Popular Post Kalianna Nicholotti Posted January 30, 2022 Popular Post Posted January 30, 2022 (( Room 02-1601, USS Excalibur-A )) Addison sat cross-legged on the floor of her quarters, a series of PADDs surrounding her in various piles on the floor. She was bothered – an unusual emotion for the surgeon… Annoyed, sure. Concerned, frequently. But very rarely bothered. And yet, here she was. The conversation with Genkos left her uneasy – far more uneasy than it probably should have. The medical officer had never been a source of aggravation for the red-headed doctor, and yet she’d been unable to shake the conversation they’d had in his office just a few days before. Clearly there was something causing an issue with the leg. He claimed it to be Phantom Limb, she didn’t buy it. There was either something wrong with the leg, or something wrong with Genkos, and she wasn’t sure which. But she was going to find out. Unfortunately, on her quest for answers, she’d stumbled down a rabbit hole of old cases. Some existed in distant recesses of her brain, covered in the haze of time; others were much fresher. She picked up the first PADD: Adea’s limb replacement. Line by line, she combed through the medical report. From the limb’s design and replication by Geoff Teller, to its customizations, to Addison’s transplant, the procedure was as perfect as she could have asked for. She hadn’t been diligent with regular examinations of the limb, but Genkos was a medical officer, and with the surgeon who installed the prosthetic on the same ship, it should have been unspoken that he could have reached out to her if he was experiencing any problems. She picked up another PADD: Adea’s medical history and psychological profile. This was a document with which she’d familiarized herself extensively before she considered him a candidate for the procedure. She knew of the original accident that took his limb, she knew about its replacement, the psychological and physical rehabilitation he underwent, and his dependence on alcohol. While there weren’t any immediate red flags, it was always possible the current issues were rooted somewhere in a past that reports couldn’t reveal. She tossed it down and rolled her eyes in annoyance. Perhaps she’d forward it to Meidra and mandate counseling for him… Another PADD: G’VAR. The security officer from the Veritas was the first patient Teller and MacKenzie had created the new prostheses for, and it served as the beginning of the partnership between the doctor and the engineer, replicating new limbs for those in need. She combed through the original design and procedure and, even though that particular replacement was an arm and partial shoulder joint, the basic principles were the same when it came to Adea’s prosthetic. There had been a few kinks to work out with the original, but once the initial pain subsided, G’var hadn’t reported any additional issues with the prosthetic, nor had any more been logged in her personnel file. She tossed the PADD down and picked up one from a different pile: NICHOLOTTI. The Resolution-Excalibur’s commanding officer had nearly died of a disease that found her shifting through time. Fortunately, Addison had developed a therapy that targeted the group of cells in the woman’s temporal lobe that were causing her to shift through time and witness/experience events that happened in the past. As far as she knew, the Commodore hadn’t reported any further issues, nor had Addison witnessed any behavior that would have been concerning. A success, she supposed. Another PADD from another pile. This time: MACKENZIE. The document had been partially scrolled through, and on the screen when she picked it up was an image of her. The image had been taken just after she was rescued from the Tal Shiar agents who had kidnapped and tortured her shortly after she’d arrived on the Duronis II Embassy. Her face and torso were bruised and swollen nearly beyond recognition. Addison stared at the picture for a moment before her face became warm and she hurled the PADD across the room, clattering against the wall and the floor with a metallic clink. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in through her nose, then slowly out through her mouth. She stood up and smoothed the front of her pants, which also allowed her to shake out her legs and restore the blood flow to her feet, and when the pin[...]s on the bottoms of her feet finally stopped, made toward the door. She needed a walk. …or some bourbon. --- Commander Addison MacKenzie, M.D., Ph.D., FASFS First Officer USS Excalibur-A V239601AM0 5 1
Genkos Adea Posted January 30, 2022 Posted January 30, 2022 Came here to add this, glad you did it first. A beautiful sim. 2 1
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