Popular Post Dekas Posted March 13, 2024 Popular Post Posted March 13, 2024 Ayooooo, new Aurelian just dropped from @Hiro Jones and I'm already smitten with this pigeon. So good. Quote (( Corridor, Deck 10, USS Ronin )) Lenny walked through the corridor like there he had nothing but time. He stopped at one terminal on the wall, tapped a few commands, read the output, and made another note on the PADD he was carrying. These systems checks weren't glamorous. Oh brother were they not. They were however, a good excuse for walking around the ship, so he didn't mind so much. This particular ship-wide manual check had been delayed because of the ruckus at the last planet they were at: Grus-Beta 3, he thought they called it. Honestly, he so rarely bothered looking out the viewports anymore if there was no chance of getting down to the surface. Why bother? If you're not gonna set claw on it, why tease yourself by staring at it from orbit? Maybe that's why he wasn't a scientist. He coulda been, if he wanted. He just didn't wanna be in a lab all day every day. A bird's gotta fly. Ironic, as he hadn't even stretched his wings in weeks. Maybe he should hit up a holodeck once his shift was up. One thing he did know was that there had been a ton of people from G-B-3 on the Ronin cuz something had burned up the planet, and they had to take all the survivors to DS-33. That really sucked for them. He really did feel bad for them. It was one thing, moving from one place to another, if you wanted to, but to be forced ... Well that just sucks. They were gone now, for the most part, but the flow of non-Starfleet personnel made it that much more important to be sure all the security checkpoints were operating the way they were supposed to. Another panel, another note. Bianchi: ::muttering to himself:: That's 186 down, infinity to go... He walked past Escape Pod #S-19, marked it as secure and operational on his PADD, moved on, marked the science lab doors 2, 3, and 4 as "good-to-go," then popped his head inside the main lab. There were a couple blue shirts in here, so he called out. Bianchi: I gotta check the security locks on this door real quick, so I'm gonna lock you in for a quick sec, ok? Don't worry about it though. Should be over in two ticks. You won't even notice. Any Science?: Response He stepped back through the door, activated the lock, checked that it was secured, then entered the unlock code. The panel next to the door buzzed in a cranky sort of tone. Bianchi: Aw crap. That's all I need. Lock a bunch of blueshirt geeks in their lab after blabbing that it wouldn't be nothin. He entered the code again, hoping maybe he'd entered it wrong. Again the stubborn so-and-so buzzed at him. Bianchi: You piece o' junk! Come ON! He punched the panel. It buzzed. Bianchi: Stupid door. ::tapping his comm:: =/\= Bianchi to whoever I just talked to in the main science lab =/\= Any Science?: =/\= Response =/\= Bianchi: =/\= So your friggin' door is busted. Afraid it's gonna be a little longer than a couple ticks. Sorry about that. =/\= Any Science?: =/\= Response =/\= Time was the big question, wasn't it? He hoped the engineering team on duty was having a light day, and could get here quick, but who knew? They could be slammed. Bianchi: =/\= Well, I'll call the team now, and let you know when I know something worth knowing. Until then, keep doing science. Worst-case, we just beam you outa there later, but hopefully it won't come to that. Bianchi out. =/\= He really didn't feel like chatting up the blueshirts anymore. What he needed now was somebody who knew how to take a door apart and put it back together. He tapped his badge again with a sigh. Bianchi: =/\= Bianchi to engineering? =/\= He'd accidentally made his hail sound like a question. Bad move. Never let the grease monkeys know you're desperate. That's when they get ya. Any Engineering?: =/\= Response =/\= Bianchi: =/\= The door to the main science lab is busted. I was testing the security lockout, and it kinda locked in a couple blueshirts. Think you could send somebody down before they start having a collective asthma attack? =/\= Any Engineering?: =/\= Response =/\= Bianchi: =/\= Hey, that's swell. I appreciate you. Bianchi out. =/\= And now he waited. He mentally crossed the holodeck off his do-later list, as this was pro'lly gonna take the rest of the afternoon. With another sigh, he crouched down against the wall, resting his legs, and waited for the engineers. TAG/TBC Petty Officer, 2nd Class Lenny "Two-Toes" Bianchi PNPC, Security, USS Ronin Simmed by Hiro Jones E239510KD0 4 1
+ Hiro Jones Posted March 13, 2024 Posted March 13, 2024 Lenny is something else. I can't wait to see what he gets up to. Glad you like him!
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