Daydan Taboo Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 ((USS Crispin – Passenger section)) :: The lights had been dimmed in the passenger section of the smallInterstellar cruiser, there were not many of these ships left in servicenow, capable of a mere warp 3 at maximum speed few governments gave them a second look.. The Kendra class was a Bajoran work horse, fetching and carrying supplies and passengers well within thebudget of most of Bajors population.. Daydan rendezvoused withthe transport on the edge of the Romulan border light years fromanyone else that would even consider picking up a pair of mysteriouspassengers..:: ((Flash back)) ((CO’s Office, prison colony on the Romulan border))::The Half Betazoid man stood up straight in the corridor outside theCommandants Office, his head was spinning with idea’s, he washere to retrieve a Terran who had been kidnapped and imprisonedfor crimes against the Romulan Star Empire, naturally there was notrial, no chance of reprieve, no appeal.. “The Guild “ had been hiredin order to find the young man, dead or alive. A man known only asGuy.. The task was simple, find him and bring him home, no one said anything about stepping into a prison colony and most likely never being seen again.:: ::Taboo scanned the corridors and nearby rooms for threats, his face eyes and head obscured by the thick heavy cloak and hoodthat covered most of his body.. He looked like a monk, hiddenbeneath his robes, a classic thick white shirt and tanned pants with dark boots were simple yet functional clothing… Daydan wasconsidered as amusement by the guards and marched straight tothe Commandants office, not a perfect plan for rescue but thebest the Betazoid could come up with at the time..:: Guard: You, Commandant La’tek will see you now… ::The guard prodded Daydan with his blaster and grinned, Daydan entered the dark room looking around shivering slightly.. The wallsdecked with manacles chains and instruments of torture, the greeneyes of the half breed Betazoid focused on the smug Romulan whosat behind a desk at the opposite end of the room. In the very middle of the room was a simple stool, the guard pointed to itfor Daydan to sit on..:: Guard: Sit fool.. ::Daydans head whipped around to look into the face of his accuserand glared at him from within his hood… The guard arched his neck slightly before returning to his post on the other side of the door..:: Prefect La’tek: Please sit, you will have to excuse our hospitality,we do not receive many guests around here..::The guard tittered only to snap smartly to attention when Lat’ekraised his hand disapprovingly, on the inside Daydan could feel the Romulan enjoying every minute… The cruelty in his eyes was evidenceEnough… Why do Romulan’s like to enslave everyone they meet… Daydan pulled back the hood of his cloak and remained standing looking at the commandant through narrowed eyes.. He could feel theintensity of his thoughts building, he knew that if he did not control hisemotions and feelings he would mentally blast everyone nearby.. The thought sent a cold shiver down his spine… :: Taboo: I believe you are holding a federation citizen, I demand hisimmediate release to my custody before I take this matter further.. ::Lat’ek jumped to his feet sending his chair clattering to the floor, theguard deftly blaster butted Daydan in his back dropping him to his knees.Another guard stepped into the room, he must have been watching fromSome where else the whole time…:: Taboo: oO Now you’ve done it. Oo ::Daydan fell forwards and flexed his muscles steadying himself.He so much wanted to shred their minds, both with his mental skills and his mastery of martial arts, but now was not the time, he had tofind this Terran, he knew he was here, he could hear his screams. His cries for help. Even with so many other minds there was only this one that used federation standard.. “It had to be him.” :: :: Suddenly two guards grabbed him, Daydans firm muscular body stood fast like a rock, they marched him from the sparsely furnishedroom, shoving him forwards at every opportunity, he shunned their heavy handedness with a defiant glare.:: Taboo: I demand you let me speak to the Federation Embassy forthis sector.. oO Better to play the fool than the hero, at least not until I know what is going on here. Oo Guard: Of course Federation, what ever you say.. ::The words were spat out like venom from the Romulan’s mouth .::((Brig 12)) :: When the doors to the cell opened Daydan could hardly see inside,only a pair of dim green lights that let out little more than a dull glow illuminated the room, his eyes squinted slightly to refocus, as he stepped inside he was shoved the rest of the way in sending him across the room to a low level platform, behind him the door closedwith a heavy boom as a metal bar swiftly shifted over the doorssurface and then came to a halt with a clank.. Daydan turned shoulder barging the door at full speed only to bounce back again the same distance..:: ::He turned around to the only other source of light in the cell,a small portal looking onto the world outside, it was black,almost in complete darkness, the stars twinkled in the distant sky,ice formed around the edges of the small port hole, Daydantouched it’s surface, he felt the ice melt onto his hand, a smilecreased his face as he watched it melt into a few dropletsof water, he lifted his hand and dropped the life giving liquid onto his dry lips..:: Taboo: oO Well, at least I won’t die of thirst… Oo::The Betazoid was suddenly aware of another mind close by, movement, beneath that bundle of rags that he had paid littleattention to since entering the cell.. At first he stepped back preparing to defend himself , then the figure slowly roseto a sitting position huddled up beneath it’s torn clothing.. Daydan approached slowly, as he did, the malnourished feebleand half dead human huddled tighter into the corner of the cell pulling up the lengths of rag with him as if to protect himself…:: Guy: Hnenh?::Daydan recognised the Rahinsu tongue, it just had to be him.. The stranger slowly leaned forwards out of the shadows, darkringed eyes and grey skin covered in lacerations, eyes blood shot and cold looked back at him.. The emotions that Daydan felt from the being within that skin was of complete despair..:: ::The proud Betazoid moved forwards slowly and took off thelong heavy cloak that was now commonly worn by his guild.. He unfurled it sweeping it high above the prisoner and wrappedit around his body draping it over his shoulders, Daydan adjustedit tucking it snugly around the stranger and pulled the hood upover his head, the black ringed eyes of the prisoner looked back at him, trying to open his eyes so he could focus on him..:: Taboo: My name is Daydan Taboo, I am pleased to meet you..::Daydan smiled slightly amid the torrid screams of otherprisoners not too far away in languages and sounds that chilled the soul..:: Guy: Nohtho...::He watched Daydan not taking his eye of him, he was not use to talking, or seeing someone who did not want to eithertorture him or beat seven bells out of him.. He huddled underthe Cloak glad of a few moments extra warmth.. They just looked at each other for a while, Daydan looked around thecell for a way out, for any means of escape, it was useless,even the tiny window was far to small, barely large enoughto get a fist through.. It was only after inspecting the portholefurther that he realised what he was looking at.. They must be on that moons surface somewhere, he could see out upinto the permanent night sky but also to the mountains faroff in the distance to Daydan’s joy he could see snow.. It was actually snowing outside… Daydan turned and smiledto the other prisoner..:: Taboo: Last time I saw snow was on Earth… Ages ago!::Guy seemed to look up in recognition of the name, he pulledthe blanket around him and rest his head on his knees staringat this stranger, the idea of conversation was now alien to him.. ..:: ::Daydan pushed his hands into his loose fitting shirt and pulled something out, he started to unpeel the paper and brokea piece off, he pushed it into his mouth and walked across thetiny cell back to the single bed that Guy was sitting on.. The aroma of the sweet chocolate on Daydan’s hot breath soonfilled the space around them. He broke off another piece andhanded it to the motionless prisoner..:: Taboo: It’s chocolate, here , take it.. ::When he didn’t move Daydan gently opened Guy’s mouth and pushed it part way in... When he looked up into the Betazoids face he closed his eyes, a tear slowly streakingdown his cheek, he took in the rest of the small block ofchocolate and started to suck it carefully rolling it in his mouth..:: ::Daydan sat down next to the Terran and put his arm around him sharing his much firmer and stronger bodies warmth, dark eyes looked back at him weakly from the slightly unshaven face..He lowered his head onto Daydan’s arm like he was a child Getting comfort from his father, at first it felt odd, but the Betazoid soon realised how little humanoid contact he musthave had all these lonely cold endless nights in this chilling cell with little enough light to grow a snowdrop.. :: Guy: Daehp... Guy...Taboo: ::smiling.:: I know…. ::Guy wiped his mouth and finished the chocolate cereal bar crammed with energy and nourishment, Daydan got comfortableon the cold hard bed and sat next to the malnourished prisonerand removed the cloak from him, Guy looked up weakly objectingbut too afraid to speak, Daydan then stood up and swirled the cloak open and around his shoulders and then sat down againalso engulfing the ragged prisoner sitting with him, he pulledthe skinny man in closer by the shoulder as if to hug him, he then closed his eyes opening his mind up to every feeling, every cry for help, every lust to inflict pain, every vengefulthought that was coming from the minds of the guards and the prisoners around him..:: Taboo: oO Sleep Guy Windsor. Tomorrow, we escape. Oo ::Before long Daydan’s head rest back against the bulkhead ofthe cell, his hood shielding his bare skin from the cold of thewalls, he soon started to drift into a reasonably comfortablesleep in preparation for the day ahead..:: ::When the door to the cell opened with a clanking of metal Daydan opened one eye to observe the figure beyond. Guywas already standing in the doorway, now his daily routine of torture so ingrained into him that he knew he would not get any rest or food until that daily nightmare was over.. As the Betazoid looked on at the scene he saw the tattered clothing of his cell mate, the shirt on his back was little morethan a collar and upper sleeves, the rest hung about his torsodarkened with dirt and his dried blood.. His pants were littledifferent. his waist band and one leg had ripped and tied around him to give him what shred of decency he could muster.The Betazoids hazel green eyes looked over the patch workof deep hideous scars that littered the Terran’s body.. It did not take long for Daydan’s mind to fill with hate, his eyes slowly focused on the guards as they grabbed Guy by thearms and started to manhandle him out of the cell.. :: Taboo: ::Standing up.:: Leave him alone!::The guards stopped dead, one of them checked the settingson his blaster, the other shoved Guy to one side roughly to puthome the point of who was actually in charge here..:: T’louse: Interesting..::Said the calm elegant female voice, the Romulan female enteredlicking her lips as she circled Daydan looking him up and down, he could sense her sexual interest in him as she closed in finally standing toe to toe with him, her dark black eyes looked deeplyinto Daydans own sparkling green eyes, she smiled at him turningher back on him seductively.:: T’louse: What pretty eyes you have Terran. They would looknice on my desk, or should I give them to my felionoid as playthings… hmmm.. Speak prisoner..::She grabbed his mouth tightly squeezing his lips into an abnormal shape.. Daydan flicked his head to one side and freed himself from her tarantula like grip only to look right back at her.. The Betazoid stared into her bottomless eyes forming an image in her mind.. Suddenly she was completelynaked, her body spread eagled and firmly tied to a chrome wheel,she had her back to him and had to crane her neck to see him. He stood a few meters away cracking a whip over his head, each lash hitting close to her perfect youthful flesh.Each crack of the whip making her scream out in anticipationof the coming pain.. As much as she tried to keep tears fromher eyes the fear in them was clear enough. The woman inthe cell staggered backwards almost falling over herself toget clear of him..:: T’louse: Get him away, Telepath, away I said.. ::No sooner had the guards looked at each other in confusionthan Daydan lunged at the female striking her hard across thejaw, she fell backwards already horizontal before she hit theground.. The Kung-fu wielding priest soon made short work of the stunned guards, he tied them up and took their blasters.The female was out cold on the floor, Guy kicked her lightly with his toe to see if she would react..:: Guy: Sthe aei hlun... ::He stared down at the Romulan female who had put himthrough so much pain.. Daydan was surprised to feel no anger or vengeful emotions coming from the Terran, he seemed almost devoid of any emotion that would givehim hope…:: ::The Betazoid pushed a blaster into Guys hand and almostdragged him down the long winding corridors easily avoidingoncoming guards with his well honed and skilful empathic senses..:: ::Daydan found his way to an dirt room that had loads of cold weather and arctic gear inside, if everything went well and he could coax Guy to walk the five kilometres to the rendezvous point he could get them beamed up to the small shuttle pod and away.. He looked at Guy, he hardly had the strength towalk let alone march through snow.. Daydan shook his head and went about preparing for the inhospitable conditions outsideand helping dress Guy so that he could at least stand a chanceof making it.. Once they were dressed Daydan opened the large steel doors, snow flooded in flurries, Guy stepped outside and dropped to his knees smiling and looking up at the night sky, he looked back at Daydan through a thick fur hood and thermalbalaclava and goggles, Daydan closed the doors behind him andpatted Guy on his back..:: Taboo: Come on you…Lets get you home!! ::He yelled through the noise of the snow storm and the howling winds… The two figures pushed on through thestorm, Daydan did his best to shield the frail Terran from the -40oC temperatures but to no avail, the driving wind and the cold soon sapped what little energy the tortured survivor had.. within a few hundred yards Daydan was carrying the Terran on his back and walked tall the wayto the rendezvous point.. It was slow headway againstthe driving snow, however Daydan kept the Terran goingby linking with him telepathically, reliving old memories asif they had shared those things together.. Guy had a relativelyexciting and comfortable life prior to his kidnapping, it wasonly for a forbidden love that he cherished more than lifeitself that led him to this nightmare.. It was a long hard twohours through deep driving snow but when the remote shuttle pod flew over head and beamed them up Daydan slumped down with his companion to the ground relieved to be out of the cold.. Within minutes the shuttle was high in orbit ducking beneath Romulan sensors and flying towards it’s next rendezvous point.. :: ((USS Crispin – Passenger section)) ((Present time))::The hooded man of the Guild lay his head back againstthe head rest of his chair and closed his eyes.. within daysthey would be at Starbase 118, from there who knows wherethey would end up. Guy trying to pick up the pieces of his past life and for Daydan onto some other job, some other wrong that needed to be righted.. All that went through Daydan’s mind was “Why?” He now lived by a code of honour far older than the Federation...Going back in timealmost two thousand years. To always protect the weakand to honour courage..:: ::Guy looked across at the mysterious Betazoid man and hugged himself, this stranger who saved his life. There was a deep respect and presence about the man.. When Daydan turned to face him Guy closed his eyes and wentback to sleep. He was warm, safe, well fed and with a friendhe knew he could trust. With his eyes closed he slept without shivering, without the screams of torture and dared to dream again..::Taboo of the Guild
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