Popular Post Alieth Posted July 24, 2024 Popular Post Posted July 24, 2024 @Karrod Niac deserves every second of this and there is no right he is so hilarious on this sim Quote ((Close to Jefferies Tube Junction 9-R-41 Starboard, Deck 9, USS Ronin)) M.Morrahn: :: to Alien :: You see how he treats me? You know he's always been jealous of his sister, she has an office that looks on to the park. Beautiful, it has a fountain! :: looks around, bends down and picks up a piece of debris and then passes it to Alien :: It’s calming. Alieth: ::clicking her tongue:: Outrageous, doing such a thing to a parent. Karrod stood impassively as his mother croaked out a familiar refrain. His mother had loved his sister with an unflinchingly biased passion for as long as Karrod could remember. In his memory she'd never once met an achievement of his with even the vaguest measure of praise yet she slathered it on her darling girl like a baker gone mad with frosting. Karrod's muscles tensed involuntarily as his mother surged forward and wrapped him in a crushing embrace. Within his abdomen Niac's sudden impression of claustrophobia only made things worse for Karrod. Niac: Mo...moth....air! His ribs creaked loudly as she released her crushing hold on him and stepped back, a disdaining expression on her face. M.Morrahn: I don't like the beard :: lids close as she looks at him closer :: Who is she? You have a fancy woman, I can always tell your father had the same no good look on him. Karrod's eye twitched and he blushed deeply under his beard. Niac: That's not...I'm not...how're we doing on that runabout people? Her head darting behind him like some hunting bird spotting prey, his mothers attention was suddenly on the unfortunate young Doctor emerging from the jefferies tube. M.Morrahn: If I'm honest, I'm not even surprised, all those romance novels. I just thought he'd be better looking. His eye twitched violently as his mothers shrill chirps echoed impossibly off the noise canceling wall panels of the corridor. Niac: Sorry Doctor...I guess I was right about those odds. Before the words were fully out of his mouth he got a sharp stab in the upper abdomen and Niac physically recoiled. The torrent of vulgarity that spewed forth from five lifetimes was as varied as it was impress. Karrod took a moment to find his thoughts in the storm before speaking again. Niac: Niac says...hello, Mother. Loudly. M.Morrahn: What does Niac think of you not informing your own mother of your promotion?! Niac loved his mothers no doubt. I don't know what I've done to deserve the abject disdain you show me :: places a hand on her chest in a very dramatic show :: Then to have Alien call me out of the blue and you know how I get with logic. It's not good for my complexion! I just had an abrasion! Karrod pressed a hand to his eyes and rubbed at the stress headache forming behind them. He had the brief thought that perhaps the headache would in fact turn out to be a pleasant little stroke instead and he could spend the rest of the day fighting for his life in sickbay. The idea was nearly enough to bring a smile to his face. With zero regard for his personal or emotional safety, Doctor Beck chose that inopportune moment to speak up. Beck: Sir, I hate to interrupt your family reunion, but I have something important I'd like to discuss with you. Preferably in private. Karrod dove for the lifeline being offered but found it snatched from his outstretched fingers by a nefarious Vulcan he really needed to demote. They exchanged momentary glances and deep behind those impassive eyes was an unmistakably evil grin. Alieth: Are you sure it is that urgent Ensign? I think it would be unwise to stand in the way of a long-delayed reunion. He wondered briefly what the JAG corps current stance was on keel hauling traitorous officers and made a note to check in with Mr. Morrow about it. Soon. He let out a low growl and looked back towards his mother. Niac: As you can see, Mother, I've got pressing duties. Doctor Beck, you have my full attention. M.Morrahn: Response Beck: ::hesitating:: It's a personal matter, actually. Again, something I'd like to keep private. From his position it was easy to watch Alieth slip behind the Doctor and offer a rare shoulder squeeze. Having sparred with her on more than one occasion, Karrod wondered how much of Doctor Beck's shoulder bone was still intact. Alieth: Personal Mister Beck? I am confident that I can manage it so that the Captain can enjoy the company of Madam Morrahn. He disregarded his earlier thought about keelhauling and decided to come up with something worse...something more personalized. Niac: That's so...considerate of you, Lt. Cmdr. Alieth. But you know there's no duty I'd ask one of my officers to perform that I'm not willing to do myself. Sorry Mother, I really must attend to this... M.Morrahn: Response Karrod's scowl extended all the way down to the bone as he glared at the retreating duo. Alieth: I assume you have a lot to talk about, so we will give you all the time you need, right Mister Beck? With his mothers back turned Karrod threw a hand gesture that was considered the height of vulgarity in seventeen distinct cultures towards the hastily departing traitor and her unfortunate hostage. As his mother turned his arm retracted and was inconspicuously behind his back an instant later. Niac: I'm sure the Lieutenant Commander will take care of you, Doctor Beck. In fact, that gives me a splendid idea. Is it true we're short staffed in Sickbay at the moment Doctor Beck? Beck/M.Morrahn: Response Alieth: I do not consider that necessary, Captain… Karrod knew he was simply spitting his last breath at the woman but in the moment he took a portion of joy from her suddenly defeated expression. Niac: Well as I recall from her personnel file, the Lieutenant Commander here holds a medical doctorate in addition to her scientific credentials. I'm sure she'd be happy to pick up any extra shifts you needed covered in sickbay...in addition to her regular duties, of course. Beck/M.Morrahn: Response Alieth: :: repressing a sigh:: As you command, sir. He took his small success for pyrrhic victory it was and turned his attention back to his far more serious problem. Niac: You two are dismissed and I strongly encourage you to find yourselves anywhere else immediately. Beck/Alieth: Response He'd regained some of his composure finally and fixed his mother with a glare that would make most Ensign's flee in terror. Against her it was all but useless. Niac: Mother...if you want to have a conversation with me we can do it in my office but not in a hallway and not in front of my crew. The turbolift is this way ::He jerked a thumb down the hallway:: and I'm confident you'll find some fault with it. M.Morrahn: Response Karrod rolled his eyes as he turned on a heel and all but jogged to the lift. As the doors shut on the pair of them his eye twitched again and Niac broadcast an impression of sympathy deeper than any Karrod had ever felt before. ((Ready Room, Deck 3, USS Ronin)) He'd considered moving this conversation to more neutral territory like the 47 Lounge or the heart of a nearby dead star but had instead survived the turbolift trip with only a few new emotional wounds and stepped into his office with a small measure of relief. He needed the advantage of familiar territory if he was going to survive this next battle. Niac: So Mother...we had a good streak going. It's been nearly three years since I was last on Trill and I had no new plans to go back...I thought once in a few decades was more than enough family time for the two of us. M.Morrahn: Response Karrod rubbed at his temples again and slumped into the chair behind his desk. Niac: What do you want, Mother? You never do anything without it somehow being about you...so what is it this time? Did my sister adopt a tribble? Are you going door to door to inform the whole quadrant? M.Morrahn: Response [Tags/TBC!] =============================== Captain Karrod Niac Commanding Officer USS Ronin - NCC-34523 V239509GT0 Expand 4 1 2
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