looking up at her.:: It saved me earlier… Not feeling it told me you were alive… when… they said you weren’t. Char rested her good hand against his face and smiled. Vanlith: The Borg don’t get to wear your ring. Only you do. He reached his hand up and put it over hers, giving it a good squeeze. Moore: Thank you… Aroha etu. Char brushed a soft kiss to his unmarked forehead and then frowned slightly. Vanlith: We need to get your head looked at. I’ll take the phaser, but we need to get back to the others. He nodded, but then noticed her hand too, and it all flooded back—Two of Eleven raising its phaser, aiming at her, aiming for a center mass shot to kill her, and at the last minute, pulling to shoot her PADD instead. He stared at the hand. Quickly, she moved her hand behind her back. Vanlith: It's just a burn. I get them all the time. I’m an engineer. It's part of my job to get burnt. I’m fine. We are fine. Kaito, you hear me? I’m fine. She spoke full of confidence, full of determination that he would understand that she truly was fine and this wasn’t his fault. That she was alive because he kept her alive. He fought, and she was here because of that. Moore: I shot you… ::Still focusing on where the hand had been:: I shot you… You need to be checked out too. Vanlith: I’ll get checked as soon as you do. I promise. Okay? She paused slightly and then spoke again. Vanlith: But you didn’t shoot me. The Borg shot me. That wasn’t you. He felt like he shot her—he could see it, all of them—but he knew she needed treatment, so he wasn't going to argue. Moore: Okay, let's get back to the others. Help me up? Char nodded and reached her good hand towards him. Vanlith: Just pull, or do I need to lift you? He took her hand, smiling. Moore: Just pull. He said as he pushed himself up, even with the combat stim in his system, he was shaky and fatigued. Char did just that. She pulled until he was on his feet. Noticing he was shaky, she pulled his arm over her shoulder. She frowned slightly, realizing he wouldn’t let her go anywhere without picking up the phaser. Vanlith: Can you stand, or do you need the wall while I grab the phaser? He rested against the wall but then steadied himself. Moore: I think… Yeah, I can stand. I’ll be fine. Char nodded slightly and grabbed the phaser from the floor. She frowned and then looked at him as she walked back over. Vanlith: Where is your phaser? Moore: I… umm… ::Frowning a little:: I don’t know. Vanlith: ::Pulling his arm over her shoulder to help him walk:: It’s okay. We’ll find it. Ready? Moore: Yeah. I’m ready. Kaito held onto Char as they walked out of the small control room. He glanced around at all his peers—not drones and unassimilated—but his Starfleet family, reunited. Carter/Ukinix/Reade/Jane(731)/Blackwood/S.Richards: Response Ukinix: Harrison, set a course for Luna. Let’s go rescue the others. Blackwood: Right away, sir. Kaito glanced over at Wil and Blackwood as he came walking in, Char supporting him as they walked together. Moore: I think I might need a doctor later, Commander, but tell us where you need us. We’ll need to beam them off fast. Anyone who looked at him would see the clearly visible missing streak of hair and the phaser burn to match it. Carter: Best thing I've heard all day. S. Richards: response Ukinix: You okay? Galanis: S-sir…? …My apologies… Kaito leaned against the console, letting Charlena work with the others to start the rescue operations, but he remained close by just in case. As his wounds were treated, he let out a sigh of relief, happy this nightmare was over, but left wondering what was going to happen next. Edited August 18, 2024 by Indrid Yirah
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