Popular Post Alcyone Brennan Posted July 30, 2022 Popular Post Posted July 30, 2022 I expected a lot, but not this Quote ((OOC: I thought you might appreciate a few links to get you up to speed on the good Doctor Gott, the ships visiting Ferengi psychoanalyst. Enjoy!)) ((Counselors Suites, Deck 7, USS Excalibur)) As the latinum plated and jewel encrusted tooth sharpener whirred away with its ear soothing shriek Gott mentally reviewed his preparations once again, wondering if there was any small detail he'd overlooked or been forced to compromise on in his haste to prepare. He'd been informed, much too late in his opinion, that his competition would be arriving shortly and like any good Ferengi with the lobes for commerce, he fully intended to mince his competition into a fine paste without mercy. He'd had a monopoly on the psychiatric market aboard ship for several months now and while he'd entrenched himself as deeply as a Levodian blood tick and become a beloved asset to the crew, he didn't like the idea of someone coming in and disrupting his carefully constructed business concern. Whoever this Lt. Seta Jinean was, Gott hoped they'd be off the ship and entirely reconsidering their career by the end of the week. Sooner, if at all possible. His toothy smile now a healthy mottled yellow and his teeth themselves honed to perfection, Gott dressed in his finest multichromatic clothes and made his way into the bland and dreary sickbay that served as the unimpressive entrance lobby to what was and should continue to be his exclusive domain. His holographic digital assistant Atraxia purred from the padd within his jacket, complimenting his fine grooming and fashion sense and assuring him that there was no one who could rightly compete with him in the psychiatric arts. With his confidence overflowing Gott stepped to the outer doors of Sickbay and activated the holographic sign he'd had an engineering crew install earlier in the day. The sign, scrolling friendly letters in an eye soothing iridescent green and puce, entreated the crew to visit Doctor Gott for counseling services that would be, today and today only, offered at a significant discount. Gott smiled so widely he drew blood from his own lip in the process. Gott: Let's see her compete with that! A random crewmember walking down the corridor noticed the sign and stopped, clearly astonished at the potential but entirely unclear degree of savings, and Gott hurried over to make his first pitch of the day. Gott: Ah, yes, Crewman....man....hu-man...whatever! I can see you've got a sharp eye for a deal! Lets get you inside the counseling suites and we'll be working through phobias in no time. So, what's wrong with you? Depressed? Scared of spiders? Irresistible urge to shove your extremities in the warp core? Whatever it is, we'll get it attended to and I'll even throw in a copy of my latest book, written aboard this very vessel, called 'Gott Real!' It talks about how I singlehandedly overcame that bothersome CloQ being just a few weeks ago and saved the whole crew! Gott could see the man stammering but noticed coming down the hallway behind him was the very Bajoran female he'd been told to expect. Shifting tracks he began loudly shooing the crewman away. Gott:...no, no, you're the real hero, Crewman Human....you really opened up emotionally in there. So much healing. So much growth. So many deeply held secrets shared between us, due to the depth of our therapeutic bond. No no, don't thank me, please, I'm much too modest for that, just go...be a productive little Starfleetie...cook or something! Gott shifted his attention as the crewman scurried down the hall. Gott had entirely forgotten the man existed before five seconds had gone by with his focus now entirely on the competition. Gott: And you must be Ensign Seat Genes! ::Gott laid on his most unctuous charm:: What an unexpected coincidence, meeting you here. Jinean: Response Gott scoffed and pulled out his finest Tholian silk hankerchief, strategically allowing his coat to separate enough to reveal a look at the latinum publication medallions hanging around his neck. His publisher and the FCA had charged him an exorbitant fee to provide him with physical proof of his various successes and he rarely found an opportunity to so openly flaunt them. They were heavy and uncomfortable and were causing his neck to cramp but at the competitions overawed expression he knew he'd hit the mark. Gott: Oh, please, him? Just a few minor neuroses, barely enough to publish a new book on. Have you? Published, I mean? What am I saying, of course you have! Jinean: Response Gott could tell he had the poor woman right where he wanted when another customer came down the hallway. Gott fell on the man instantly. Gott: Ah, Lieutenant Commander...you! What brings you by my humble practice today? Jinean/Etan: Response Gott huffed a dismissal as if he could barely be bothered to realize someone else was in the hallway. Gott: Oh, her? I think she's lost. ::Gott raised his voice like he was speaking to someone hard of hearing.:: I said the shuttlebay is back that way! Jinean/Etan: Response Tags/TBC ====================================== Gott Ferengi Commerce Authority Bonded Psychotherapist Noted Author Ships Counselor, Interspecies Medical Exchange V239509GT0 3 1 2
Piweh Posted July 31, 2022 Posted July 31, 2022 Really enjoyed the "Do you even lift bro?" energy regarding book publishing. 2 1
Theo Whittaker Posted August 3, 2022 Posted August 3, 2022 Honestly, Gott is already in my Top 5 favourite 118 characters -of all time!- and this post really reinforces why that is. @Karrod Niac has created such an indelible character and we have to stan! 2 1
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