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Ensign T’Fearne - Lights, Tricorder, Medicine: From Holofilm to Sickbay

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This was the final scene in a fairly short initial interaction between myself and our new sec officer T'Fearne, and I really enjoyed the responses to his explanation. It's been awhile since I tried to explain how he got from point A to point B and it's always nice to see what someone thinks of it. Plus that last line was very, very sweet


((Sickbay Complex - Deck 10 - USS Ronin))

Despite the height of the biobed, T’Fearne easily made herself comfortable. Engaging in conversation with Dr. Beck provided a welcome distraction from the less pleasant aspects of a physical examination. She found him easy to talk to.

T'Fearne: If it’s not too personal, can I ask what drew you to medicine and neurochemistry?

Beck: Not at all. It was… sort of an accident, actually. I was actually working pretty intently on an independent film career, working on a lot of shorts with my cousin and some of our friends. We made a lot of holofilms and novels back then, mostly stuff no one would ever really see.

Beck: Somewhere along the line, I started wondering what could be done to increase the entertainment value for our programs. Some of it was just doing better stuff, but in my research I discovered there were a few races that used different chemical compounds to enhance their experiences in different ways. A little different than how humans used to use drugs for that kind of thing, if only because those drugs often had a lot of other side effects.

T’Fearne: oO That’s quite a shift from entertainment to medicine. I wonder what made him decide to make such a dramatic change. Oo

Beck's story intrigued her, especially since it reminded her of her own empathy-enhancing experiences. She had undergone training meant to amplify her empathic abilities, which had changed her understanding of emotional connections, though not in the way her instructors had hoped. Just as she was about to ask Beck more about his journey, he let out a low whistle near her head. At that moment, a sharp jolt of pain shot from her left ear straight to her brain, pulling her out of her thoughts.

T'Fearne::: sharply:: What? :: controlling her tone and clearing her throat:: Ah…Did you find something, Doctor?

Beck: I know you were joking earlier about your anatomy, but you really weren't joking. They rewrote the book when they made you.

Her slanted brows shifted up in a slight micro expression. Beck's description of her physiology was unlike anything she had encountered before. It was possible this was a uniquely human way of expressing astonishment, or perhaps whatever creator had made Beck had “rewrote his book”.  

T'Fearne::: blinking back slight irritation:: I’ve encountered more than a few surprised reactions. I think it was mainly:: swishing her hand:: vulcan science.

The spike of pain had faded as quickly as it had arrived, leaving her with a slight ache in her left temple. 

Beck: As I was saying, I got into the research for enhancing experiences and started learning about chemical combinations and how they affect the brain. Not exactly light reading, but I took to it fast and before long I was working on experiments and changing my coursework at MIT to study neuro. Did well enough to get Starfleet’s attention and they started actively recruiting me.

T'Fearne::: Musing to herself.:: Fascinating. That’s quite an evolution of interests. Exploring the intersection of chemistry and experience enhancement. I imagine your expertise in neurochemistry offers a valuable perspective in your medical role. 

Beck smiled as he moved to the other side of the biobed. T’Fearne noticed a small light dancing on his palm from an old-fashioned-looking device. 

Beck: Sit up, please. I've got a good scan now but I'd like to take a look this way, too. Requires minimal contact. If that's okay.

T’Fearne sat up and rotated so her legs swung off the biobed. He had presented her with a dilemma, either let him accidentally touch her at some random moment and transfer his empathic aura while he had a device in her ear or get it over with and embrace his presence in her new life aboard the Ronin. She turned and extended her hand to Beck as though for a human handshake.  

T'Fearne: That would be fine, Doctor. Just one thing first. May I hold your hand for a moment? It’s an alien custom. :: half smile:: It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Beck.

[End of scene for now]


Ensign T'Fearne  

Security Officer   

USS Ronin - NCC-34523



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