Popular Post Dekas Posted July 5, 2022 Popular Post Posted July 5, 2022 @John Kendrick This is lovely, and you're a lovely writer. And for some reason I was tired enough that I accidentally posted this in the General Discussion before, so if you get two of these notifications, that's why. But now it's where it belongs in the appreciations. You did very well at expressing this character's emotions and describing the situation. ♥️ Quote ((Darkness)) Wilhelmina was trapped, trapped inside a cocoon woven by the arachnoid species that had attacked her and her team. She felt defeated and feared that her life had come to an end. But she was still so young! She had only graduated from the Academy two months ago and was so looking forward to exploring those strange new worlds and seeking out new lifeforms - Starfleet's promise to every young and eager cadet that enlisted. Unfortunately her very first first contact mission was probably going to be her last as well. She had cried. Cursed Starfleet and everyone on Denali Station, including herself. Especially herself. She should have fired her phaser when she had the chance. Why did she wait? Why had she hesitated? Those questions raced through her mind until she realised that feeling sorry for herself wouldn't solve anything. The way things were, the chances that she'd be able to get out of here alive were slim to nonexistent. This was her own personal Kobayashi Maru. So, she decided to be brave and take her destiny into her own hands. Her fingers touched the cocoon. It was made of a strong, yet flexible material. Perhaps she could find a way to cut through it? She pushed her fingernails into the cocoon, trying to push her fingers through, but that didn't work. She needed something sharper. A swiss army knife would come in handy. They should add that to the list of standard away team equipment. She made a mental note to bring it up at the next staff meeting. oO If I get out of here alive. Oo She didn't have anything sharp with her… Or, wait… Perhaps she did! Her combadge!!! At least if they hadn't plucked it off her uniform. With her left arm she tried to push against the cocoon, trying to make more room so she could reach for her combadge with the other. It took some wiggling but after a minute or so she felt the delta sign still attached on her jacked. She pulled it off very carefully, afraid she'd drop it, and with the sharp end she started cutting through the cocoon. Kreeeeee!! Kree! Krrrreeeee! She stopped as she suddenly heard these strange noises. Wherever she was, she definitely wasn't alone. The noise stopped and she decided to continue her attempt to escape. Slowly but steadily she made progress. What started as a small rip became a hole large enough to put her hands through. As she tried to tear open the cocoon, she lost her balance and fell through the hole and straight down onto the concrete floor - head first. The room was barely lit so she didn't realise that the cocoon was hanging several meters above the floor. She tried to get back up on her feet, but it felt like her brains were about to burst out of her skull. Every inch of her body hurt. And then she heard them again. That same noise. Kreeeeee!! Kree! Krrrreeeee! From the corner of her eye she saw long hairy legs skittering towards her. This is it, she thought. Please make it quick. She closed her eyes, expecting her head to be pulled from her body and paraded around the room for everyone to see. Except… that didn't happen. Instead she felt her body being lifted up by the creature. Very gently. She kept her eyes closed, afraid to look the creature in the eyes. The creature hurried away, she didn't know where to. In less than a minute or so, the creature lowered her again and laid her down on what felt like a table. Cold, metallic and with a smooth surface. Still she didn't dare to open her eyes. Her head pounded. And then, through her closed eyes, she noticed a light. A soft, purple light moving back and forth. Her pain diminished. What was happening? What were they doing? And then she fell unconscious. TBC === MSNPC Ensign Wilhelmina Leynen as simmed by: Lieutenant John Kendrick Chief Security and Tactical DENALI STATION J239801JK 5
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