Popular Post Karrod Niac Posted January 29, 2024 Popular Post Posted January 29, 2024 A true joy is giving out MSNPC assignments with very little in the way of detail and then watching what talented writers decide to go and do with them. @LuxaLorana has been delighting the Ronin with her completely innocent/deeply suspicious colonial administrator for weeks now - we're lucky to have her. Although we may have to shoot this woman at some point. ((Aerodrome, Temporary Medical Outpost, Landing City, Grus Beta Three.)) Emzai resisted a smile as the doctor and the nurse blundered about, she barely acknowledged them. Healers, especially the Starfleet variety, did not pose a threat to her. They'd perform the roles she'd mapped out on her head. She realised that they mistrusted her and that it wouldn't be long before they worked out what had been going on here. And her apparent involvement, and Kipal had ensured that she was involved, at least on paper. The tall human woman, she was one that required consideration. As well as the Andorian, Kos, a constant annoyance. Hardly a threat though. Either of them. Carpenter: Administrator… Carpenter: Finally comin' to render that "full support" you promised us? Emzai: :: indicates the crowd and then the enforcers :: I suggest you unhand our people :: to the crowd :: Starfleet have come here, under the guise of peace. Desperate, on our knees, and they came like they did before, and they brought with them phasers and a battleship. They can't heal our world, or our people. Instead they fire weapons from the skies, they destroyed several of our homes! They brought the fire so they could reclaim our world in their war! They done it before :: to a man:: Jesa, they left your planet to the Cardassians and then to the Dominion. What became of it? Grandstanding always made her feel tacky. It was the lowest form of baiting. It was further evidence that she had now resorted to tactics that were beneath her. It was necessary for her to have an audience for this next part. The results were almost immediate. She observed the ebb of the crowd swell, the rustle of anger spread like a virus. Jesa: Starfleet … they have an outpost there … Emzai: They turned his home to the enemy and then into an outpost for themselves. Emzai ensured that her voice cracked slightly, a display of emotion that she knew would illicit a reaction, as rare as it was for her to appear weak. She needed them to see her falter. They needed weakness from her now, and she'd give them that. She'd become the tireless leader, the woman under pressure. Out of her depth. Emotional. Clairis stepped forward and spat at them. Emzai was impressed by the sheer force of it, and raised a hand as if she meant to stop her. The good doctor took it on the face, without flinching. Emzai made a display of crying out in shock and pulled Clairis back. A show for the crowd and for the officers. Kos: That's enough Emzai you ridiculous klahz**. ::surveying the crowd:: Every one of you knows Emzai would sell you out for a song. Emzai raised a hand to her mouth, and looked to the crowd. She allowed a faux tear to fall. Their resolve faltered, the situation wasn't as solid as she'd anticipated and now a little fear crept into her own demeanour. Emzai: :: pathetic faux whine :: That's not true! :: turns to face the crowd :: I've always been here have I not? :: looks to Clairis :: Didn't I baptise your child in the springs? :: allows her voice to croak :: I danced with you all at the harvest festival not a season ago! Carpenter: T-thank you, sir. And despite our...disagreement earlier. I've played straight with you. ::she shouts toward Crowd:: Toward everyone! ::she whirls on Emzai and her party:: Can your Administrator say the same? The Andorian snorted deeply. Emzai felt Clairis hand on her shoulder, it appeared to be turning around again in her favour. Starfleet's obstinate declarations only turned them in her favour, although she knew that she needed the tide to remain balance. She needed their help. Kos: ::batting his eyes at Carpenter:: Don't flatter yourself darlin'. You're a tall drink of water, but I don't like Starfleet any better than saggy butt here ::pause:: In this case I'll take the devil with the better assets. She heard the crowd mutter. Annoyed with Kos as much as she was. Beck: Not to belabor the point, guys, but uh… we're rapidly running out of time to help treat any of you, let alone evacuate you so you don't… y'know… die in the fire. I don't know what's going on between you all, but personally I think we could all stand to put our differences aside at least long enough to stay alive. Good. The Doctor had his uses. She moved towards him and grabbed his arms, her eyes pierced into his own. Her true nature hidden by the guise of a desperate woman. Emzai: :: panicked :: Why would you fire on us?! What have we done to you? :: desperate :: We just wanted you to help us?! Carpenter: Then WHY are you making this harder?! Showing up to a TRIAGE CENTER with drawn weapons?! Setting containers of unstable and psychoactive ore around CIVILIANS?! Just what's your game, lady?! Emzai wanted to smile, the chief was moving into the exact position she wanted her in. Instead she cowered, and raised a frightened arm.. Drisila stepped forward as if to care for her. The crowd tensed, their was jibes and insults thrown. The Andorian had one other comment himself. Kos: ::Narrowing his eyes:: Keep this in mind Drisila. You can't wake the bear and not expect to tango. Drisila shot him a look. Emzai squeezed her arm to keep her focused on the task at hand. He seemed to narrow his eyes in confusion. But he left the comment as it laid. Emzai: :: looks to Beck :: Please, don't hurt us anymore. Then she allowed herself to cry, she gave them the performance the crowd needed. A woman broken. Defeated. She fell to her knees. Something she never thought she'd do. Their was gasps behind her. Carpenter: It's not just here. It's inside the planet itself. But then again, you probably knew that already, didn't you? Emzai shook her head violently, her hair fell from its perfectly styled chignon and tumbled around her shoulders. The more belligerent the Chief was the more the crowd sympathised with Emzai. She seemed at the Chiefs feet. Beck indicated toward the blown out tunnel in the Aerodrome alcove. Beck: That there is the danger right now - that maleconite you've all been mining, it's not just a mineral. It's reactive, it's dangerous, and it's poisonous. I don't know how long you've been mining it, but I would stake my life and my commission that it's been having some long-term effects on… all of you. Perfect. The crowd cried out. This was their life, the Maleconite had given them freedom and prosperity. They all had their hand in it. Emzai had believed it was a blessing, a rarity that they were able to refine it and it granted them freedom. Freedom from the Federation, and the rest. Except when it became a trap. A trap that none of them knew they were in. Laid out perfectly by Kipal, Droz and the Lattice Alliance. She suspected many others. Emzai had tried to stop them, she truly had. Yet, it was too late. The damage had been done. Starfleet would be next, and Emzai just needed to get as far away from it all as possible. One of those Starfleet runabouts would do the trick. Emzai: :: sobs :: Save us Doctor, please. Kos: Response Carpenter: Oh, for-...Nurse Rox, please recruit some of my people and start setting up air scrubbers throughout the parameter. If we can't clean the air out there, let's at least try and clean some up in here. Rox: RESPONSE Kirsty clomped back toward the alcove, drawing once more her tricorder and shooting a quieting finger (but not the one she REALLY wanted) toward the sputtering Emzai. She took some cursory scans of the inside of the blown out entryway. Higher ambient temperature for sure. Direction was right too. The tunnel wound away toward the range of Kite Springs. Emzai: :: stifling tears :: That's the storage, for the ore. There's an emergency release, it would nullify the Maleconite by burying it under the Earth. I can take you and show you how? Emzai had no intention of going into those tunnels. Truth was she'd never set foot in one of them. Dirty, dark and miserable places. Carpenter: Here's what's REALLY going to happen. Nurse Rox and her medics are going to continue to help those that need it here, with or without your help. Meanwhile, me and Beck are gonna go help the rest of our crew save your frakkin' planet an' people from the FIRE currently eating through it from the inside out. Perfect. The woman turned forward slightly, squaring up her shoulders (fully aware and hopeful in Crowd's rapt silence). Carpenter: Are you goin' to stop us? Emzai: :: to the crowd:: Do as she says. We have no choice. They've made that clear. :: cries :: I just hope it's not too late. The crowd rumbled at this, there were cries of protest from those that held a deeper mistrust of Starfleet. No doubt visions of uniformed officers forcibly removing them from the DMZ. To them it must seem it's all happening again. Kos/Beck/RoxCarpenter: RESPONSE Emzai: :: to a random child :: Go on little one. We must leave, Starfleet demands it of us :: to Carpenter :: I must retrieve Kipal. Kos/Beck/Rox/Carpenter: RESPONSE Emzai: What? For a split second the facade dropped, the steel returned to her eyes. Kos/Beck/Rox/Carpenter: RESPONSE Emzai: Uhm sure I can show you … of course. -- Lt JG Luxa Lorana Science Officer USS Ronin A240004LL2 5
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