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PNPC Nurse Ihana Virtavi-Yaros - Work and Learn

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@LuxaLorana knocking it out of the park with another hilariously interesting and wonderfully antagonistic PNPC. Another one Beck is looking forward to working with, if only because she reminds him of Princess Peach

EDIT: fixing by making it a quote and not code, always click the wrong one!


((CMO's Office, Sickbay, USS Ronin)) 

Beck: Oh, this is a normal day on the Ronin, believe me. If it's not one thing, it's another around here.

Ihana looked at the scars on the bulkhead, and stains of blood that had yet to be cleaned from the floor. Then she returned her gaze to the doctor, she attempted to compose herself. 

A lady did not sweat. 

Virtavi-Yaros: Normal day? It's just that where I'm from, we don't generally take our clothes off until we know someone very well and even at that it's under very unique circumstances. Even bathing in a pool without clothing is a little bit of a scandal … unless you're a hedonist. Are you a hedonist Doctor Beck? 

She took the opportunity to measure up her new boss. An ensign, which was surprising for a chief medical officer. 

That either meant he was good … or the ship was understaffed. 

oO did the real doctor die? Oo

Beck: For one thing, I was alone here in my office until your arrival, and I wasn't expecting any visitors, like I said before. The environmental controls were also all screwed up. If I'd known you were coming, I–

Virtavi-Yaros: :: aghast :: I'm not sure about you doctor but my timing is impeccable. I had a meeting scheduled with the Chief Medical Officer, which was due to begin two minutes ago. 

The implication that she had rudely interrupted him made her cheeks flush red and she instinctively placed her hands on her hips as she frowned at him. There was something about the reckless way in which he held himself that reminded her of Nadevia. And it annoyed her. 

Quentin paused, frowning, then moved around behind the desk to look at the monitor. A notification was displaying on the screen, a reminder that the new nurse would be arriving this afternoon at… this particular time.

Then the monitor winked off, as it had been doing all day.

Beck: Okay, sorry, I should have been expecting you. My monitor has been acting up, so I missed it while I was working. I'd have told you to meet me outside of the office if I had known it was gonna be a problem.

Virtavi-Yaros: :: irritated :: It wouldn't be a problem if you'd keep your clothes on your body, Doctor. Particularly when I'm around :: smiles a little more gently :: Can we start again? 

He motioned to one of the chairs across from him.

Beck: Please, take a seat.

The young Kantare woman made a few elegant steps and carefully took her seat, placed her hands on her lap and resumed her wide smile from earlier. 

Maybe second impressions will be better. 

Picking up a PADD, he reconfigured it to pull the information from his primary monitor and pulled up her record.

Beck: Okay… Ihana Virtavi-Yaros, Crewman, 3rd Class. You didn't finish your thought earlier, but I'm gonna guess you were going to tell me this is your first posting on a starship, is that correct?

Virtavi-Yaros: Yes, it is. My first posting as a nurse. Straight out nursing school. 

Nodding, he walked around the desk, her smile faltered slightly. The lack of formality and any decorum placed her on edge. 

oO you wanted this Ihana, you have to loosen up a little Oo 

The human doctor sat on the front of the desk, scrolling through her information. While he could see her training listed, he wanted to hear about it from the horse's mouth.

Beck: What kind of experience do you have with nursing?

Virtavi-Yaros: I studied at the Institute of Nursing Studies on Earth for a year, and then performed my practical assessment at the esteemed Kantare hospital, on the colony Belara. They specialise in elective surgeries for Kantare nobility. If I'm honest with you Doctor, it wasn't the most challenging experience. I might not look like much or have a lot of experience but I'm here to work and learn… I want to earn my spot on your team. 

Beck: Response

Virtavi-Yaros: Yes, doctor. 

Ihana stood, nodded politely to the doctor. 

Virtavi-Yaros: I'll leave you to whatever it was you were doing before I interrupted … thanks. 

Beck: Response 

Ihana left the doctors office and the trepidation she had felt since she'd seen the ship seemed to wash away. She had wanted a challenge, something that hadn't just been handed to her … and she had found it. 


((OOC - apologies rushed to close as shore leave ending )) .


Crewman 3rd Class Ihana Virtavi-Yaros 
USS Ronin 
As simmed by:

Lieutenant Luxa Lorana
Science Officer (Astrometrics, Meteorology, Xenology)
USS Ronin


Edited by Quentin Beck
format fix from code to quote
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