Popular Post Theo Whittaker Posted May 30, 2022 Popular Post Posted May 30, 2022 DORIS HUNT! (If you know, you know;). No but seriously, this was another fantastic piece written by our very own @Yalu -- (( The Round Table, Deck 13, USS Excalibur-A )) Yogan barely had enough time to return to his seat before the holoprotector activated, encasing Vitor in what appeared to be an ornately decorated piece of crockery. Silveira: Thank you. Centuries ago there was a set of tales, called Arabian Nights. Let us say I found them… Inspiring… Hearing Sil’s voice from behind his concealment made Yogan even more excited about the performance. Earlier, Vitor had been insistent that a reveal was integral to his act, and wouldn’t even divulge to the Master of Ceremonies the finer details of what he planned to do on stage. Yogan recalled little about Earth history to fix The Arabian Nights into any familiar frame of reference, but the music began before he’d pondered many deep thoughts, and Yogan was immediately distracted by the performance playing out before him. Silveira: If you want to be with me / Baby there’s a price to pay / I am a genie in a bottle / You gotta rub me the right way Sil not only gyrated and moved his arms around his hips to the rhythm of the unfamiliar song, but he also attempted a rather ambitious-looking cartwheel during the chorus. Silveira: If you want to be with me / I can make your wish come through / You got to make a big impression / I have to like what you do. Another attempted cartwheel followed, and while Sil had the strength and the desire of a world-class gymnast, he lacked a quality that the industry insiders called, “Lick it and stick it.” Yogan could practically hear Sil’s ankle snap during the botched landing, and the Human tactician’s body landed on the stage with an equally grotesque thud a moment later. Yogan scanned the audience for any of the dozens of trained medical officers who served on the ship. Perhaps MacKenzie would get to demonstrate her surgical abilities after all. The music continued, and Yogan got up from his seat to help Sil off the stage and move things along from the unfortunate injury. However, Sil, true to form, cast off his high heeled shoes and stood, then continued the song with a pronounced limp and a sweaty forehead. Silveira: If you want to be with me / I can make your wish come through / Just come and set me free baby / And I’ll be with you / I am a genie in a bottle baby / Come, come, come on and let me out. When the music ended and the holoprojector deactivated, Yogan led the round of applause, encouraging the audience to reward not only Sil’s talent, but also his perseverance. Sil admirably limped off the stage under his own power, but made a beeline for the nearest available seat. Silveira: I know this sounds silly, but is there a Doctor in the Table? Any: response As Yogan took the stage to introduce the next act, he thought he might try another one of his prepared jokes. Yalu: Come now, Admiral, if a job’s worth doing, I thought you were a professional. This time, instead of a rimsot, a plaintive, solitary trumped made a whomp-whomp sound. Yalu: oO C’mon, one of these has got to land. Oo Our next act, straight from the factories of Lakonna, it’s the Amazing Talos! Talos took the stage in a flashy outfit that reflected starry specks of light back out into the audience, and an array of differently colored neck-ties draped over both of his outstretched arms. Dakora::To the crowd.:: I'm going to start the show, I promise! I just kind of couldn't decide which tie to go with! ::He walked to the edge of the stage and pointed at someone in the first row.:: You! Which one should I wear!? Any: response Dakora: Excellent choice. With a flourish he whipped all of the various ties off of his arms and discarded them off to the side of the stage, then theatrically unbuttoned and opened his blazer to reveal that the exact tie the person had chosen was already dangling loosely around his neck, hidden by the outerwear all along. He cinched it up in one smooth movement and launched into the rest of his act. The audience applauded excitedly at the mind-bending surprise. Several increasingly unlikely things were seemingly transformed into white doves during his next trick followed by his pulling of a half-dozen things out of an upturned top hat including a comm-badge, concealment phaser, and a Horga'hn which looked strikingly familiar to the one MacKenzie had painted with Yogan on Risa. In a pièce de résistance, Talos finally reached his entire arm up to the shoulder into the top hat, and pulled out a white rabbit. A couple of sleight of hand card tricks followed, before Talos rolled out a rather large wooden trunk and prepared for his finale. Dakora: And now! What I'm sure you've all been waiting for... I'm going to make myself disappear! He opened the trunk and tipped it toward the crowd so they could see there were no visible tricks and knocked on the wooden walls of the crate to demonstrate it's authenticity. With a flourish, he climbed into the crate and closed the lid on himself. A curtain rose in front of the crate for no more than a second or so then fell back to the floor. The lid popped open and Adriana Morgan appeared, wearing her own version of Talos' magician's suit. Yogan lept to his feet in rapturous applause as Talos appeared from the side of the stage, now wearing only a pair of boxer shorts covered in cartoonish red hearts. Yogan was delighted; the act told a story all its own! Dakora: Thank you! Good-night! (( OOC: I’m trimming the end of Talos’ sim that takes place at the bar, but don’t let that stop you from picking up those tags. )) As Talos helpfully cleared the stage of his props, Yogan took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves. It was showtime, his big moment, his opportunity to show Keroga and all the others his acting chops. He disappeared into the character of Doris Hunt and stood at the center of the stage, his nunchucks swaying slowly back and forth from his belt. Yalu: ::somberly:: This piece is called Cloaked Lust II. Blackout. Yogan got into position at the back of the stage, holding a pose that could only be described as “Sensual Swan meets Wall Street Businessman.” Yalu: In the dream, I’m drowning, but I just don’t know it at first. Tell me, Colonel, do you ever hear water and imagine it’s going to be a lovely dream? Do ya? ::long beat:: Well?! He took several steps forward, as if challenging the audience to a fight. The spotlight followed every step of the way, and he placed a hand on his nunchucks to keep them from jangling their way out of their holster. Yalu: Everything, everyone sounds so differently when you’re cloaked, Colonel. One moment, it’s a wonderful night on the beach or a cruise in the moonlight, or a summer afternoon in a secret cove. But a moment after being fooled into expecting bonfires, or handsome captains, or treasures in the weedy shore, it becomes very clear that it’s all an illusion. Executing the blocking with Keroga’s precision, Yogan backed up and reached his hands to the floor. Not as nimble as his former host, Yogan wasn’t able to place his palms on the stage floor, but he got close enough. Yalu: I’m a rock, Colonel. He then moved into a flowing, side-by-side movement of the head and arms. Yalu: Now I’m a river, Colonel. Then he stood firmly in position, his arms outstretched. Yalu: Now I’m a tree. Do you see me, Colonel? Do you see the tree? Are you proud of the tree? Has the tree made you proud. ::weeps:: Oh, god. Colonel, please, please tell me you’re proud of the tree. Yogan reached to his belt and grabbed the nunchucks, then swung them flailingly about, using the wild and erratic movements to provide punctuation to the next several statements. Yalu: Don’t you see, Colonel? When you’re cloaked, you can be anything or anyone. You can hear things you’re not meant to hear, see things no one would want to show you. You can be everywhere and nowhere at once. It’s a liberating prison. ::growls and snarls:: I’m a pit bull now, Colonel! A frisky pitbull who chases after a frolicsome rabbit! Arf! Arf! Don’t you see what you’ve done to me, Colonel? I’ve been cloaked so long that I–– ::beat:: I–– ::beat:: Yogan dropped the nunchucks and rolled himself into a ball on the stagefloor. Yalu: I don’t even know who I am anymore! I’ve got the cloaked lust… Two! Blackout. A moment later, the lights came up slowly, and Yogan collected his nunchucks. Yalu: Thank you. Any: response Yogan left the stage and shrugged off the character of Secret Agent Doris Hunt. The performance was fun, but there was no doubt as to why this role had ruined Keroga's acting career. (( OOC: There’s still plenty of show! If you haven’t done a talent yet, it’s not too late! )) Tag / TBC Lieutenant Commander Yogan Yalu Strategic Operations Officer USS Excalibur NCC-41903-A Justin D238804DS0 2 1 3
Alora DeVeau Posted May 31, 2022 Posted May 31, 2022 I'm at the mechanic reading this giggling out loud while hoping no one thinks I'm crazy! 2
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