Popular Post Alieth Posted December 7, 2023 Popular Post Posted December 7, 2023 Just.... just @Karrod Niachere for you, ladies and gentlemen. XD ((Officers Gymnasium, 0230 hours, Deck 5, USS Ronin)) Having sustained only injuries to his posterior and his pride Karrod dropped into tight fighting stance and began launching exploratory blows, trying to keep the viper quick Vulcan on the back foot. His already exhausted arms protested the fresh abuse as he tossed a series of jabs that were a lot slower than he'd hoped. He faded back from his assault a step and shook out his arms, trying to get blood where it needed to be in a hurry. Alieth: Tired already, Karrod? I would have expected a better performance. Outwardly Karrod scowled as he dropped into a deeper stance but within he felt strangely light. For the first time since coming to the gym he could feel himself relaxing, his mind settling as he put aside everything and focused solely on his opponent. Raga: Hmm. Speaking of performances. Am I judging a sparring match or a Vulcan dance off? He cast a sour glance in the direction of his soon to be former first officer. Niac: Isn't there some paddwork you should be doing? Karrod felt his muscles finally loosening and he dropped low, closing the distance to Alieth in a heartbeat. He fell back on experience and instead of wasting energy trying to connect with Alieth, he began directing her, closing off her avenues of escape with blow after blow until she found herself getting pushed back to the mats edge. In the moment her focus wavered between her guard and her footing, Karrod snuck in a left jab that connected with an iron hard cheekbone. She'd brought her hands up at the last moment and encircled his wrist but didn't try to grapple him, instead pressing fingers into the joint. Raga: I believe the challenge was to be pushed off the mat, or put on the mat. Not bludgeon each other. ::He smirked:: Especially when said hit pushes you off the mat. Point for the Captain. Alieth: A fair point, indeed. Karrod smiled and stepped back, drawing his left hand back but finding it strangely numb and unresponsive. The sensation radiated up along his arm until his entire forearm felt uncomfortably limp. He lifted his left arm with his right hand and when he released, it flopped back bonelessly against his side. Niac: I swear this never happens to me. The chuckle from his XO was entirely too amused for Karrod's taste as he fruitlessly rubbed his shoulder. Alieth: As I told you, V'Shan. :: That twinkle in her eye appeared again:: It includes a thorough use of the pressure points to target the opponent's nervous system. Worry not, in a few hours you will be able to close your hand again. Raga: On that note. ::He glanced up slightly:: =/\= Raga to Sickbay. Please have someone on standby. The Captain and Second Officer are sparring in the Gymnasium on Deck Five. =/\= Karrod felt himself breathing hard from the effort but kept a tight smile on his face and his eyes on Alieth. The small greenish welt that was forming on her cheek was little reward for a limp and useless arm but it was a small salve on his pride. Niac: Pfft, nothing to worry about Mr. Raga, I don't feel a thing. Literally. Alieth: Response Raga: One point a piece. Three rounds, remember Alieth? ::He smiled impishly:: Unless you’d like to concede? Karrod raised his one good arm and flexed his fingers. He lowered it and shifted his shoulders, his limp arm swinging like a meaty flail. Niac: I've got plenty to work with, Toryn. You're not getting out of this that easily Alieth. Alieth: Response Raga: Back to your sides then. ::He waited for several moments:: Begin. The two of them rushed forward and met in the center of the mat as Karrod twisted to keep his useless arm from getting in the way. He poured what little energy he had left into fending off her snaps and attempts to grab at him, ducking away at the last moment more than once as she went for a leg lock or another shoulder throw. His focus had narrowed so completely that he entirely missed Doctor Kel's arrival. What he didn't miss was the Doctor's entirely aggrieved tone. Kel: How long has this been going on? Raga: Response Sweating and breathing hard, Karrod dropped back a step and got his single useful arm back up. He kept his attention focused on Alieth and smirked. Niac: Starting to see how you ended up with a tattoo that says 'she-devil' in Klingon. Alieth: Response Niac: Oh, it's in your personnel file. ::Karrod settled deeper into his stance:: After you, boQDu'! Karrod had poked the bear and was instantly on the defense as Alieth snuck under his guard and slammed a shoulder into his ribcage, causing him to grunt and stagger back as he struggled for breath. Kel: ::throwing his hands up in the air, exasperated:: I just fixed those ribs!!! Karrod winced as he tried to cover his battered side with a useless arm and called out. Niac: You did a great job Doctor, they barely cracked this time. He was mostly kidding. Raga/Alieth: Response Karrod feinted back twice as if losing his balance but shifted his momentum at the last moment, drawing Alieth in so close she was off balance and momentarily vulnerable. He wrenched his shoulders as hard as he could and swung his limp arm like a great meaty flail, smacking Alieth full in the face with the totality of his limp forearm. She staggered back from the weighty blow with a small stream of green blood trickling from her nose. Kel: ::sighs, looks at Raga:: I went to great lengths to make sure her blood composition was perfect after she nearly disintegrated. Niac: Trust me Doc, her blood is fine. Maybe a little too good honestly. Next time try to slow her down a little. Raga/Alieth: Response Both fighters backed off, giving one another a small reprieve where they circled around the edge of the mat, preparing whatever final assault they could come up with. Karrod considered his options, having to admit that Alieth was younger, fitter, stronger and clearly had a formidable amount of talent. An ancient human turn of phrase sprang into his mind and he chuckled to himself. Niac: Alieth, have you ever heard of the greatest defense against youth and ability? Raga/Alieth: Response Kel: Oh no, this is for me. ::touches hypo to his neck:: I feel a headache coming on. Niac: Tell you? I'd rather show you. Raga/Alieth: Response Karrod darted in with the remainder of his strength and threw in a jab that was nearly identical to the one that had snuck through her defenses before. He wasn't surprised when she caught it easily and had in fact depended on it. While she was momentarily focused on disabling his other arm he pivoted, wrapping her in a bear hug and lifting her off before falling forward, using the totality of his weight to pin the wriggling Vulcan to the mat with a massive thud. He tried shifting to the side, suddenly worried the young woman would get smothered, and discovered that with two arms that were numb to the shoulders he had no leverage at all. Beneath him he could feel Alieth squirming and yelling into the mat in protest. Beck: Don't tell me - you're filming Rocky 5000 and you need someone to fill in as a cutter. Flopping like a beached cetacean Karrod called out to the growing crowd of onlookers. Niac: I hope one of you brought a crane because there's no way in hell I can get up. Raga/Alieth/Kel/Beck: response Karrod chuckled as the three of them wrestled him into a sitting position, his arms dangling uselessly by his sides. Niac: All things considered I think we can call that a draw, Alieth. That is, if the referee agrees. Raga/Alieth: response Niac: Well Doctor I suppose this will make an interesting update for your medical log. 'CO rendered armless in sparring match.' Kel/Beck: Response Tags/TBC! ((Only adding a few tags since this one is getting pretty long - great job everybody!)) ================================ Commander Karrod Niac Commanding Officer USS Ronin - NCC-34523 V239509GT0 2 1 2
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